
bā gé dá
  • Baghdad;Bagdad
巴格达[bā gé dá]
  1. NPR新闻,阿普里尔·富尔顿巴格达报道。

    April Fulton , NPR News , Bagdad .

  2. 巴格达的国王驾著魔毯飞到了阿拉伯半岛

    The caliph of Bagdad flied on his magic carpet to Arabia

  3. 一位联合国高级官员希望于本月访问巴格达。

    A senior UN official hopes to visit Baghdad this month .

  4. 战争以对巴格达和科威特的夜间空袭开始。

    The war began with overnight air raids on Baghdad and Kuwait .

  5. 阿拉伯各国同意在巴格达会晤。

    The Arab nations agreed to meet in Baghdad .

  6. 他计划周一离开巴格达。

    He planned to leave Baghdad on Monday

  7. 今天至少有几个小时,当全美人民把目光从巴格达转向圣地亚哥时,大家的关注度可能会暂时从小布什身上移开。

    For example : For a few hours at least today , the heat will be off George W Bush as America switches focus from Baghdad to San Diego .

  8. 巴格达大学教授Sa'adalHadithy警告说,伊拉克的安全局势即将恶化。

    Baghdad University Professor Sa'ad al Hadithy warns the worsening security situation could overcome Iraq .

  9. NPR新闻的爱丽丝·福德海姆正在巴格达追踪这一消息。

    NPR 's Alice Fordham has been following this story from Baghdad .

  10. NPR新闻,爱丽丝·福德尔巴格达报道。

    Alice Folder , NPR news , Baghdad .

  11. 辛格并未提及自己是否受到伊拉克记者蒙塔兹•扎伊迪的启发。在美国前总统乔治•W•布什最后一次出访巴格达期间,发生了扎伊迪向布什砸鞋的事件。

    Singh did not say whether he was inspired by Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi , who threw his shoes at former US president George W.Bush during his last visit to Baghdad .

  12. 最近,多尔西走出了自己熟悉的soma区,在美国国务院的安排下访问了巴格达和墨西哥城。

    Mr Dorsey ventured out of his soma comfort zone recently to visit Baghdad and Mexico City with the usstate department .

  13. 七月份有报道称,ISIS在巴格达以北已经捕获了一个旧的伊拉克化学武器的设施。

    Reports in July said that ISIS had seized an old Iraqi chemical weapons facility just north of Baghdad .

  14. 据NPR新闻的爱丽丝·福德尔从巴格达带来的报道,政府的新规定使记者面临更多限制。

    From Baghdad , NPR 's Alice Folder reports that new government rules are making things more restrictive for reporters .

  15. 即便Isis向巴格达的推进速度有所放缓,但该市已经进入了战争状态。

    Even as the militants ' advance towards the capital slowed , the city has been placed on a war footing .

  16. 最新的爆炸事件不会改变这一趋势,但它是一个令人担忧的事态发展,特别是在周四的袭击事件,称BBC的吉姆缪尔在巴格达。

    The latest bombing does not change this trend but it is a worrying development , especially after Thursday 's attacks , says the BBC 's Jim Muir in Baghdad .

  17. Lindsey的爸爸现在远在巴格达,Kayleigh的爸爸明年将要被派往伊拉克。

    Lindsey 's dad is in Baghdad . Kayleigh 's dad will deploy to Iraq next year .

  18. 巴格达东南部的Suwayra也发生了两起爆炸。

    Two blasts also rocked Suwayra , southeast of Baghdad .

  19. 环保主义者和反全球化人士虽属例外,但伊拉克也并非他们关注的中心,因为伊拉克的环境灾难要排在所有其它灾难的后面,而且巴格达也没有星巴克(starbucks)的橱窗可砸。

    Greens and anti-globalisers are the exception , but Iraq is not central to their concerns , since its environmental catastrophe must get in line behind all the others and Baghdad has no Starbucks windows to smash .

  20. DNO的合同是在相对和平的伊拉克北部与库尔德地方政府签订的,而非巴格达中央政府。

    DNO 's contract is with the local administration in the relatively peaceful north of Iraq , rather than with Baghdad .

  21. 在Isis继续向巴格达推进之际,数万名伊拉克志愿者和什叶派民兵开始从巴格达向北移动,因为政府寻求夺回被逊尼派叛军占据的城镇。

    The new advances by Isis came as tens of thousands of Iraqi volunteers and Shia militia started to move north from Baghdad as the government sought to wrest back towns over-run by Sunni insurgents .

  22. 新闻机构援引该炼油厂主管人员的说法称,Isis武装人员正使用迫击炮攻击炼油厂,并且已经攻下了工厂的数个重要据点。该炼油厂位于首都巴格达以北250公里。

    News agencies quoted officials at the refinery saying Isis fighters were shelling the facility with mortars and had taken over several of the important sites at the plant , 250km north of the capital Baghdad .

  23. 美国和其同盟伙伴&欧洲和该地区的国家,都认为在巴格达建立一个包容性的,能够胜任的政府,是保证稳定和合法性、并在伊拉克消灭ISIS的关键。

    The US and its coalition partners – Europeans and regional states alike – see the creation of an inclusive and competent government in Baghdad as the key to stability , legitimacy and the erasure of Isis in Iraq .

  24. 巴格达Zafaraniya地区另外一起爆炸摧毁了车辆,住房和企业,工作人员正在清理废墟。

    Workers cleared the rubble from another explosion that damaged vehicles , homes and businesses in the Baghdad district of Zafaraniya .

  25. 伊拉克加紧备战,在巴格达街道两侧布置了许多战位和散兵坑,另一方面,五角大楼将数架b-2隐身轰炸机从密苏里州的怀特曼空军基地派往接近伊拉克的基地。

    Iraq braced for war , lining the streets of Baghdad with fighting positions and foxholes , while the Pentagon moved B-2 stealth bombers from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri to bases close to Iraq .

  26. 修手机的MajidAbdulKhalif非常爱国,他给自己的儿子取名“伊拉克”,给自己的女儿取名“巴格达”,他很恼火自己找不到一份全职工作,也买不起房子。

    Cellphone repairman Majid Abdul Khalif , who is so patriotic he named his son Iraq and his daughter Baghdad , is incensed he can 't find a full-time job or buy a house .

  27. 对于美军对巴格达增兵并和与伊拉克政府联手控制安全局势来说,Muqtadaal-Sadr不愿与他们正面冲突。

    He wants to avoid confrontation with both the government and the Americans during the security crackdown , led by a vaunted " surge " of American troops , just starting in Baghdad .

  28. Oran想方设法说服了她的叔叔和祖父资助她获得学士学位并让她在伊拉克的巴格达大学获得它,因为约旦没有她的专业。

    Oran somehow convinced her uncle and grandfather to both fund her Bachelor 's degree and allow her to obtain it at the University of Baghdad in Iraq , as her subject was not available in Jordan .

  29. 利比亚总理巴格达迪•马哈茂迪(Al-Baghdadial-Mahmoudi)告诉俄罗斯特使,卡扎菲上校下台是不可能越过的底线。

    The Libyan Prime Minister Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi has told a Russian envoy that Colonel Gaddafi 's departure from power is a red line that cannot be crossed .

  30. Al-Zaidi挑衅的行为使他成为许多伊拉克人心目中的民族英雄,至少短期内是,他们聚集在巴格达的大街上庆祝他这非常直接的侮辱。

    Al-Zaidi 's act of defiance made him , at least temporarily , a national hero for many Iraqis , with crowds gathering in the streets of Baghdad to celebrate his very pointed insult .