
láo dònɡ bào chóu
  • Labor remuneration;payment for labor;remuneration for labor;remuneration for personal services
  1. 积极看待劳动报酬率的提高

    The enhancement of the payment for labor rate should be treated

  2. 关于发达国家罪犯劳动报酬制度的思考

    Thoughts On the System of Criminals ' Payment for Labor in Developed Countries

  3. (二)追索劳动报酬的;

    e \# ( 2 ) those involving claims for remuneration for labour ;

  4. 但是就在这一时期劳动报酬占GDP的比重却呈现下降趋势。

    However , labor income share in this period had been declining .

  5. FDI的引进,会通过某种或某些渠道对货币供应量、固定资产投资和平均劳动报酬产生影响,进而推动物价水平的上涨,产生通货膨胀的压力。

    FDI will increase Money Supply Amount , Fixed Assets Investment Amount and Average Wage Amount through one or some channels , then pushing price level up .

  6. 关键事实是,劳动报酬在中国GDP中所占比重从1983年的57%,降至2005年的区区37%,且此后一直停留在这个水平。

    The killer fact was that the share of wages and salaries in GDP dropped to a mere 37 per cent in 2005 , from 57 per cent in 1983 , and remained static since then .

  7. 在定性分析产业内部和产业外部的影响因素的基础上,采用向量自回归模型(VAR)来实证检验产业结构变动幅度、财政收入比重和市场垄断程度对劳动报酬占比的影响。

    On the basis of qualitative analysis of industry influence internal and external factors of industry on the use of VAR model to empirical testing the magnitude of changes in the industrial structure , the proportion of fiscal revenue and market influence the degree of monopoly on the labor share .

  8. 据这份报告显示,2015年,中国人均可支配收入增长了7.4%,比往年的增长幅度都要高。但是,中国的收入分配制度仍然面临挑战,例如居民收入占GDP份额较低、劳动报酬占初次分配的比例较低。

    According to the report , per capita disposable income in China increased by 7.4 percent in 2015 , higher than increases in previous years . However , the income distribution system still faces challenges , as represented by the low proportion of residents ' income to GDP , and of labor remuneration to primary distribution .

  9. 居民劳动报酬对功能收入分配的影响分析

    Resident Labour Income Effect on the pattern of Function Income Distribution

  10. 我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。

    We are never late in satisfying him for his labor .

  11. 试论提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重

    Advance the proportion of the labor reward in the preliminary distribution

  12. 老板的劳动报酬是利润。

    Bosses get rewarded for their work by through the profits .

  13. 我们给他优厚的工资作为他的劳动报酬。

    We paid him well in consideration of his labours .

  14. 资本深化、技术进步与全球化下的劳动报酬份额

    Effects of Capital-deepening , Technology Progress and Globalization on Labor Income Share

  15. 论劳动报酬权的优先权属性

    On the Nature of Right of Priority for One 's Labor Reward

  16. 告知被派遣劳动者的工作要求和劳动报酬;

    Informing the job requirements and labor remuneration to the dispatched workers ;

  17. 工资即我们常说的劳动报酬。

    Salary namely the work reward that we often say .

  18. 劳动报酬权是劳动者在劳动关系中享有的基本的和核心的权利。

    Therefore labor remuneration right becomes an elementary right enjoyed by the labor .

  19. 发现重庆市劳动报酬占比的变动趋势存在变异。

    Study found that labor share changes in trends are variation in Chongqing .

  20. 具体表现在:1、工资性劳动报酬收入持续增加;

    Show concretely : 1 . the income of labour remuneration increased continuously ;

  21. 农民工劳动报酬权实证研究

    Positivism Study on the Migrant Workers ' Right of Obtaining Remuneration for Labor

  22. 三是,劳动报酬占比变动的影响因素。

    Third , the study of the affecting factors of labor share change .

  23. 甲方不按合同规定支付劳动报酬或者提供劳动条件;

    Party A fails to pay Party B according to the labor contract ;

  24. 军人劳动报酬的决定

    The decision of armyman 's payment for labour

  25. 如何维护劳动者的劳动报酬权益

    On the Protection of Remuneration Rights of Labors

  26. 城镇单位从业人员劳动报酬

    Labor Rewards of Persons Employed in Urban Units

  27. 此外,我国劳动报酬过少、居民收入偏低,收入分配现状堪忧。

    Additionally , low returns of labor make the situation of income distribution worrying .

  28. 煤炭职工劳动报酬现状及对策

    Status of coal workers ' wages and countermeasures

  29. 基于农户层面的林业劳动报酬核算研究

    Accounting of forest labor remuneration based on farmers

  30. 未及时足额支付劳动报酬的;

    It fails to pay the full amount of remunerations in a timely manner ;