
  • 网络Boston Consulting;The Boston Consulting Group;BCG
  1. 波士顿咨询公司(BCG)进行的一项调查表明,多元化经营的业务选择已经成为我国企业最迫切需要帮助的7个管理问题之一。

    A survey carried out by BCG suggested that the business selection of diversified operation has become one of the 7 most urgent help needing operation problems of our enterprises .

  2. 为抓住顶尖人才,波士顿咨询公司从2005年开始提供GMAT备考支持,2008年开设现场课程,直到最近开始提供网络课程,以更好地照顾到出差的员工。

    Hoping to snag top talent , BCG began supporting GMAT test preparation in 2005 and brought courses on-site in 2008 , though more recently it shifted to online courses to better accommodate traveling employees .

  3. 波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)在审查过该提案后认为它无法为戴尔带来足够的价值。

    Boston Consulting Group examined the proposal , but determined it would not create sufficient value for Dell .

  4. 波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroupInc.)长期将SAT分数作为招聘过程中的一项考察因素。

    Boston Consulting Group Inc. has long used SAT scores as a factor in its hiring process .

  5. 因此,戴尔公司从外部聘请了波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup,BCG),来为它提供财务预测。

    So it hired an outside party , Boston Consulting Group , to provide an alternate financial forecast .

  6. 波士顿咨询公司(BCG)估计,中国人约有4500亿美金的海外储蓄。

    Boston Consulting Group estimates that Chinese have some $ 450 billion stockpiled overseas .

  7. 这为一些公共部门员工创造了机遇。例如,波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)就招聘了具有医院背景的医师和人员。

    This is creating opportunities for some public sector workers , with Boston Consulting Group , for example , recruiting doctors and people with hospital backgrounds .

  8. 但据波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)2011年进行的一项调查显示,只有9%的中国城市家庭今年确实计划使用信用卡消费。

    But only 9 % of Chinese urbanites actually plan to use the cards this year , according to a Boston Consulting Group survey in 2011 .

  9. 波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)针对外派员工的调查表明,多数人已经有过在海外工作的经验,64%的人愿意再被调往另一个国家。

    Boston Consulting Group research of expats shows that most already have some international work experience and 64 per cent would be willing to go on to another country .

  10. 波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)最近发布的一份报告显示,2000年中国制造业时薪仅52美分,而美国为16.61美元。

    In 2000 , hourly Chinese manufacturing wages were just 52 cents compared to $ 16.61 in the U.S. , according to a recent report by Boston Consulting Group .

  11. 波士顿咨询公司(BCG)去年一项研究得出的结论是,如果英国社会阶层间的流动性能够上升到芬兰的水平,其国内生产总值(GDP)能增加560亿英镑。

    A study by Boston Consulting Group last year concluded that if social mobility in Britain rose to Finnish levels , gross domestic product would be £ 56bn higher .

  12. 波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)常务董事泽维尔‧莫斯奎特(XavierMosquet)表示,该公司的研究显示,中国将在15年内成为最大的自动驾驶车辆市场。

    Research done by the Boston Consulting Group suggests that within 15 years China will be the largest market for autonomous vehicles , said Xavier Mosquet , a managing director at the firm .

  13. 毕业之后,他在波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)芝加哥办公室找到了一份称心的工作,在那里认出了另外一个新员工:新特里尔中学那个后来上了耶鲁的同学。

    Upon graduation , he took a plum job in the Chicago office of the Boston Consulting Group , where he recognized one of the other new hires : the friend from New Trier who 'd gone to Yale .

  14. 此前包括波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)6月份发布的“财富报告”在内的多份报告说,新加坡是世界上百万富翁家庭比例最高的,这已是它连续第二年获此殊荣。

    Earlier reports , like the Boston Consulting Group 's Wealth Report released in June , said Singapore has the highest percentage of millionaire households in the world , a title the city-state has held on to for two years running .

  15. 今年早些时候,波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsulting)的一项研究发现,2010年,G-20国家的消费者通过“ROPO”方式购物产生的开销约为1.3万亿美元。

    A study earlier this year by Boston Consulting found that consumers in the G-20 countries spent about $ 1.3 trillion on goods in 2010 via " ROPO " shopping .

  16. 总部位于芝加哥的波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)全球运营活动主管哈尔·西尔金(HalSirkin)表示,对于把制造业皇冠让给中国的可能性,美国不应太过绝望。

    Hal Sirkin , head of the global operations practice at Chicago-based Boston Consulting Group , said the US should not despair too much at the likelihood that it would lose the global crown in manufacturing to China .

  17. 波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)的一份报告显示,到2015年中国网络零售规模预计将增加两倍,超过3600亿美元。届时中国预计也将超过美国成为全球最大的市场。

    Online retail sales in China are projected to triple to more than $ 360 billion by 2015 , and the country is also expected to overtake the U.S. as the world 's largest market around that time , according to a report by the Boston Consulting Group .

  18. 就是因为高房价,中国的中产阶级存不下什么钱。波士顿咨询公司的合伙人JeffWalters说。

    ' If only because of rent , it is hard to save a lot of money in top-tier cities for the middle class , ' said Jeff Walters , a partner at Boston Consulting .

  19. 国家开发银行的信用评级体系,是根据波士顿咨询公司(BCG)的咨询与建议以。

    China Development Bank 's credit rating system is set up on the basis of consultation and suggestions of Boston Consulting Company , internal rating methods of European and American banks , and the situation of China and the bank itself .

  20. 芝加哥咨询集团波士顿咨询公司(bcg)制造业专家哈尔瑟肯(halsirkin)表示,结果是,制造商更有能力调整工厂运营,以应对突发破坏性事件。

    The result , says Hal Sirkin , a manufacturing expert at BCG , the Chicago-based Consulting Group , is that manufacturers are more able to adapt factory operations to sudden disruptive events .

  21. 波士顿咨询公司(BCG)认为,随着美国变成一个更具竞争力的生产基地,美国逾半大型制造企业正在积极实施或者考虑回流(re-shoring)。

    Boston Consulting Group reckons that over half of all large US manufacturing companies are either actively re-shoring activity , or considering this , as America becomes a more competitive destination .

  22. 波士顿咨询公司MillennialBranding近期一项研究发现,尽管销售能力和软件知识等硬技能能让你获得工作机会,但更多企业要求求职者也具备一些软技能。

    Although hard skills like sales and software knowledge can get you through the door , more companies are asking for soft skills as well from job candidates , finds a recent study by Millennial Branding , a consulting firm in Boston .

  23. 据波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)的一份年度全球财富报告显示,“新世界”的私人财富(主要集中在亚太地区)单单去年就激增了约12%,这个增速达到了包括北美和西欧在内的“旧世界”的两倍以上。

    According to an annual survey of global wealth by Boston Consulting Group , private wealth in the ' new world , ' primarily the Asia Pacific region , jumped around 12 percent last year alone , or more than double the rate of growth in the ' old world , ' including North America and Western Europe .

  24. 波士顿咨询公司Hayden-Wilder的职业顾问海登说,现在更多的雇主都会进行至多9或10次的面试。

    More employers are holding as many as nine or10 interviews , says D.A.Hayden , a career counselor at Boston-based counseling firm Hayden-Wilder .

  25. 波士顿咨询公司的保罗•兹韦伦勃格表示,其中的一些差异以后必定会消失。

    Some of these differences will certainly go away , says Paul Zwillenberg of BCG .

  26. 波士顿咨询公司最新研究表明,在148个经济体的福祉排名中,挪威高居榜首。

    The latest research by the Boston Consulting Group indicates Norway ranks first among 148 economies for well-being .

  27. 凭借40位波士顿咨询公司合伙人的出资,该公司设立了首只基金(尽管之间不存在任何直接的关系)。

    The first fund was set up with contributions from 40 BCG partners ( although no direct relationship exists ) .

  28. 况且,中国的工资增速应会继续加快,而波士顿咨询公司预计美国的增速要慢得多。

    And the growth rate should continue to build in China while BCG expects the us to grow at a much slower rate .

  29. 但除此之外,对于接受坚定的“波士顿咨询公司”型逻辑传统的外国专家而言,这里存在着文化分歧。

    But more than that there is a cultural divide for foreign experts schooled in a tradition of gritty Boston Consulting type logic .

  30. 波士顿咨询公司的年度报告称,亚洲已经超过欧洲成为世界第二富裕的地区。

    Asia has overtaken Europe as the world 's second-richest region , according to an annual report by the Boston Consulting Group ( BCG ) .