
  • 网络Educational Administration;education administration
  1. 高等教育行政管理体制,是有关国家各级高等教育行政机构的设置、隶属关系、职责权限划分诸方面制度的总称,它涉及到中央与地方、中央各行政部门之间、政府与高等学校之间的关系。

    The Higher Educational Administration System is a general concept . It relates to the relation of the central and the local , the different central departments of the government and the Higher School .

  2. 因而在学生信息管理、教育行政管理领域具有广泛的应用价值。

    Thus it is widely used in student information management , educational administration and other field .

  3. 教育行政管理是一种部门行政管理。

    Educational executive administration is a kind of departmental executive administration .

  4. 中国与蒙古高等教育行政管理结构比较研究

    Comparative Analysis of Higher Education Administration Structure in Mongolia and China

  5. 浅谈我国的教育行政管理体制改革

    With the superficial discuss of our country 's the reform of

  6. 论新时期地方教育行政管理职能的发展走向

    On the Developmental Trend of Local Education Administration in the New Period

  7. 我院教育行政管理模式探讨

    A Meditation on the Administrative Mode in Our Institute

  8. 高中性教育存在的主要问题及教育行政管理方面的对策

    Main Problems of Sex Education in Senior Middle School and Educational Administrative Strategies

  9. 第一是中美高等航海教育行政管理权力分配体制比较。

    The first is the higher comparing nautical education administrative power distribution system .

  10. 试论教育行政管理效率提高的途径

    A Tentative Discussion of the Means of Raising the Efficiency of Educational Executive Administration

  11. 教育行政管理人员专业化路径研究&基于对地县教育局长的调查

    On Specialization of Educational Administrators : Based on the Investigation of Educational Bureau Director

  12. 知识经济已向我们走来,它向高等教育行政管理提出了新的要求。

    The approaching knowledge economy sets a new demand on the administration of higher education .

  13. 第二是高等航海教育行政管理体制隶属关系比较。

    The second is the comparison of the higher education administration system subordinate relations sailing .

  14. 法、美、日三国教育行政管理体制的特点及其启示

    Features of the System of Educational Executive Management in France , America and Japan & Its Enlightenment

  15. 因此,笔者认识到探索现代中学管理制度的必要性,以期为教育行政管理部门提供一个可借鉴的参考方案。

    Based on these , author believes it is necessary to explore management system in modern secondary schools .

  16. 本文从四个角度对中美高等航海教育行政管理体制进行比较。

    This article selects four Angle of higher maritime education administrative system of China and the United States .

  17. 无论是战前还是战后,日本在教育行政管理领域,都建立了一套完整的督(视)学制度。

    Both before and after the Second World War , Japan established a sound supervisor institution in their education administration .

  18. 开放教育行政管理专科学员网上学习情况调查

    A Research and Analysis Concerning the Online-study of the Junior College Students of the Open Education Majoring in Administrative Management

  19. 从中观层次的教育行政管理体制模式、办学体制模式与教学管理制度模式改革;

    The medium-level reform of administrative system patterns of education , patterns of running schools and patterns of educational management ;

  20. 提高教育行政管理的效率,对于教育改革的进一步深化有着重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , raising the efficiency of educational executive administration is of significant realistic importance to further deepening educational reform .

  21. 管理高校资产是教育行政管理的重要工作,也是高校管理工作的重要组成部分。

    Managing university assets , is the main job of educational administration management and the main part of university management .

  22. 目前新型的高等教育行政管理体制运行模式已初步形成,并有待进一步完善。

    The current administrative system of higher education in the new operation mode shape , but to be further deepened .

  23. 依法开展内部审计,规范教育行政管理,将是我们不断探索的方向。

    To carry out internal audits in accordance with law and standardize education administration , will be our continuous exploration direction .

  24. 我国高等教育行政管理体制创新的思考高等教育行政管理体制分析&论政府与高校行政管理关系

    An Analysis of the Administrative System of Higher Education & The Relation between the Government and the Administration of Higher Education

  25. 这对教育行政管理、教育资源配置、城乡学生发展等都产生了一定的影响。

    This has influenced the educational administration , educational resource equipment and the development of the stu-dents in cities and counties .

  26. 第二部分介绍日伪较为完备的教育行政管理体系和奴化教育方针。

    Japanese Puppet Regime , introduced the second part of a more comprehensive system of educational administration and policy of enslaving education .

  27. 再次,研究法国、英国以及美国的高等教育行政管理体制,从中学习其先进经验。

    Thirdly , we should study French , British and American higher education administrative management system , to learn its advanced experience .

  28. 第二部分:教育行政管理体制是国家私学观最重要的表现形式之一。

    Part two : system of the education administration management is one of the most important show of national views on private school .

  29. 作为当地政府和教育行政管理部门,也要积极采取措施,重组县内教育资源,实现县域基础教育均衡发展。

    The third , the local government and administration of education must optimize the educational structure to keep the elementary education in balance .

  30. 改革开放之后,地方政府承担起越来越重要的教育行政管理责任。

    After the reform and opening to the outside world , the local government bears up more and more important education administration responsibility .