
  • 网络retail brands;retailer brand;private label
  1. 感知风险与零售商品牌购买之关系研究

    A Study of Relationship between Perceived Risk and Private Label Buying

  2. 而功能风险与零售商品牌之间的相关关系并不显著。

    No remarkable relationship between functional risk and Private Label buying had been found .

  3. 产品和零售商品牌差异条件下的渠道价格策略

    Channel pricing strategy under product and retailer brand differentiation

  4. 如果感知心理风险较低,消费者更愿意购买零售商品牌。

    If the psychological risk perception is low , consumers are more willing to buy retailer brands .

  5. 因此,要研究零供之间的通道费问题,必须要从商品的需求和零售商品牌价值的研究开始。

    Therefore , researches on slotting allowances between retailers and manufacturers must begin with analyzing commercial demands and brand value .

  6. 进行数据统计分析的结果表明,财务风险、生理风险和社会风险与零售商品牌购买意愿之间存在负相关关系。以财务风险为例,当感知的财务风险低时,消费者更愿意购买零售商品牌。

    Our study discovered that there 's a respectively minor relationship between financial risk , safety risk , social risk and Private Label buying .

  7. 本研究只考虑冲动性购买行为对产品品牌的忠诚度,暂不考虑其对零售商品牌忠诚度的影响。

    This study only discusses how impulsive buying behavior affects on products ' brand loyalty , and takes no account of shopkeepers brand loyalty .

  8. 本研究是基于国内零售商品牌发展现状的实证研究,重点探讨感知风险与零售商品牌购买之间的关系。

    Based on the development of Private Labels at home , this paper concentrates on the relationship between perceived risk and Private Label buying .

  9. 是否使用零售商品牌的条件在于零售商的决策相对制造商是否是特别重要的。

    The qualification of whether or not to use a retail trader 's brand is that : whether or not the decision of the retail trader is very important to the manufacturer .

  10. 相比之下,美国连锁零售商gap品牌价值下降34%,反映了它近期定价和产品方面的问题。

    By contrast , the recent pricing and product problems at gap , the US-owned chain , are reflected in the 34 per cent decline in its brand valuation .

  11. 为什么零售商和品牌拥有者需要他们的供应商通过BRC认证?

    Why do retailers and Brand Owners need for their supplier base to have BRC certification ?

  12. 与沃尔玛、eBay、达乐公司(DollarGeneral)和CVS连锁药店合作的TriadRetailMedia公司声称,通过帮助零售商把品牌广告整合到它们的网站,它已经成为全球首屈一指的零售商货币化机构。

    Triad Retail Media , which works with Wal-Mart , eBay , Dollar General and CVS , claims it is the # 1 retailer monetization agency in the world , by helping retailers integrate brand advertising into their sites .

  13. 与沃尔玛、eBay、达乐公司(DollarGeneral)和CVS连锁药店合作的TriadRetailMedia公司声称,通过帮助零售商把品牌广告整合到它们的网站,它已经成为全球首屈一指的“零售商货币化机构”。

    Triad Retail Media , which works with Wal-Mart , eBay , Dollar General and CVS , claims it is the \# 1 " retailer monetization agency " in the world , by helping retailers integrate brand advertising into their sites .

  14. 如果你的工厂通过了BRC认证,这将给零售商和品牌拥有者一个重要的工具,这将帮助他们面对法律的责任。

    Certification of your manufacturing facility will give retailers and brand owners one of the main tools to help them with their legal obligations .

  15. 零售商和品牌拥有者对他们的品牌付有法律责任。

    Retailers and Brand Owners have a legal responsibility for their brands .

  16. 零售商自有品牌对市场绩效的影响研究

    The Effects of Retailer 's Store Brand on Market Performance

  17. 我国大型零售商自有品牌策略研究

    Research on Great Chinese Retailers ' Private Brand Tactic

  18. 中国零售商自有品牌实施的难点及对策

    Difficulties Confronting the Development of Chinese Retailers ' Private Brand and the Countermeasures

  19. 西方零售商自有品牌理论研究综述

    A Summary of Research on Retailers ' Private Brand Theory in the West

  20. 零售商自有品牌化趋势及对策研究

    Retailer Private Brand Developing Trend and Countermeasure Research

  21. 对零售商自有品牌的研究

    The domestic research on retailers ' private brand

  22. 零售商私人品牌对顾客忠诚度的影响

    The effect of store brand on customer loyalty

  23. 本文就零售商自有品牌化的发展趋势提出了发展自有品牌战略的对策,以供我国零售业发展自有品牌参考。

    This article brings forward countermeasure to the private trend , and presents reference .

  24. 零售商自有品牌感知质量的居中性&基于线索诊断理论的研究

    The Middle Position of Store Brand 's Perceived Quality : An Extrinsic Intuitive Cue Diagnosis Framework

  25. 实践的困惑与理论的空白直接制约了我国零售商自有品牌的发展。

    The practical perplexity and theoretical blank directly restrict the development of private brand in China .

  26. 试议我国零售商自有品牌的开发

    On Developing Retailers ' Private Brand

  27. 汽车零部件零售商自有品牌对零售商制造商影响博弈分析

    Strategic Game Analysis of the Automotive Parts Retailer 's Private Brands ' Impact on Retailer and Manufacturer

  28. 然而在我国,零售商自有品牌的发展还处于起步阶段。

    However , the development of private brand of retailer in China is still in its early stage .

  29. 孟加拉制衣厂事故发生后签订的工厂安全协议表明,零售商和品牌商目前正努力在成本和安全之间取得平衡。

    Factory safety agreements that followed the Bangladesh disasters suggest retailers and brands are trying to strike a balance between cost and safety .

  30. 与之形成对比的是,美国其它零售商及品牌为了削减成本而放弃了采购业务直接控制权。

    Its approach contrasts with other US retailers and brands that have moved away from direct control of their sourcing to cut costs .