
  1. 两处岩洞相连还真像是个大葫芦。

    The two rock caves linked together does look like a giant gourd .

  2. 老人身边带着4个大葫芦,正准备坐下休息吃东西。

    The old man was carrying four enormous gourds and had just sat down to rest and eat .

  3. 事情好象是,他那个罗科伏柯岛上的居民,在他们的结婚筵席上,都要把嫩椰子压出来的芬芳的椰汁,滴在一只象潘趣酒壶一般的染色大葫芦里;

    The people of his island of Rokovoko , it seems , at their wedding feasts express the fragrant water of young cocoanuts into a large stained calabash like a punchbowl ;

  4. 通常这么大的葫芦太脆弱,没法用来做家具。

    Usually gourds that big are much too fragile to be used as furniture .

  5. 我也是第一次看到这么大的葫芦,高兴极了。

    Never before have I seen such a big gourd , so I was very happy .

  6. 大吨位电动葫芦单梁门式起重机

    Large tonnage single girder gantry crane with electric hoist