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  1. 东莞市医护人员HIV职业暴露情况分析

    Analysis of occupational exposure of doctors and nurses to HIV in Dongguan City

  2. 基于遗传算法自动获取CA模型的参数&以东莞市城市发展模拟为例

    Calibrating urban cellular automata using genetic algorithms

  3. 广东省东莞市实施DOTS策略10年效果分析

    Effect of implementing DOTS strategy in Dongguan during 1992 & 2001

  4. 目的分析东莞市实施DOTS策略的效果。

    Objective To analyze the effect of implementing DOTS strategy in Dongguang .

  5. 东莞市江胜实业有限公司成立于2003年,是一家大型的PVC充气产品制造商。

    Dongguan Johnson industrial Co. , LTD was founded in2003 , is a large-scale manufacturer of PVC inflatable products .

  6. 东莞市国智节能科技有限公司主要产品系列有:食品、药品制造工厂专用LED三防灯、冷库灯、吊灯等。

    We offer a range of products which are suitable for food and pharmaceutical manufacturing , such as the LED Tri-poof Light , the Cold Storage Lamp , the Pendant Lamp , etc.

  7. ABC热电有限公司(以下简称ABC公司)位于东莞市科技工业园南端,主要经营热电联供发电项目。

    ABC Cogeneration Company is located in the south of the Science and Technology Industrial Park of Dongguan City . It mainly runs the cogeneration power projects .

  8. 了解东莞市体检人群中乙肝病毒(HBV)感染情况与血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)的异常率。

    Objective To be acquainted with the status of hepatitis B ( HBV ) infection and abnormal rate of alanine transferase ( ALT ) in general population in Dongguan .

  9. 结果在24份阳性标本中,有13份标本PCR扩增阳性,亚型分析结果表明东莞市存在HIV-1B和CRF01-AE两种亚型。

    Results Among 24 anti-HIV-1 antibody positive samples , 13 HIV-1 env gene fragments were amplified and analyzed .

  10. 基于休闲商务功能视角的RBD规划初探&以转型中的东莞市东城区为例

    Exploration of RBD Planning Based on the Perspective of Recreational Business Function : A Case Study of Dongguan East District

  11. 东莞市蔬菜基地邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)的污染特征研究酞酸二丁酯一般用来作为这类增塑剂。

    Occurrence of Phthalic Acid Esters ( PAEs ) in Vegetable fields of Dongguan City Dibutyl phthalate is commonly employed as such a plasticizer .

  12. 结果东莞市自1991年发现首例输入性HIV感染者以来,到2005年底共检出HIV感染者759例,HIV感染者报告数呈现逐年增长趋势;

    Results Since the first imported HIV - infection was found in Dongguan City in 1991 , 759 HIV - infected cases had been reported by the end of 2005 . The number of reported HIV infections increased year by year .

  13. 东莞市一起CoxA(16)病毒引起的幼儿园手足口病爆发疫情调查

    Investigation of An Outbreak of Hand , Foot and Mouth Disease Caused by CoxA_ ( 16 ) Virus in A Kindergarten in Dongguan City

  14. 有一个重要的E36东莞市在新加坡。

    There 's a significant E36 following in Singapore .

  15. 新高科技有限公司位于东莞市塘厦镇,是一家生产FFC排线的高科技企业,欢迎登陆公司网站:WWW。

    Dongguan City Xingao Technology Co. , Ltd Town , is a manufacturer of high-tech enterprise FFC cable , please visit the company 's Web site : WWW.

  16. 方法选取在东莞市桥头镇生活、工作和学习2a以上,2004年参加预防性和职业性体检的7种不同职业的5800人的HBV血清学检测结果进行统计分析。

    [ Methods ] HBV serological examination was conducted on 5 800 people of 7 different occupations who had been living in Qiaotou County for over 2 years , statistic analysis was made on the result .

  17. 本文结合东莞市的经济发展情况,介绍了该市规划和筹建公众高速多媒体通信网的概况,并重点推荐了几项应用于ATM宽带网络的通信新业务。

    The planning and construction of the high - speed multimedia communications networks in Dongguan city have been described in the light of the local economic development conditions . Some new telecom services available over the broadband ATM networks have been proposed .

  18. 笔者通过《东莞市域轨道交通沿线土地利用专题研究》发现.东莞轨道网络功能定位、速度选择以及线路布局很大程度上与TOD理论相吻合。

    Through " the Research of Land Use along the Transit in Dongguan City ", the author discovers that there has been good foundation for the application of TDD theory in Dongguan - the land development mode , the function , speed and layout of transit network .

  19. 结论HIV-1B和CRF01-AE可能是东莞市艾滋病病毒流行的主要亚型。

    Subtypes B and E of HIV-1 virus strains were found in Dongguan city . Conclusion Subtype B and E of HIV-1 are probably main epidemiological strains in Dongguan .

  20. 公司位于东莞市南城区,靠近G107国道和广深高速东莞城区石鼓出口,北通广州,南抵深圳香港,交通十分方便。

    The company is located at Nancheng District of Dongguan city , adjacent to G107 State Road and Shigu Exit of Guang-shen Expressway , which connects Guangzhou in the north and Hong Kong in the south .

  21. 在中国制造业重镇——东莞市的一家工厂外,校车放下了一群孩子。这些孩子的父母就在这家美驰图(Maisto)玩具厂工作,生产比美高(Bburago)车模收藏品和遥控玩具车。

    Outside a factory in Dongguan , a city in China 's manufacturing heartlands , school buses drop off children whose parents work at the Maisto toy factory , which manufactures Bburago collectable cars and radio-controlled vehicles .

  22. 东莞市电信分公司在对市场需求、经济效益、技术成熟度及网络发展进行分析后,决定有计划按步骤地推广HomePNA业务,并于近期完成了设备选型。

    Dongguan Telecom has decided to deploy the HomePNA service in a planned way and step by step after it made analysis of its market demands , economic benefits , technical maturity and network development conditions . It has completed the system type selection lately .

  23. 东莞市2007年狂犬病门诊暴露人群监测分析

    Survey of population exposed to rabies in rabies-clinics in Dongguan City

  24. 区域经济与政府行为&海淀区、东莞市发展经济的经验和问题

    Regional Economy and Government Behavior The Case of Haidian and Dongguan

  25. 东莞市蔬菜重金属污染状况研究

    Assessment of pollution of heavy metals on vegetables in Dongguan city

  26. 东莞市某镇儿童麻疹抗体水平监测

    Monitoring of MORBILLOUS antibody level in a town of dong-guan City

  27. 广东省东莞市一家祭祀品专卖店。

    A shop in Dongguan , Guangdong Province selling sacrificial offerings .

  28. 东莞市结核病控制项目可持续发展的探讨

    The investigation of sustainable development of TB control project in Dongguan

  29. 广东省东莞市女性民工潮调查报告

    A Survey of the Female Labour Force in Dongguan , Guangdong

  30. 东莞市外来流动人口传染病出院患者的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of the floating population discharged patients with infectious diseases