
  • 网络International credit ratings
  1. 5月20日,惠誉国际信用评级有限公司(Fitch)将希腊的债务评级再次降低三级。

    On May 20th Fitch , a ratings agency , cut the country 's debt rating by another three notches .

  2. 国际信用评级机构抢滩中国市场

    The international Credit Rating Organization Beaches in the Chinese Market

  3. 国际信用评级机构作为原因之一受到的诟病颇多。

    As one of the causes , the international credit rating agencies have been criticized a lot .

  4. 国际信用评级制度经过长时期的发展,逐步形成了一套完善的理论和方法。

    International credit rating system has gradually come to a suit of perfect theories and methods by its long time development .

  5. 朱光耀认为,就准确地预测一个国家的经济发展状况和潜力而言,这些国际信用评级机构存在问题。

    Zhu Guangyao , the accurate prediction of a country 's economic situation and development potential , the international credit rating agency problems .

  6. 鉴于越南银行业的健康,资本外流以及经济政策虚弱等方面存在的问题,国际信用评级机构去年12月下调了越南的评级。

    International credit rating agencies downgraded Vietnam last December because of worries about the health of its banking sector , capital outflows and weak economic policies .

  7. 国际信用评级机构穆迪公司的研究部门穆迪经济网站说,在美国5200万房主中,将近27%的房主的房屋贷款超过了他们房子的市场价值。

    Moody 's Economy.com says nearly 27 percent of America 's 52 million homeowners with a home loan owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth .

  8. 一家国际信用评级机构将对美国政府财政的长期前景评估从“稳定”降低到“消极”。

    An international credit rating agency has downgraded its assessment of the long-term outlook for government finances in the United States from ' stable ' to ' negative ' .

  9. 实际上,欧盟执行委员会和美国众议院不久前已表示,将对国际信用评级公司进行调查。

    In fact , the EU 's executive Commission and the United States House of Representatives has recently said that the international credit rating company will conduct an investigation .

  10. 针对三大国际信用评级公司在美国次级债危机中的表现,财政部部长助理朱光耀做出了批评。

    For the three international credit rating companies in the United States in the performance of Subordinated Debt crisis , the Ministry of Finance Assistant Minister Zhu Guangyao made criticism .

  11. 基于这一背景,我们对国际信用评级机构关于银行信用评级(包括个体评级、支持评级和债务评级)的原理和方法进行全面的总结,并对其局限性进行分析和评论。

    In view of the above-mentioned background we have made an all-round summary of the principles and methods of how international rating agencies rate bank credits ( including individual rating , support rating and debt rating ) and made an analysis of and a comment on their limitations .

  12. 标准-普尔,慕迪斯,惠誉国际等信用评级公司更是十分担忧此事件到底会酿成何种后果。

    The firms that must be feeling most nervous about the outcome are Standard Poor 's ( S P ), Moody 's and Fitch .

  13. 为了经济发展和对外开放,我国迫切需要建立有国际影响力的民族信用评级机构。

    It is very urgent for us to establish national credit rating agency with international influences , so that economic development and openings to foreigners can be done better .

  14. 本文阐述了三大层次的问题,一是回顾了主流的债券评级方法并介绍了以穆迪、标准普尔和惠誉国际为代表的国际先进信用评级机构的债券评级技术。

    First level introduces the most important international bond rating methods and the bond rating technology of Moody 's , S & P and Fitch .