
  • 网络symbolic meaning;symbolism;symbol;symbolic significance;symbol meaning
  1. 《圣经》中lamb的象征意义与羊文化探微

    The Symbolic Meaning of Lamb in the 《 Bible 》 and the Exploration of the Lamb-culture

  2. 通过分析2001年上海APEC领导人非正式会议着装,阐述了服装在国际社会中所具有的规定性及其由它所引申出来的象征意义。

    When analysing the costume worn by APEC leaders at the informal meeting held in Shanghai , China in 2001 , the paper elaborates on the costume and believes in its standardization and symbolic meaning .

  3. 英吉利海峡隧道对于建立一个统一的欧洲具有重大的象征意义。

    The Channel Tunnel has enormous symbolic significance for a united Europe .

  4. 在一些作品中,花具有强烈的象征意义。

    In some works , flowers take on a powerful emblematic quality .

  5. 许多拉丁美洲的官员都在强调此行的重要象征意义。

    A lot of Latin-American officials are stressing the symbolic importance of the trip

  6. 该场景具有丰富的象征意义,任何解释都可能破坏其效果。

    The scene is so rich in symbolism that any explanation risks spoiling the effect .

  7. 在这次短暂的国事访问期间,一举一动都将有着至关重要的象征意义。

    The symbolism of every gesture will be of vital importance during the short state visit .

  8. 本周一是中国加入世贸组织(WTO)5周年的纪念日,正是中国提出上述提议极具象征意义的良机。

    Next Monday 's fifth anniversary of its World Trade Organisation entry provides a fittingly symbolic moment .

  9. 这艘由中国船舶重工集团公司(ChinaShipbuildingIndustryCorp.)正式交付给中国海军的航母,其象征意义大于实际意义。

    The carrier 's formal handover to the navy from contractor China Shipbuilding Industry Corp. is largely symbolic .

  10. 奥巴马政府签署了一项具有象征意义的重要协定,并将启动与东盟(ASEAN)的峰会。

    The administration signed a symbolically important treaty and will inaugurate a summit with the Association of South-east Asian Nations .

  11. 事实上,最新预测认为,这一富有象征意义的时刻将提早到来。《经济学人》《theeconomist》最近给出的预测是2019年。

    Indeed the latest projections suggest that this symbolic moment will happen rather sooner . Recent projections by The Economist pointed to 2019 .

  12. 当阿姆斯特朗(NeilArmstrong)1969年踏上月球并在上面插上美国国旗时,其象征意义不言自明。

    When Neil Armstrong touched down on the moon in 1969 and planted an American flag , the symbolism was obvious .

  13. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)驻香港的中国经济学家梁红表示,扩大人民币汇率浮动区间,是中国汇率改革过程中一个具有象征意义、但值得赞许的进展。

    Hong Liang , Goldman Sachs ' China economist in Hong Kong , says the band widening is a symbolic but laudable development in China 's foreign exchange reform .

  14. 但美国教育委员会(americancounciloneducation)高等教育女性办公室主任唐娜菲利普斯(donnaphillips)称,在常青藤联盟院校中有4位女校长具有“惊人的象征意义”。

    But according to Donna Phillips , head of the office of women in higher education at the American Council on Education ( ACE ) , having four female presidents in the Ivy League is " incredibly symbolic " .

  15. 职业心理学家KimStephenson认为,人们会对钱的问题小题大做,是因为钱对男性和女性有着不同的象征意义。

    Kim Stephenson , an occupational psychologist , believes money is such a big deal because of what it symbolises , which may be different things to men and women .

  16. 结果表明大学生MP3设计心理评价由18个因素构成,其中核心因素是MP3随身听的象征意义与个性表现的心理价值。

    The result of factor analysis reveals that mentality evaluation of MP3 design for college students is made up of 18 factors . The basic factor is the mentality value of symbolic meaning and expression of individuality .

  17. MashaLipman:“苏联解体整整20年后,这次公众行动主义的崛起具有象征意义。”

    MASHA LIPMAN : " It 's very symbolic that we are having this public activism on the rise exactly twenty years after the collapse of the USSR . "

  18. 在西方社会,颜色有其独特的象征意义。

    In western society , colors have their exotic symbolized meanings .

  19. 试论中西文化中颜色词语的象征意义

    On the Symbols of Colour Words in Chinese and Western Culture

  20. 《白苍鹭》中姓名的象征意义

    The Symbolic Meaning of Names in " A White Heron "

  21. 这个问题的答案取决于你看重象征意义还是看重本质。

    That depends on whether you care about symbolism or substance .

  22. 但标普此举更多具有的是象征意义,而非其它。

    But the move is still more symbolic than anything else .

  23. 动物符号象征意义的解码与跨文化差异

    Decoding of Animal Words ' Symbolic Meaning and Its Intercultural Differences

  24. 特殊的时间,使这件事被赋予了更多的象征意义。

    This event has made much sense in the serious period .

  25. 当此事成为现实时,将是具有象征意义的一刻。

    When that happens , it will be a symbolic moment .

  26. 基于象征意义的轿车品牌权益形成机理研究

    On Formation Mechanism of Sedan Brand Equity Based on Brand Symbolism

  27. 在中国文化中,第一次总是具有象征意义。

    In Chinese culture , being first always carries symbolic meaning .

  28. 胎儿被赋予了高度的象征意义,而准妈妈却被无视了。

    The fetus is given symbolic importance , not the mother-to-be .

  29. 我是拉斯特法里派成员,因而头发具有很多象征意义。

    I 'm a Rastafarian , and locks symbolises a lot .

  30. 论《死火》的象征意义

    About the Symbolic Significance of the Essay The Dead Fire