
ɡàn yǔ
  • Gan;Jiangxi speech
  1. 井冈山客话与永新赣语的语音差异

    The Difference of Phonetics between Jinggangshan Hakka and Yongxi Gan Dialect

  2. 赣语新余方言的小称词缀的及其他相关词缀

    Three Noun Suffixes of Xinyu Dialect in Jiangxi Province

  3. 有赣语继续东扩、方言岛走向衰落、形成县域通行方言的趋势。

    The dialectal island is declining and trending to form county field dialect .

  4. 江西横峰县姚家闽语中的赣语性成分

    Jiangxi Dialectal Elements in Fujian Dialect of Yaojia , Hengfeng County , Jiangxi Province

  5. 吴城方言与南昌方言同属赣语昌靖片。

    Both Wucheng dialect and Nanchang dialect belong to Chang-jing section of Gan dialect .

  6. 文章对洞口城关镇话为代表的赣语特征进行了大致描写。

    This essay will describes the Chengguan dialect which has the Gan group phonological features .

  7. 与相邻的吴语和赣语比较,既有联系又有区别。

    And the adjacent wu dialects and gan language more , both relation and difference .

  8. 本文对湖南赣语以及湖南方言的研究有一定的参考价值。

    It is helpful for os to study Gan-Dialect in Hunan province and Hunan dialects .

  9. 从《湖南方言调查报告》看湖南赣语的语音概貌

    Phonological Survey of Gan Dialect in Hunan from the Material of Report of Hunan Dialect Survey

  10. 加强区域研究突出区域特征是赣语语音研究的重点。

    The key field for phonetic study of Gan dialect will be focused on regional-features highlighted researches .

  11. 第四章将重点讨论典型理论和江西境内赣语中虚词的关系。

    Chapter four will discuss the relationship between the prototype theory and function words of Jiangxi Gan dialect .

  12. 倒的本字应该是到,是移民从赣语区带来的。

    Its origin should be the homophony " dao " brought into the dialect by immigrants from the Can dialect areas .

  13. 赣语与客家话关系特殊,就方言一级来说赣语的标准很难确立。

    The special correlation between Gan and Hakka dialects makes the former hardly to be clearly defined as a first-rank dialect .

  14. 从词汇成分看古汉语对赣语形成与发展的影响

    Analysis of the Influence of Ancient Chinese on the Formation and Development of Gan Dialect from the Perspective of Vocabulary Components

  15. 永丰县位于江西省中南部,属吉安市,是客家话和赣语的交接地带。

    Yongfeng in central and southern Jiangxi Province , belongs to Ji ' an , a Hakka , and Gan transition zone .

  16. 西南官话与新湘语、老湘语、赣语、西南官话的接触;

    And such changes as the contact with Xi ' nan mandarin , new Xiang dialect , old Xiang dialect and Gan dialect ;

  17. 有学者把永新方言说成是客家方言,可是井冈山客话与永新赣语仅在语音上的差异,就足以说明二者的方言系属。

    But just only the phonetic difference between Jinggangshan Hakka dialect and Yongxin Gan dialect can explain sufficiently that the two dialects are not integrated .

  18. 位于江西中部的吉安赣语的词缀,不但类型丰富,而且颇具自身的特点。

    The suffixes of Gan dialects in Ji'an , in the middle of Jiangxi Province , are not only affluent , but also characteristic in their type .

  19. 湖南洞口县炭山一带,是官话、湘语和赣语交汇之处,其语音系统颇具特色。

    This paper describes the phonological system of Tanshan dialect , which is used in the junction of Mandarin and Xiang dialect in Tongkou County , Hunan province .

  20. 主要探讨赣语泰和方言中的三个常用动词,考察它们的本字以及它们在古今汉语中的使用面貌。

    This paper explores three common verbs in Taihe sub-dialect of Gan dialects , studying their etymological words , and the usages in both Ancient Chinese and Modern Chinese .

  21. 本文描写了陕西安康汉滨区牛蹄乡赣语方言岛的语音系统,列出了同音字汇。

    This article describes the phonological system and its features of Gan dialect in Hanbin district , the city of Ankang , Shaanxi providence and lists the homophony syllabify .

  22. 第三章在结合大量方言语料实例这一前提下,逐一分析江西境内赣语中虚词的句法特点和语义特征。

    In chapter three , combined with plenty dialect samples , both syntactic features and semantic characteristics of different function words in Jiangxi Gan dialect are respectively explained in detail .

  23. 都昌方言属北片赣语,它的语法有其特殊现象,词类、附加、重叠形式和句法跟普通话都有不相同之处。

    Duchang dialect is of northern part 's Gan-dialect and has its features in the grammar , in parts of speech , suffix , reduplication pattern and syntax compared as Putonghua .

  24. 湖南赣语语音整体面貌如何,目前还缺乏全面而深入的研究,本文可以填补这一空白。

    As to the whole Phonological visage of Gan dialect in Hunan province , it is still short of thorough and penetrating study , this dissertation would try to fill up this blankness .

  25. 本文旨在运用典型理论,对江西境内赣语中的虚词做深入的句法和语义分析,并找出相应的句法典型和语义典型。

    This thesis aims to apply the prototype theory to analyze function words in Jiangxi Gan dialect from the perspective of syntax and semantics in depth , and then find out corresponding syntactic and semantic prototypes .

  26. 第三章针对会同方言与湘语、西南官话、赣语的语音特点进行了比较,以弄清会同方言与这三种方言间的亲疏关系。

    The third chapter aims to compare Huitong dialect with Xiang groups , southwest mandarin and Gan Dialect in the aspect of phonetic features , in order to understand fully the relationship between Huitong dialect and these three dialects .

  27. 运用田野调查法和比较法两种基本方法,从声母、韵母、声调三个方面介绍了湖南赣语的语音面貌。

    In the way of using the two basic study methods : fieldwork and comparision , this paper describes the Phonological visage of Gan dialect in Hunan from the following three aspects such as onset , rime and tone .

  28. 这一章将阐释运用典型理论研究江西境内赣语虚词的可行性,以及典型性在其句法和语义上的具体体现。

    In this chapter , the possibility of adopting a prototypical angle in the study will be introduced at first , and a prototypical approach to find out both syntactic and semantic prototypes of function words in Jiangxi Gan dialect is applied .

  29. 赣东北客语语音研究

    A Study of Pronunciation of the Hakka Dialects in the Northeast of Jiangxi Province

  30. 赣东北客语地处我国汉语方言最复杂的地区,处于当地吴语、赣语的包围之中。

    The Hakka dialects in the Northeast of Jiangxi Province is located in the most complicated area of dialect of Chinese of our country , in the surrounding of the Wu dialects and the Gan dialects in that place .