
  1. 关于赣南客家文化研究和利用的几个问题

    Some Issues Studied and Utilized in Gannan 's Hakka Culture

  2. 赣南客家文化审美论

    Aesthetic Standards of Hakka Culture in Gannan Area

  3. 与闽西、粤东相比,赣南客家文化以其历史悠久和内容丰富而为世人所瞩目。

    Compared with the Western Fujian And Eastern Guangdong , Gannan 's hakka culture is longer , richer and more attactive .

  4. 赣南客家民俗文化中的语言禁忌

    Gannan Hakka People 's Taboo in Their Custom Culture

  5. 从地域性的视野分析,家法族规是赣南客家传统文化的一部分,其历史久远。

    Based on the field work analysis on regionalization , family laws are partially traditional culture of Gannan Hakka people , which has a long history .

  6. 赣南客家民俗文化中有不少语言禁忌,主要反映在年节日期、婚丧大事、生育疾病、家居生活、饲养种植、林业采伐等几方面。

    Gannan Hakka people have a lot of taboos in their custom culture , mainly reflecting in their festivals , wedding , birth , sicknesses , daily life , breeding , farming , forestry and so on .

  7. 试论赣南客家竹民俗文化资源及其开发与利用

    Cover South Gan Hakka Folk Cultural Resources and Bamboo Development and Utilization

  8. 论赣南客家古村落文化的保护&以赣县白鹭村为例

    By Gannan Hakkas Ancient Village Culture Protection & Take Ganxian Egret Village as Example

  9. 目的是将赣南客家民俗体育文化以最形象、最直观的方式展现给大家。

    Our goal is to show the public Hakka Folk Sports in southern Jiangxi most iconically and visually .

  10. 并呈现出一定的地域特征,即整合性、地域性、不均衡性、神圣性与凡俗性,反映了清代赣南民间社会的客家文化特质和农村市场的内在逻辑。

    They obviously possessed economical and cultural function , showed those characters such as integration , locality , unequilibrium , sacredness , folklore and so on , and reflected the essence of Hakka culture and the essential logic of rural markets in Gannan root-society in Qing dynasty .