
  1. 结果表明,湖泊水体δ18O主要反映了湖泊水源变化及湖泊水体与长江洪水期/枯水期交替演变的特征关系。

    The results show that δ ~ 18O shifts in lake waters reflect the variations of water sources of the lakes , and the relations of alternative evolution between lake waters during flood season and dry season of the Yangtze River .

  2. 近百年来长江洪水变化的初步分析

    Analysis of flood variation of Yangzi River in last 100 years

  3. 长江洪水特性及防洪对策探讨

    Flood characteristics of Yangtze River and related countermeasures for flood control

  4. 长江洪水对急性血吸虫病流行的影响及防治对策研究

    Impact and Countermeasures on acute schistosomiasis transmission by Yangtze River flood

  5. 由1998年长江洪水对淮河行蓄洪区的思考

    From 1998 Yangtze River Flood to Huaihe River Water Detention and Diversion

  6. 长江洪水特征分析

    The Character of Food of Yangtze River The Flood

  7. 鄱阳湖湿地是国际重要湿地之一,具有生态、水文控制、环境控制三大功能,对调蓄长江洪水、调节气候和保护生物多样性具有重要意义。

    Poyang Lake marsh area is one of the most important international wetlands .

  8. 长江洪水预报系统集成关键技术应用研究

    Application of Key Techniques in Integration of Flood Forecasting System on Yangtze River

  9. 关于1998年长江洪水调度及认识

    Regulation of 1998 Yangtze flood and relevant experience

  10. 长江洪水与生态建设

    The Changjiang River Waterflood and Ecology Construction

  11. 鄱阳湖对长江洪水调蓄功能的分析

    Analysis on the Pondage Action of the Poyang Lake to the Flood in Yangtze River

  12. 长江洪水资源化思考

    Possible Floodwater Utilization of the Yangtze River

  13. 他表示,现在长江洪水的预防和控制已经进入了关键阶段。

    He said flood prevention and control of the Yangtze River had entered a critical stage .

  14. 洞庭湖是中国乃至全球重要的湿地和候鸟保护区,在调节长江洪水径流、保护物种基因或生物多样性方面发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Dongting Lake is Chinese and even the global important wetland and the migratory bird protection zone .

  15. 建立卫星接收系统和水文模型提高长江洪水预报的监测能力

    Build satellite receiving system and hydrological model for increasing monitoring capacity of flood forecast of the Yangtze River

  16. 对筑坝调控鄱阳湖水的思考鄱阳湖对长江洪水调蓄功能的分析

    CONSIDERATION ON DAMMING THE POYANG LAKE Analysis on the Pondage Action of the Poyang Lake to the Flood in Yangtze River

  17. 规划中该水库负有清江下游防洪和与长江洪水错峰的双重任务。

    The reservoir functions for flood control of lower stretch of Qingjiang river and flood peak alternation with the Yangtze flood .

  18. 长江洪水灾害主要集中在上游的四川盆地和中下游平原地区;

    The flood disasters of the Yangtze river mainly centralize in Sichuan basin area and the plain area of the middle and lower Yangtze river ;

  19. 中国新华社报道,长江洪水量已达三峡大坝最高容纳能力,大坝再一次面临考验。

    China 's Three Gorges Dam has faced a second test as floods pushed the water in its reservoir to near its capacity , state media said .

  20. 第2章首先分析了洪水的气象成因,研究了四水洪水遭遇及四水与长江洪水遭遇的情况;

    In chapter 2 , we analyze the meteorological causes of flood , and investigate the concurrence of four main rivers and four main rivers versus Yangtse River .

  21. 但由于长江洪水范围广,峰高量大,部分地区防洪形势仍然严峻。

    But for wide scope of the Yangtze river flood , with high peak and large volume , the flood control situation in partial areas is still severe .

  22. 建设三峡大坝的初衷是控制每年肆虐的长江洪水,并为中国不断增长的经济提供清洁的电力来源。

    The dam was originally built to contain the ravaging annual floods of the Yangtze and to provide China 's growing economy with a cleaner source of electricity .

  23. 目的探讨水淹对钉螺生存的影响,为长江洪水和三峡建坝引起的水位变化对血吸虫传播的影响提供依据。

    Objective To study the influence of drowning on survival of Oncomelania in order to provide evidences for the influence on the spreading of schistosomiasis due to the construction of Three Gorges Dam .

  24. 中国在20世纪80年代开始大力扩种砍伐殆尽的森林,而这一行动的力度1998年以后愈发增强,因为当时长江洪水泛滥被归因于猖獗的采伐行为。

    China began aggressive efforts to expand its depleted forests in the 1980s , and that campaign took on a new intensity after 1998 , when flooding of the Yangtze River was attributed to rampant logging .

  25. 通过分析研究长江洪水以及洪水对河口演变的影响,有如下认识:长江洪水发生频率和最大洪峰流量都有增大的趋势,这主要与全球气候变暖和长江中下游人类活动作用加剧有关。

    With the research of the flood and its effect to the estuary evolution , we can learn that : the frequency and the max flood peak increase , mainly relate to the globe warming and the human activity .

  26. 对过度围垦的田地,要根据条件与可能,区别不同情况,逐步平垸行洪、退田还湖。由1998年长江洪水对淮河行蓄洪区的思考

    In over-cultivated lake areas . in line with local conditions , the embankments will be removed to help discharge flood water and return farmland to the lake . From 1998 Yangtze River Flood to Huaihe River Water Detention and Diversion

  27. 探讨长江洪水的水文计算问题,建议舍弃水文系列中的不可靠的历史洪水与推算系列,直接采用1946年以来实测系列推算频率洪水;

    Flood calculation for the Yangtze River is discussed . It is suggested that the unreliable historical flood records and routed data in hydrological series be given up , and the data measured since 1946 be used to calculate flood frequency .

  28. 分析了长江洪水的成因与特点,诸如气候异常、洪水遭遇、淤积与围垦的影响等。

    The causes of formation , the characteristics of the flood in the Changjiang River were analyzed in this paper such as the abnormal climate , encountered floods , the effects of the deposition and the reclaimed land from marshes , and etc.

  29. 长江洪水资源化不仅是由长江水资源特点、流域水旱交替频率加大及不断增加的水资源需求所决定,也是解决华北水资源短缺的重要途径。

    Floodwater utilization can not only lessen spatio-temporal unbalance of water resources and frequency of flood and drought and alleviate stress of the increasing need of water in the Yangtze River , but also can be an important measure to resolve the water resources shortage in North China .

  30. 试论长江流域洪水灾害风险管理

    On risk management of flood disasters in the Yangtze river basin