
  • 网络mental functioning;mental process;mentation
  1. 2C-B(4-溴-2,5-二甲氧基苯乙胺)是一种具有致幻、兴奋作用的新型滥用物质,随着给药剂量的增加可对人体产生不同程度的精神作用。

    2C-B ( 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine ) is a kind of new drug abuse which can produce euphoria , with the increase of the dosage for human body to produce different degrees of mentation .

  2. 这就使五羟色胺的正性精神作用放大,至少在部分人身上如此。

    That amplifies serotonin 's mood-brightening effect , at least for some people .

  3. 对于产生肝硬化的精神作用,我们知之甚少。

    We know very little as yet about the mental effects of severe cirrhosis of the liver .

  4. 一种量化精神作用的、应用于各个领域的测量技术的专业术语。

    A generic term used to cover any application of measurement techniques to the quantification of mental functions .

  5. 雍在祭祀方面的精神作用是主要的,它在国人心目中有着崇高的地位。

    Yongcheng is spiritually important in sacrificial offerings , as a result , occupied noble position in countrymen 's eyes .

  6. 学员队管理对培养大学生协作精神作用的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of the Effect of the Administrative Management of University Students on the Training of Their Cooperation Spirit

  7. 他十分重视善在审美过程中的精神作用。其主要内容表现在人格修养方面。

    Laozi attached importance to show the spiritual role of Virtue . And its contents mainly focus on the cultivation of individuality .

  8. 居住建筑本身所承担的功能不应仅仅是居住,同时还应该承担传承文化的精神作用和履行节约能源的社会责任。

    Residential architecture itself not only undertakes function of residence but also takes on mental function of spreading and inheriting culture , and fulfills social responsibility of saving energy .

  9. 不仅如此,荀子认为就连人类也是自然界的产物,先有了人的形体,即物质实体,然后派生精神作用,“形具而神生”。

    Furthermore , Xun Zi believed that even human beings are the products of nature : born first is the physical body , from which spiritual functions are derived .

  10. 法治作为政治文明的题中应有之义,其展现出来的重大价值和精神作用,对整个国家、社会都将具有特殊的意义。

    Rule of law is the necessary element of political civilization , of which the momentous value and effect in spirit will have special significance to whole state and society .

  11. 大量实验和临床资料表明,MA除可产生精神作用和神经毒性作用外,还可引起心血管、消化、内分泌、泌尿和生殖统疾病的发生,其中最重要的是心血管疾病。

    Numerous experiments and clinical data indicate that methamphetamine can lead to the lesions in cardiovascular , digestive , endocrine , urinary and genital systems , not just causing mentation and neurotoxicity .

  12. 支教授介绍说,癌症的产生源于多种因素,没有一个致癌因素能单独引发癌症,而精神作用对于癌症的危害,不能忽视。

    Professor branch , said the emergence of cancer from a variety of factors , there is no single cause can be a factor in causing cancer , but the spirit of the role in cancer risks can not be ignored .

  13. 社会主义核心价值体系作为当前的主流意识形态,具有维护和发展社会主义的经济基础和巩固政治上层建筑的重要精神作用,同时还能够引领和整合社会思潮。

    In addition , social thoughts also have great social influence , and it can affect the construction of harmonious society . As the mainstream ideology , the core of socialism has the important mental effects of preserving and developing the economic basis of socialism and consolidating political superstructure .

  14. 在大学生中弘扬民族精神的作用与途径

    The Role and Approaches to Advocate National Spirit among College Students

  15. 试论学习型组织的理论与实践对培育职业精神的作用

    Theory & Practice of Studying Group Affecting on Rearing Professional Spirit

  16. 论历史教育培育和弘扬民族精神的作用

    On the Role of Historical Education in Cultivating and Developing National Spirit

  17. 英国文化中的创新精神及其作用

    The innovation spirit and its effect in British culture

  18. 武术对培育和弘扬民族精神的作用探析

    Effects of Wushu on fostering and promoting national spirits

  19. 夸大精神革命作用;

    Exaggerating the role of spiritual revolution ;

  20. 科学家们说咖啡因有显而易见的刺激精神的作用,这其中还包括增加快感和能量感。

    The scientists pointed out that caffeine had'well-known psychostimulant effects'including'increased sensations of well-being and energy ' .

  21. 本文从心理学科学化视角,阐述科学精神的作用。

    From the angle of scientization of psychology the article elaborates the influence of scientific spirit .

  22. 主张在物质利益基础上,重视精神的作用。

    Meanwhile he paid great attention on the function of spirit at the basis of material interests .

  23. 人们通常明白饮食和锻炼对于保持精力至关重要,但是他们一直忽视了精神的作用。

    People usually understand that diet and fitness play a big role in energy levels but they never look at the mental aspect .

  24. 要发挥民族传统精神的作用,还需着力解决一些重要理论和现实问题。

    However , in order to bring the role of traditional spirits into play , some important theories an realistic issues still need to be discussed .

  25. 革命的大手术不但治疗了生病的民族国家统一体,对于个体而言,同样具有精神医治作用,主要表现在以党父为代表的革命象征秩序,对个体人格重塑的作用。

    The " big surgical operation " of the revolution not only cured the sick race unities , but also could treat for individual 's spirits .

  26. 而一旦人们对法律充满信仰,即使在法制状况不甚理想的社会,其也会在这种精神的作用下逐步走向完善。

    But once people has legal faith , even the legislation situations is not so satisfactory , then it will be perfect under the legal faith .

  27. 这时民族悲观主义、民族失败主义开始滋生,而且有了比较大的市场,致使中华民族精神的作用出现了颓废。

    This time , The Chinese nation pessimistic multiply and compared with the big market , Caused the Chinese nation spirit the function to appear has been dispirited .

  28. 民族精神的作用除了是民族成员共同行动的调节机制外,它还是民族内部社会秩序的公正的旁观者和民族的文化防御机制。

    The national spirit is the core mechanism to coordinate the members'actions ; what 's more , the national spirit is the self-defense mechanism and the justice mechanism in some sense .

  29. 商品拜物教的腐蚀性,集体生产方式被打破,文化的批判功能和精神先导作用的丧失等内容成为后现代文化面临的新的危机。

    The corrosiveness of commodity fetishism , the breakout of collective life , and the loss of the cultural critic and spiritual precursor , all of these become new crisis of postmodernism .

  30. 本文结论是:唐代商贾诗的大量出现是唐代经济繁荣发展、诗歌艺术趋向全面成熟、以及文人创作精神共同作用的结果。

    This paper concluded that : there is a lot of economic prosperity and development of the Tang Dynasty poetry all the arts tend to mature and creative spirit of co-writers the result .