
  • 网络aphrodite;Venus
  1. 天鹅和玫瑰是阿佛洛狄忒的象征。

    The swan and the rose were both symbols of Aphrodite .

  2. 他选择了阿佛洛狄忒,却因此引起了雅典娜和赫拉的不满。

    He picked Aphrodite , thus angering Athena and Hera .

  3. 阿多尼斯被阿佛洛狄忒所恋的美少年。

    Adonis n.A strikingly beautiful youth loved by aphrodite .

  4. 这对年轻恋人的真情深深地打动了爱神阿佛洛狄忒。

    Moved by sympathy for the young lovers , Aphrodite decided to give them aid .

  5. 坦妮娅:阿佛洛狄忒的温泉?嗯,我想你不想看到一满船一满船的游客吧。

    Tanya : Aphrodite 's spa ? Well , I thought you didn 't wantboatloads of tourists .

  6. 在古希腊神话中,他被称作厄洛斯,是爱与美之神阿佛洛狄忒的小儿子。

    In ancient Greece he was known as Eros , the young son of Aphrodite , the goddess of love and beauty .

  7. 然而海伦和梅内莱厄斯的婚姻注定了其不幸的结局,因为海伦之前已经被阿佛洛狄忒许配给了帕里斯。

    But the marriage of Helen and Menelaus was doomed to fail , as Helen had been promised to Paris by Aphrodite .

  8. 人们参照四季的更替,把阿佛洛狄忒也视为花神和花园女神。

    A reference to the change of seasons , which finds its explanation in the fact of Aphrodite being also goddess of gardens and flowers .

  9. 穷凶极恶的阿瑞斯(玛耳斯)是战争之神,而美丽动人的女神阿佛洛狄忒(维纳斯)则代表爱和美。

    The blustering Ares ( Mars ) was the god of war , and the charming Aphrodite ( Venus ) the goddess of love and beauty .

  10. 本和他爸爸&利在停满了船只的泊位之间穿过狭窄的通道,缓缓将阿佛洛狄忒号驶出船坞。

    Ben and his Dad Leigh slowly maneuvered Aphrodite out of the marina through the narrow channels among the berth fingers which were full of boats .

  11. 经过一番口舌之争,他们达成协议:阿多尼斯每年可以到阳间和阿佛洛狄忒相聚半年,但剩下的六个月得到天堂渡过。

    After much dispute an agreement was worked out under which Adonis was to spend half the year above ground with Aphrodite , but the remaining six months in the elysian fields .

  12. 这在神话中的起源应该是,一个叫做厄洛斯的神这个形象,他是爱神,爱情女神阿佛洛狄忒的儿子。

    The mythological source is in the sort of mythological character of the God called Eros , who is the God of love , the son of Aphrodite , the Goddess of love .

  13. 在较早纯希腊的神话里,阿佛洛狄忒维纳斯被称为宙斯与狄俄涅之女,是掌管人类爱情的女神;

    The earlier and pure Greek phase of her character , in which Aphrodite or Venus is called a daughter of Zeus and dione , was that of a goddess who presides over human love ;

  14. 奥林匹亚城曾经拥有众多教派,多年以来,从克罗诺斯,泰坦之王,到欲望美神——阿佛洛狄忒女神,居民们一直崇拜着好几种不同的神。

    Olympia has been occupied by several different cults over the years who worshiped several different gods , from Kronos , the King of Titans , to the goddess of lust and beauty , Aphrodite .

  15. 作为爱与美的女神&阿佛洛狄忒的诞生地,塞浦路斯有很多地方值得一游,这些景点不仅美得让你震惊,同时还能向你传授一点历史知识。

    As the birth place of Aphrodite , Goddess of love and beauty , there are many places to visit in Cyprus that will not only take your breath away but also teach you some history .

  16. 以神话原型批评理论解读这部作品,可以发现,其中女主人公形象是“众生之母”的夏娃和希腊女神阿佛洛狄忒两个神话原型的完美结合。

    By readng it with the theory of mythological prototype criticism , we can find out the the image of the heroine is the perfect combination of the two mythological prototypes about eve , mother of mankind , and aphrodite , a Greek goddess .