
ɡuó jì bāo ɡuǒ
  • international parcel
  1. dhl正尝试在国际包裹投递领域模仿这种体验。

    DHL is trying to emulate this experience in the world of international parcel delivery .

  2. 英国当局正在着手调查一份可疑的国际快递包裹为何未被发现并成功运往土耳其。

    A major investigation is underway in Britain into how a fake bomb was transported on the UPS cargo plane from Britain to Turkey without being detected .

  3. 介绍和评述了国际上合成流体包裹体的实验方法,简述了其在实验地球化学及相关分析技术中的意义,列举了合成流体包裹体的一些分析应用。

    Methods for synthetic fluid inclusions are reviewed in details in this paper . The applications of synthetic fluid inclusions are also briefly described both in experimental geochemistry and in analytical chemistry with some examples .

  4. 这里介绍了国际邮件的特点,并提出了国际包裹邮件的自动化处理工艺流程。

    The article introduces the traits of international mails , brings forward the production now of transacting international parcels automatically .