
lóng mén qǐ zhòng jī
  • gantry crane;goliath crane
龙门起重机[lóng mén qǐ zhòng jī]
  1. 用磁测法测定龙门起重机钢结构初始应力

    Determining the Initial Stress in Gantry Crane Steel Structure by Magnetic Method

  2. 龙门起重机电气故障诊断系统的开发

    Development of electric failure diagnosis system for gantry crane

  3. 龙门起重机金属结构CAD系统研究与开发

    Research and Development of CAD System for Steel Structure Design of Gantry Crane

  4. 基于ANSYS的龙门起重机结构系统谐响应分析

    The Structural System of Gantry Based on ANSYS Responds Analyzing Humorously

  5. 此外,运用有限元分析软件ANSYS对一台龙门起重机进行可靠性分析。

    In addition , the probability analysis for a crane is conducted by using the famous software ANSYS .

  6. 在第三章中,介绍了CBR技术的原理和特点,以龙门起重机结构设计为例,并将之运用到结构智能设计模板中。

    Chapter 3 introduce the CBR method and applies it to structure intelligence design template .

  7. 附属物的或构成附属物的;尤其指肢体附属物。龙门起重机金属结构CAD系统研究与开发

    Relating to or consisting of an appendage or appendages ; especially the limbs . Research and Development of CAD System for Steel Structure Design of Gantry Crane

  8. LSD液压同步提升系统在船厂龙门起重机安装工程中的应用

    Application of LSD Hydraulic Synchronic-lifting Mechanism in the Installation of Gantry Crane

  9. Samson和Goliath,两个决定贝尔法斯特天际线的龙门起重机,静静的矗立在那里,时刻提醒着人们这个城市造船业曾经的荣耀。

    SAMSON and Goliath , the two gantry cranes that dominateBelfast 's skyline , stand as reminders of the city 's former shipbuilding glory .

  10. 针对抓斗龙门起重机门腿开裂的情况,采用ANSYS程序对龙门起重机整机的应力分布进行了分析,成功地模拟了由于大车启制动时两侧腿的位移不同步而产生的应力集中现象。

    In this paper , for investigation into the cracking on legs of grab bucket gantry crane , the ANSYS program is used to analyze the distributing of stress , it simulates successfully the stress concentraion created by asynchronism of two legs when startup or trig .

  11. 结合集装箱运输和码头装卸工艺发展的现状,对新型双小车岸桥和共轨式集装箱轨道龙门起重机(RMG)作简要的介绍

    This paper describes development and current situation of container transportation and container terminal handling technologies and gives a brief presentation of the new twin trolley quayside container crane and RMG

  12. 算例测试表明,算法的平均相对对偶间隙为1%,平均计算时间为4min,这种方法对于港口堆场内轮胎式龙门起重机的动态优化配置是有效的。

    Computation results show that the average duality gap is within 1 % , the average computation time is 4 min , which demonstrates the model is feasible . 4 tabs , 13 refs .

  13. 当前,在进行集装箱码头堆场设备选配时,轮胎龙门起重机(RTG)已成为人们的第一选择,而作为同族兄弟的轨道龙门起重机(RMG)往往被人们忽视。

    At present , when people select equipment for container storage yards , Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane ( RTG ) has become their first selection . And as the " agnate brother " of RTG , Rail Mounted Gantry Crane ( RMG ) often neglected by them .

  14. 双梁桁架龙门起重机主梁的优化设计

    The Optimization Design for the Truss Gantry Crane with Double Girders

  15. 双梁龙门起重机水平刚度计算

    The Horizontal Rigidity Calculation for the Gantry Crane with Double Beams

  16. 大跨度旋转桁架式龙门起重机钢结构分析计算

    Steel Construction Analysis on Gantry Crane of Large-span Rotatory Truss Type

  17. 运枕龙门起重机液压系统的设计

    The Design of Hydraulic System of Gantry Crane for Transporting Sleeper

  18. 集装箱龙门起重机门架结构刚度性能的探讨

    Inquiry on the Stiffness of Framed Structure in Gantry Container Crane

  19. 集装箱龙门起重机大车走行机构的设计计算

    Design and Computation of Running Gear of Container Gantry Crane Cart

  20. 滑移拖曳工艺在大型龙门起重机搬迁中的应用

    Application of slippage dragging technology to transferring of large portal crane

  21. 龙门起重机的动态特性F250/F237龙门铣床

    Dynamic Behavior of Gantry Cranes Gantry Milling Machine F250 / F237

  22. 龙门起重机的结构断裂及使用寿命研究

    Structure Fracture and Study of Useful Life of Gantry Cranes

  23. 龙门起重机用钢轨断裂原因试验分析

    Causes and experimental analysis of gantry crane 's rail fracture

  24. 基于概率统计的集装箱龙门起重机生产率研究

    Productivity Research Based on Statistical Probability of Container Gantry Cranes

  25. 抓斗龙门起重机金属结构开裂的处理方法

    A Treatment Method of the Metal Structural Cracking in Grab Gantry Crane

  26. 集装箱龙门起重机:用于集装箱码头。

    Container gantry crane : Used for container terminal .

  27. 龙门起重机主体钢结构三维建模与虚拟装配

    On the Three-dimensional modeling and virtual assembly of steel structure for gantry cranes

  28. 集装箱龙门起重机;

    Gantry operation safety analysis of quayside container cranes ;

  29. 龙门起重机金属结构强度有限元计算分析

    Finite Element Analysis for Structural Strength of Gantry Crane

  30. 轮胎式龙门起重机是港口主要的作业设备之一。

    Rubber-tyred gantry crane is one of the main operating equipment in port .