
  • 网络International investment;FDI;global investment
  1. 加入WTO与中国的国际投资税收政策调整

    On Readjusting China 's Taxation Policy for International Investment after Joining WTO

  2. 论WTO协定体制对国际投资法的发展

    On the Development of International Investment Law under the Institution of WTO

  3. WTO与国际投资法制

    WTO and the International Investment Law

  4. 近年来,有关国际投资的国际与国内立法实践,正反映了WTO体制下国际投资法的趋势与发展。

    In recent years , international and domestic legislation practices mirror the trend of international investment law under the WTO system .

  5. 在加入WTO之后,我国的引资政策必须按照世贸组织的国际投资准则加以调整,对国际直接投资既不优惠又不歧视的中性外资政策,是今后我国引进国际直接投资政策的调整方向。

    After the entry of WTO , China adjusts the policies and inclines to the neutral policy of both non-favorite and non-discrimination .

  6. 首先,从WTO争端解决机制入手,分析该机制对国际投资争端解决机制的影响。

    First , starting form WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism , this chapter analyzes the influence of this mechanism on International Investment Dispute Mechanism .

  7. 并且,随着WTO多边体制下《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》、《服务贸易总协定》等一系列多边协议的达成,国民待遇原则已经从货物贸易渗透到国际投资法制中。

    After Trade-Related Investment Measures and General Agreement on Trade in Services has been reached , national treatment has infiltrate into the legal system of international investment .

  8. 论GATS对国际投资法律制度的发展

    Legal Research on the Development of the International Investment Law under GATS

  9. WTO把国际投资纳入其调整范围,不仅对国际投资法产生重要影响,而且对各国经济法制也将产生重要影响。

    WTO will affect both laws of international investment and domestic economic legal system in many countries by the introduction of international investment into its scope of adjustment .

  10. 本文的第二部分研究了国民待遇制度的内容,阐述了WTO规则中的与国际投资有关的国民待遇规定,将外商投资活动分成外资准入和外资运营两个阶段进行分析和研究。

    The regulation about the national treatment in WTO is expounded . The whole process of foreign investment is divided into two different stages . One is the admission of foreign investment ;

  11. 其次,分析WTO争端解决机制的优缺点,取其精华去其糟粕,在拟建的国际投资争端解决机制中建议创建两大程序。

    Then it analyzes the merits and faults of WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism , discarding the dross , selecting the essence and advocating setting up two main procedures in International Investment Dispute Mechanism .

  12. 笔者提出了三个致使GATS具有多边投资协议属性的理由:第一,服务业国际投资与服务贸易之间具有紧密而不可分割的关系。

    The first one is that international investment in service has a close relationship with trade in service .

  13. 随着国际投资的一些问题纳入WTO规则体系内,WTO争议解决机制在国际投资争议解决方面也成为一个积极的扮演者。

    With key issues concerning international investment incorporated into the WTO regulating systems , a WTO based mechanism is playing an ever increasingly active role in settling disputes in the areas of international investment .

  14. 究其原因:一方面是由于我国正在引入国际投资机构(如QFII等),它们带来了西方成熟的投资理念;

    For one thing , China is introducing international investment organization such as QFII , which bring mature investment ideas .

  15. 对TRIMs、GATs以及酝酿中的多边投资协定进行研究,会知道WTO对国际投资法制已经和将要产生的影响。

    Having research on TRIMs , GATS and the multilateral investment agreement , we will know the influence which WTO has had and will have on the international investment law .

  16. 尤其是自20世纪90年代以来,一系列国际投资仲裁实践逐渐打破了ICSID公约确立的有节制的国际投资仲裁体制,呈现出多元化发展趋势。

    Especially since 1990s , a series of international investment arbitration practice has gradually brake the moderate international investment arbitration system of ICSID treaty , showing a trend of diversification .

  17. 然后,进一步分析ICSID仲裁制度中存在的问题,为使它更好地适应当今国际投资环境,提出制度上的改善方向。

    In order to make ICSID arbitral system adapt to international investment environment better , the paper further analyses the problems of ICSID arbitral system , and puts forward advice of improvement .

  18. 但是因为国际投资仲裁和国际商事仲裁相比,有其特殊性,所以不能不加变通地直接将国际商事仲裁中的合并仲裁制度应用在ICSID中。

    Compared to international commercial arbitration , the international investment arbitration has its own particularity , so we cannot directly merge the settlement mechanism of international commercial arbitration into the ICSID arbitration system .

  19. 为防止ICSID管辖权的任意扩张,东道国可在国际投资协定中综合采用广义和狭义的投资定义,以便限制ICSID的受案范围。

    The host states would comprehensively adopt a broad definition and a narrowed definition in the international investment treaties to circumscribe the scope of investment disputes submitted to ICSID for preventing arbitrary expansion of its jurisdiction .

  20. 文章通过阐述国际投资争端中心(ICSID)仲裁申请、仲裁庭的组成与仲裁员的委任、管辖权、准据法、仲裁裁决及其执行效力等基本内容,来对ICSID仲裁制度进行潜在价值分析。

    This paper analyses the potential value of ICSID arbitral system by elaborating the basic contents of ICSID , including its arbitral application , constituting of arbitral court and appointment of arbiter , jurisdiction , applicable law , the arbitrament and its effect of execution .

  21. 在国际投资争端仲裁领域中,依据《华盛顿公约》成立的ICSID(解决投资争端国际中心)为解决东道国和外国投资者之间的重大投资争端提供了一种独特的仲裁机制。

    In the area of international investment Dispute arbitration , The ICSID ( International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes ), which is established according to the Washington convention , provides a unique arbitration mechanism to settle the dispute between host countries and foreign investors for the investment .

  22. 大型土木工程国际投资风险研究

    A Study on the Risk of International Investment to Large-Scale Construction

  23. 国际投资协议;投资促进条款;策略;

    International investment agreement ; Investment promotion provision ; Strategy ;

  24. 论国际投资法实体规范的生成

    Observations on the Emergence of the Substantive International Law on Foreign Investment

  25. 国际投资争端仲裁中的法庭之友制度研究

    Research on Amicus Curiae Brief in Investor-State Arbitration under NAFTA

  26. 论国际投资仲裁中公共利益和私人利益的平衡

    The Balance of Public Interest and Private Interest in International Investment Arbitration

  27. 国际投资税收优惠政策调整及中国对策

    Adjustment of Tax Preference Policy on International Investment and China 's Countermeasures

  28. 国际投资法已呈现出前所未有的自由化趋势。

    The international investment law presents the unprecedented liberalization trend .

  29. 国际投资税收政策对跨国企业集团投资战略的影响

    The Effecf of International Investment Revenue Policy on International Groups ' Investment Strategy

  30. 国际投资风险防范分析与策略

    Analytics and Tactics of International Investment Risk on Guard