
  • 网络palawan;Palawan Island;Palawan Island,Philippines
  1. 部分演习将在巴拉望岛的西南方进行,这里面朝南中国海有争议的海域。

    Part of the exercise will take place near the southwestern island of Palawan , facing disputed areas of the South China Sea .

  2. 这位渔夫身份尚未得到证实。10年前,他在菲律宾巴拉望岛岸边的海洋中发现了这颗重达34千克的无价之宝。

    The man , who has not been identified , found the priceless 34kg gem ten years ago in sea off the coast of Palawan Island , Philippines .

  3. 普林塞萨港地下河是世界上最大的地下河,它开源于菲律宾巴拉望岛上喀斯特石灰岩山洞口晶莹剔透的泻湖。

    Beginning in a crystal clear lagoon at the mouth of a limestone karst cave on the Philippine island of Palawan , the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River is the world 's largest underground river .