
yǎ jiā dá
  • Djakarta
雅加达[yǎ jiā dá]
  1. 就在上周五,来自雅加达西部的一个21岁男子成为了第86个该病的受害者。

    Last Friday , a21-year-old man from west Djakarta ( jakarta ) became the86th victim .

  2. 雅加达冲突趋势

    Conflict Tendencies in Djakarta

  3. 人们为找工作而迁移到雅加达这类城市里。

    People migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work

  4. 我们在雅加达机场有5间机场贵宾室。

    There are 5 Jakarta Soekarno Hatta International Airport lounges within our program .

  5. 按此标准,马泰哈利百货(MatahariDepartmentStores)在雅加达交易所的配股发售应会大卖。

    On that basis , Matahari Department Stores " refloat in Jakarta should be an easy sell .

  6. 在雅加达,我们对一家总部设在美国的翻译和口译服务公司、也是全球最大的电话口译服务公司LanguageLineServices进行了测试。

    In Jakarta we tested Language Line Services , a U.S. - based translation and interpretation service and the largest telephone interpretation service in the world .

  7. Bukalapak在雅加达股市上市,筹资15亿美元,成为印尼有史以来规模最大的IPO。

    Bukalapak raised $ 1.5bn when it listed its shares on the Jakarta stockmarket , making it Indonesia 's biggest-ever IPO .

  8. 我们欢迎一个强大、繁荣并遵守国际规范的中国的崛起,他在雅加达国际防务对话会(JakartaInternationalDefenceDialogue)的间隙表示。

    We welcome the rise of a strong and prosperous China that adheres to international norms , he said on the sidelines of the Jakarta International Defence Dialogue .

  9. 安东尼·库恩,NPR新闻雅加达消息。

    Anthony Kuhn , NPR news , Jakarta .

  10. 此外,不同于分别作为联合国(UN)亚洲总部和亚开行总部地点的曼谷和马尼拉,雅加达目前不是任何大型多边机构的地区办事处所在地。

    Moreover , unlike Bangkok and Manila , which already have the United Nations and ADB , Jakarta does not currently host the regional office of any major multilateral institution .

  11. 从拉巴特(Rabat)到雅加达(Jakarta)的许多城市,夜晚的市集灯火辉煌。

    Bazaars light up the night in many cities from Rabat to Jakarta .

  12. 俄罗斯铝业(Rusal)和嘉能可(Glencore)都带着建造冶炼厂的蓝图拜访了雅加达;

    Both Rusal and Glencore have beaten a path to Jakarta with blueprints for smelters ;

  13. 在离此地两英里的地方,另一拨抗议者在雅加达的地标连环道(BundaranH.I.)旁边的一条大路上停了数十辆出租车,堵塞了整个上午的南向交通。

    Two miles away , other protesters parked dozens of taxis on a thoroughfare off the city 's landmark roundabout , known as Bundaran H. I. , blocking south-moving traffic throughout the morning .

  14. 东南亚英语奥林匹克竞赛的组织者获得了美国驻雅加达大使馆和VOA的支持。

    Organizers of the Southeast Asian English Olympics are getting support from the American Embassy in Jakarta and VOA .

  15. 世界卫生组织驻日内瓦的发言人迪克汤普森(dickthompson)表示,世界卫生组织希望与雅加达展开探讨,了解他们是“为何认为实验网络和数据银行遭到滥用”。

    Dick Thompson , a who spokesman in Geneva , said the agency wanted to discuss with Jakarta " how they think the laboratory network and databank have been misused " .

  16. 克里在未来几天访问首尔、北京和雅加达期间,将多次听到这层意思。4月份还有一次更重要的访问&美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)将亲自出访亚洲。

    Mr Kerry is likely to hear that message a lot as he travels from Seoul to Beijing and Jakarta in coming days ahead of an even more important visit by President Barack Obama to Asia in April .

  17. 这两个部长并没有在此次的航班之上,他们留在了雅加达,由皇家空军负责他们的交通,有关部门告诉CNN。

    The two officials were not on the Garuda Airlines flight but remained in Jakarta and have been traveling on a Royal Australian Air Force plane , department sources told CNN .

  18. 这些举措吸引了投资者前来参加美国海外私人投资公司(OPIC)在雅加达举办的峰会。

    Those advances helped lure investors to the Overseas Private Investment Corporation summit in Jakarta .

  19. 据称,台风宝霞在经过Palua岛后,进入中国海域,NPR新闻,东尼·孔安雅加达报道。

    The storm is expected to cross over the island of Palua before blowing out of the South China Sea . Anthony Kuhn , NPR News Jakarta .

  20. 这里是VOA特别英语教育报道。东南亚奥林匹克英语竞赛将于周一在雅加达开始。

    Jakarta Holds Southeast Asian English Olympics This is the VOA Special English Education Report . The Southeast Asian English Olympics begin Monday in Jakarta .

  21. 上周,这家陷入困境的加拿大公司在雅加达推出了新的低成本黑莓Z3手机。

    The embattled Canadian company announced the new low-cost BlackBerry Z3 at an event in Jakarta Tuesday .

  22. 分析师还指出,虽然该公司最著名的地产开发项目位于雅加达南部的克芒新村(kemangvillage)正越来越受追捧,但其它项目的销售情况并不好。

    Analysts also said that while one of its most prominent property developments , Kemang village in South Jakarta , is proving popular , many other Lippo Karawaci projects are not selling well .

  23. 根据莱坊公司(KnightFrank)追踪全球30个城市豪华房地产市场的全球城市豪宅指数(PrimeGlobalCitiesIndex)显示,截至2013年底雅加达豪宅价格较上年上涨了37.7%,超过全球其他城市的涨幅。

    According to Knight Frank 's Prime Global Cities Index , which tracks luxury real estate markets in 30 cities around the world , prices for top homes in the Indonesian capital rose more than in any other city , up 37.7 % at the end of 2013 from the year before .

  24. 该致命病例发生于1名居住在西雅加达Kapuk的1名20个月的女童。

    The case , which was fatal , occurred in a20-month-old girl who resided in Kapuk , West Jakarta .

  25. 2011年3月29日,印度尼西亚商人IrzenOcta被叫到雅加达花旗银行,讨论他白金卡里拖欠的5700美金一事。

    On March 29 , 2011 , Indonesian businessman Irzen Octa was called to a Jakarta Citibank office to discuss the $ 5700 he owed on his platinum card .

  26. 雅加达邮报报道说,来自中爪哇Airlangga大学的科学家已经开发出了一种疫苗。

    The Jakarta Post reported that researchers from Airlangga University in Surabaya , Central Java , are ready to develop a vaccine .

  27. 莱坊公司全球住宅研究部门负责人贝利(LiamBailey)表示,推高雅加达豪宅价格的主要因素是供应非常紧俏且需求极为强劲,尽管印尼经济不如两年前看起来那么强劲。

    Liam Bailey , Knight Frank 's global head of residential research , cited ' very limited supply ' and ' very strong ' demand as factors driving Jakarta 's high luxury property prices , ' even if the Indonesian economy isn 't as strong as it was maybe two years ago . '

  28. 然而,进行抗议的司机在人民代表会议大楼附近的区域失控,堵塞了前往赛曼吉立交桥(SemanggiFlyover)和苏迪曼街(JalanSudirman)的道路。前者是雅加达的公路枢纽,后者则是贯穿商业区中心地带的大道。

    Instead , drivers ran amok in the district near the legislative complex , blocking roads leading to the Semanggi Flyover , the city 's main highway artery , and Jalan Sudirman , a primary thoroughfare that runs through the heart of Jakarta 's business district .

  29. 第一例新确认的病例为来自雅加达的一名16岁女孩。

    The first newly confirmed case was a16-year-old girl from Jakarta .

  30. 该病例为一名居住在雅加达的37岁妇女。

    The case occurred in a37-year-old woman who resided in Jakarta .