
  • 网络ganzhou city
  1. 赣州市矿产资源开发利用的SWOT分析

    The SWOT analysis of mineral resources development and utilization of the Ganzhou city

  2. 构建赣州市循环经济发展模式的思考

    Considerations about Structuring the Circular Economy Development Model in Ganzhou City

  3. 第四章指出了赣州市住房保障制度存在的问题。

    Chapter IV pointed out the housing security system Ganzhou problems .

  4. 赣州市钨产业科技发展问题分析

    On the Scientific & Technological Development of Ganzhou 's Tungsten Industry

  5. 赣州市反复流产夫妇的遗传咨询研究

    A Genetic Study of Some Couples With Repeated Miscarriage in Ganzhou

  6. 欠发达地区小城镇发展路径建构研究&以江西省赣州市为例

    Research on Paths of Promoting Small Towns Development in Underdeveloped Areas

  7. 赣州市1996~2006年性病疫情监测分析

    Analysis of monitoring sexually transmitted disease in Ganzhou from 1996 to 2006

  8. 图为赣州市新区面貌。

    The picture shows the view of Ganzhou City 's New District .

  9. 1998~2008年赣州市食品微生物检验结果的分析

    Analysis of food microorganism test results during 1998 ~ 2008 in Ganzhou

  10. 赣州市生态农业发展现状及对策研究

    Current Situation and Strategies of Ecological Agriculture Development in Ganzhou

  11. 赣州市主要河段溶解氧、耗氧量特性分析

    Do and COD feature analysis in main river stage of Ganzhou City

  12. 赣州市老年人主观幸福感影响因素研究

    On Influence Factors for the Wellness of the Aged in Ganzhou City

  13. 赣州市红色旅游区发展战略思考

    Research of development strategy on ganzhou 's red tourist zone

  14. 赣州市开发建设项目中产生的水土流失分析

    Soil Erosion Caused by Local Development and Construction Projects in Ganzhou City

  15. 关于建设赣州市城市应急饮用水源的思考

    Considerations about Constructing the Urban Emergency Drinking Water Sources in Ganzhou City

  16. 赣州市1小时城市经济圈划分研究

    Division of One - hour City Economic Circle in Ganzhou

  17. 江西省赣州市新农村建设规划对策研究

    Strategies of the New Rural Construction Planning in Ganzhou City , Jiangxi Province

  18. 赣州市老年人体育锻炼参与意向的调查与研究

    Ganzhou City Aged People Athletics Sport Attendance the Intention 's Inquisition and Research

  19. 赣州市街道和公园绿化树种的选择应用

    Choose Application of Green Tree Species for Streets and Parks in Ganzhou City

  20. 赣州市水土流失态势及其防治对策

    Situation of Soil and Water Losses of Ganzhou City and Its Control Measures

  21. 赣州市部分医学生人体蠕形螨感染情况的调查分析

    Investigation in Infections Rate of Follicle Mite in Some Medical Students in Ganzhou

  22. 赣州市流感病毒分离培养及其疫情监测的报告

    Report of Ganzhou isolation and culture of influenza virus and its epidemic monitoring

  23. 赣州市城市社区卫生服务经济运行状况分析

    The Analysis of Operational Economical Status of Community Health Service in Ganzhou City

  24. 赣州市社区体育现状调查与发展对策研究

    Investigating and Developing the counterplan research of Ganzhou City Community Athletics the Present Condition

  25. 赣州市居民糖尿病患病率调查及危险因素探讨

    Investigation and Exploration on diabetes prevalence in Ganzhou City and its risk factor explore

  26. 第五部分是赣州市产业承接的对策思考。

    The fifth part is about some countermeasures of the industry acceptance of Ganzhou .

  27. 赣州市矿山生态环境现状及保护对策

    The current situation and protection measures about ecological environment of mine in Ganzhou city

  28. 赣州市城区高中生信息素养状况调查分析

    The Survey and Analysis of High School Students ' Information Literacy in Ganzhou City

  29. 赣州市中学生课外体育锻炼调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Sports Exercise after Class of Middle School Students in Ganzhou City

  30. 论红色旅游与客家文化的结合&以江西省赣州市为例

    On the Combination of Red Tourism and Hakka Traditional Culture & A Case of Ganzhou