
  1. 瑞扎克还说,由私营开发商波塞冬水务公司(PoseidonWater)新建的卡尔斯巴德海水淡化项目(CarlsbadDesalinationProject)有望于今秋投入使用。

    The new Carlsbad Desalination Project , the work of the private developer Poseidon Water , is expected to open this fall .

  2. 这座古庙是为海神波塞冬(Poseidon)而建,被爱琴海环绕,有少见的灵性力量。

    The ancient temple dedicated to Poseidon , the God of the sea , is surrounded by the Aegean Sea and has a rare spiritual energy .

  3. 这是P-8波塞冬海上反潜巡逻机,它是由海军制造,而海军已将它派出进行搜索。

    This is the P8 Poseidon , it 's made by the Navy , or the Navy has them out there .

  4. 赫斯提亚是宙斯,波塞冬和哈迪斯的姐姐。

    Hestia is the sister to Zeus , Poseidon , and Hades .

  5. 波塞冬朝女神微笑着,他知道女神的心愿终于实现了。

    Poseidon smiled at Goddess and knew she had won .

  6. 但是波塞冬却对人类丧失了信心,他悲观的劝女神回到天上去。

    But Poseidon felt disappointed and persuaded her to return to heaven .

  7. 波塞冬则献出一匹骁勇善战的马。

    Poseidon offered a strong horse needed for war .

  8. 而正义女神和波塞冬在长时间的相处中也产生了感情,他们彼此尊重,互相爱慕。

    However , the Goddess of Justice and Poseidon admired and respected each other .

  9. 他是海神波塞冬漂亮的儿子。

    He was the beautiful son of Poseidon .

  10. 海神波塞冬和雅典娜女神都想得到这份殊荣。

    Poseidon and Athena each wanted the honor .

  11. 为了替儿子报仇,波塞冬拉着阿瑞斯到雅典法官面前要求审判战神。

    In retaliation , Poseidon dragged him before a group of Athenian judges for trial .

  12. 只见波塞冬朝墙上一挥,裂缝中就流出了非常美的水,晶莹剔透,让人看了以后感到无限的清凉与舒适。

    When Poseidon distributed clear water , people felt comfortable and at ease with it .

  13. 正义女神有着男子一样的气质,坚毅而热情;波塞冬像海一样深邃,冰冷。

    The Goddess of Justice was persistent and enthusiastic , whereas Poseidon was complex and cold-blooded .

  14. 他毫不迟疑地释放了夹雨的南风,并召来寒冷无情的波塞冬协助他。

    Without hesitation he released therainy south wind and called upon the heartless Poseidon to help .

  15. 他是克洛诺斯与瑞亚之子,波塞冬的象征是海豚和三叉戟。

    He is the son of Cronus and Rhea . Poseidons'symbols were the dolphin and the trident .

  16. 他们是克罗诺斯的女儿赫提斯,得墨忒耳,赫拉以及儿子普路托和波塞冬。

    They were his daughters Hestia , Demeter , and Hera , and sons Pluto and Poseidon .

  17. 波塞冬海水淡化工厂旨在将咸水转化成淡水,每天生产数万加仑的淡水。

    The Poseidon desalination plant aims to turn seawater into hundreds of thousands of gallons of freshwater annually .

  18. 正义女神是宙斯的女儿,海神波塞冬是宙斯的弟弟。

    The Goddess of Justice was the daughter of Zeus , while Poseidon was the younger brother of Zeus .

  19. 一样,在时间,我觉得他们拍摄波塞冬和公正的电影的规模。

    Like , at the time , I think they were filming Poseidon and just movies of that size .

  20. 他是克洛诺斯与瑞亚之子,波塞冬的象征是海豚和三叉戟。赫斯提亚

    He is the son of Cronus and Rhea . Poseidons ' symbols were the dolphin and the trident .

  21. 当女神雅典娜还在和波塞冬竞争时,阿剌克涅就开始编织一张精致的网。

    While the goddess worked on the stow of her rivalry with poseidon , Arachne began to weave a delicate web .

  22. 而正义女神和波塞冬也产生了摩擦。

    They fight against each other often war everywhere , which caused the friction of the goddess of Justice and Poseidon .

  23. 你这麽久没演戏,出演“波塞冬”是不是需要很多调适?

    Did you have a lot of adjustments in playingPoseidon after haven 't been in a drama for a long time ?

  24. 人们把马和公牛投人大海,作为贡奉给波塞冬的祭品。

    Horses and bulls were sacrificed to him , the method of performing the sacrifice being to throw them into the sea .

  25. 宙斯有无数的妻子,因此也有数不清的儿女,而波塞冬是他唯一的兄弟,是他和天后赫拉用泪水造出来的。

    Zeus had numerous wives and children but he only had one brother , who was created by his and Hera 's tears .

  26. 战争和罪恶开始在人间蔓延,许多神无法忍受纷纷回到天上居住,只有正义女神和波塞冬留了下来。

    Wars and crimes erupted everywhere and many gods returned back to heaven . Only the Goddess of Justice and Poseidon remained with humans .

  27. 当雅典城刚由腓尼基人建立起来时,波塞冬和雅典娜都争着为这座城市命名。

    When the city of Athens was first built by a Phoenician , both Poseidon and Athena vied for the honour of naming it .

  28. 哈迪斯和他的兄弟宙斯,波塞冬一起打败了提坦,了宇宙的统治权,掌管冥界,天空和海洋。

    Hades and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans and claimed rulership over the universe ruling the underworld , sky , and sea .

  29. 赫拉偏爱波塞冬,又嫉妒正义女神的母亲,她知道水是生命的源泉,一定会让人类感到和平。

    Hera liked Poseidon and envied the mother of the Goddess . She knew water was the source of life and could make people peaceful again .

  30. 他手拿金里拉,用悦耳的声音指挥着缪斯女神的合唱队。当他帮助波塞冬建造特洛伊城墙时,里拉弹奏的声音太美妙了,以致于石头都有节奏的自动地各就其位。

    The music from his lyre was so wonderful that stones marched into their own places in rhythmic time when he helped Poseidon build up the walls of Troy .