
  • Athena;Athene;Pallas
  1. 雕刻家LeeLawrie直到1963年去世前才完成了雅典娜这件艺术作品。

    The sculptor , Lee Lawrie , completed the work on Athena just before his death in1963 .

  2. 穿着沐浴过雅典娜血的圣衣的你们。

    You who have washed your armor with athena 's blood .

  3. 然而,除了老派的奢侈做法以及LeBar酒吧外,造访雅典娜广场酒店的首层,还有一个明确无误与难以抗拒的原因:那就是艾伦•杜卡斯餐厅(AlainDucasserestaurant)。

    Yet beyond the old-school luxe and , perhaps , Le Bar , there is one clear and irresistible reason to visit the ground floor of the Plaza Ath é n é e : the Alain Ducasse restaurant .

  4. 雅典娜广场酒店总经理佛朗索瓦•德拉埃耶(FrançoisDelahaye)曾当过威斯特敏斯特公爵(DukeofWestminster)的管家,他告诉我重新装修期间,自己做出的最重大决定就是确保酒店的550多名员工都能领取全额工资。

    Fran ç ois Delahaye , its general manager and once butler to the Duke of Westminster , told me that the most important decision he took during those months was to keep every one of the hotel 's 550-odd staff on full-time pay .

  5. 雅典娜在她优雅的红色礼服和贝壳胸罩看起来超性感

    Athena looks super-sexy in her elegant red dress and seashell bra

  6. 看来我们的“雅典娜工程”还有点问题。

    It seems we still have a problem with project athena .

  7. 2004年奥运会的两个吉祥物&费沃斯和雅典娜

    The Two Mascots of the 2004 Olympic Games Phevos and Athena

  8. 他们如此一番祈祷,帕拉丝,雅典娜听到了他俩的声音。

    Thus they prayed , and Pallas Minerva heard their prayer .

  9. 雅典娜祭司:克瑞托斯!!赞美雅典娜,你终于来了!

    Oracle of Athens : Kratos !! Praise Athena youve arrived !

  10. 我们只要撑到雅典娜回来。

    If we just hold on until Athena gets back .

  11. 他选择了阿佛洛狄忒,却因此引起了雅典娜和赫拉的不满。

    He picked Aphrodite , thus angering Athena and Hera .

  12. 她穿戴着雅典娜的盔甲,这样她就不会受到感情上的伤害。

    She was encased in Athenian armor , safe from emotional injury .

  13. 雅典娜是愿意给他的智慧和力量。

    Athena is willing to give him wisdom and strength .

  14. 设计构思:我的灵感来源于雅典娜的优雅。

    Designer idea : My inspiration comes from the elegant of Athena .

  15. 雅典娜是智能女神和家居艺术品的守护女神。

    Athena was the goddess of wisdompatroness of house holdarts .

  16. 雅典娜:他正往前传布能量与爱。

    Ariana : he is pouring forth the energy and the love .

  17. 雅典娜愿意帮助他在战争中得到不朽的荣誉;

    Athena undertook to help him get imperishablefame in war ;

  18. 雅典城市为纪念雅典娜女神而建立的。

    Athens was built in honor of the goddess athena .

  19. 奎托斯:不,雅典娜。你为什么要牺牲你自己。

    Kratos : athena ! No ! Why do you sacrifice yourself ?

  20. 昨天,雅典娜·琼斯关注着枪支控制的问题。

    Yesterday , Athena Jones looked at the issue of gun control .

  21. 神啊!为什么你这种人会被雅典娜选中?

    Oh My gods . Why has Athena chosen one such as you ?

  22. 雅典娜:既然这样我就没有别的选择了。

    Athena : Then you leave me no choice .

  23. 雅典娜是艺术、工艺和妇女手工之神。

    Athena was the goddess of arts and crafts and woman 's handiwork .

  24. 雅典娜沙拉,新鲜番茄,黄瓜,混合橄榄和羊乳酪。

    Athena salad , fresh tomato , cucumber , mix olives and feta cheese .

  25. 雅典娜:非常感谢你们而且一切真实处在神圣的秩序里。

    Athena : Thank you so much and all is truly in Divine Order .

  26. 让我们来感谢我们的保佑者,贤明而仁慈的雅典娜神。

    Let us offer thanks to our protector , the wise and kind athena .

  27. 您不知道这是200年转世一次的雅典娜女神吗?

    You do not know if this is200 years reincarnated goddess Athena once it ?

  28. 表现雅典卫城内部和它的雅典娜雕像。

    Rendering of the inside of the Acropolis and it 's statue of Athena .

  29. 雅典娜・琼斯告诉我们克莱斯勒是如何回应的。

    Athena Jones tells us how Chrysler responded .

  30. 终于海格从雅典娜女神那里得到了一些能发声的响板。

    Finally Heracles resorted to some castanets given to him by the goddess Athena .