
  • 网络Lungshan Temple;Longshan Temple;Long Son Pagoda
  1. 用平常街拍的方式,帮小练桑纪录上周末的龙山寺之行,完整的请看相簿。

    This is another record of travel that recorded my friends go to worship in Mengjia Longshan Temple last weekend .

  2. 游台北要从龙山寺和华西街附近的老小区开始。

    The starting point for any visit to Taipei should be the old district around Lungshan Temple and snake alley .

  3. 龙山寺是台北历史最悠久的古寺之一。

    The Longshan Buddhist Temple is one of the oldest temples in Taipei .

  4. 龙山寺建于18世纪初期供奉的是两位重要的女神&仁慈女神观音和守护渔民的马祖。

    Lungshan temple the name means dragon hill was built in the early18th century to honor two important goddesses , Kuan yin , the goddess of mercy , and matsu , who helps fishermen .