
  • 网络FC Barcelona;Futbol Club Barcelona
  1. 四年前,当巴塞罗那足球俱乐部(FCBarcelona)在签入内马尔(Neymar)的合同中加入一条2.22亿欧元的解约金条款时,俱乐部官员认为没有竞争对手能够出得起这样的天文数字费用。

    When FC Barcelona inserted a 222m buyout clause into the contract of new signing Neymar four years ago , club officials believed no rival could afford such an astronomical fee .

  2. 达拉斯足球俱乐部和足球大联盟工程(美国足球大联盟的慈善部门)与联合国儿童基金会和巴塞罗那足球俱乐部有着共同的总体目标:将利用体育运动作为改善儿童福祉的一种方式。

    FC Dallas and Major League Soccer Works , the US league 's charitable arm , share the same overall goal as UNICEF and FC Barcelona : to use sport as a means of improving children 's well-being .

  3. 在他最早聘用的人员中,有曾经担任过巴塞罗那足球俱乐部(F.C.Barcelona)青训球探的何塞普·科洛梅尔(JosepColomer)。人们普遍认为,当初就是科洛梅尔发现了阿根廷少年利昂内尔·梅西(LionelMessi)。梅西或许是当今世界上最优秀的足球运动员。

    One of his early hires was Josep Colomer , a former youth scout for F.C. Barcelona generally credited with discovering Lionel Messi , perhaps the best soccer player in the world , when Messi was a boy in Argentina .

  4. 这位曾担任纽卡斯尔、巴塞罗那和英格兰足球俱乐部经理,职业生涯熠熠生辉的元老级人物经常在遣词用句中显示他毫不造作的幽默感。

    As well as being a great football manager Sir Bobby was often unintentionally funny in the way he used the English language .

  5. 我们从已故的鲍勃·罗布森爵士开始谈起吧。这位曾担任纽卡斯尔、巴塞罗那和英格兰足球俱乐部经理,职业生涯熠熠生辉的元老级人物经常在遣词用句中显示他毫不造作的幽默感。

    Let 's kick off with the late great Sir Bobby Robson , who managed Newcastle , Barcelona and England in a stellar career . As well as being a great football manager Sir Bobby was often unintentionally funny in the way he used the English language 。

  6. 他们同样在为巴塞罗那(Barcelona)足球俱乐部效力。

    They play together on the same club , Barcelona .