
  • 网络the industrial revolution;The first industrial revolution
  1. 第一次工业革命发生在欧洲。

    The first industrial revolution took place in Europe .

  2. 18世纪下半叶,伴随着纺织业机械化的进行,第一次工业革命在英国开始。

    The first industrial revolution began in Britain in the late 18th century , with the mechanisation of the textile industry .

  3. 或许在第一次工业革命之后是这样。

    This may have been the case after the first industrial revolution .

  4. 英国领导世界进入了煤炭和蒸汽提供动力的第一次工业革命。

    Britain led the world into the first industrial revolution , powered by coal and steam .

  5. 第一次工业革命后几乎百分之七十的重要发明都产生于美国。

    Nearly 70 % of the important inventions have been made in the U.S. since the first industrial revolution .

  6. 19世纪上半期,在第一次工业革命冲击下,德国教育事业开始取得较快发展。

    In the first half of 19th century German education , under the influence of the first Industrial Revolution began its development .

  7. 发生在18世纪60年代的第一次工业革命,其主要表现是大机器工业代替手工业,机器工厂代替手工工场。

    Big machine replacing handicraft , and machine factory replacing handicraft workshop , i.e. the first industrial revolution in 60es of the 18 Century .

  8. 第一次工业革命以来,能源作为工业文明的基本动力受到了世界各国的高度重视。

    Since the first industrial revolution , the energy resources as the basic power of industrial civilization are paid much attention by every country in the world .

  9. 人类社会正在经历着一场大的转变,即从第一次工业革命时代开始的以材料和能源为基础的民族国家的工业社会,向以信息和通讯技术为基础的超越民族国家的信息化社会转变。

    Now , human society are having been experiencing a big change & from first industry revolution with the basis of material and energy to the information society based information and communication technology .

  10. 第一次工业革命并未影响到目前我们称为新兴经济体的国家和地区,其影响几乎完全集中于西方国家,从英国传至西欧其他国家最后影响到美国。

    The industrial revolution barely touched what we now call the emerging economies . It was concentrated almost entirely on the western world , as the shifts spread from Britain to the rest of Western Europe and the US .

  11. 发端于第一次工业革命的工业文明时代,科技和生产力的飞速发展,极大地增强了人类开发利用自然资源、生产物质财富的能力。

    During the era of industrial civilization which began with the first industrial revolution , the rapid development of science & technology and the productive forces greatly enhanced human ability to exploit and make use of natural resources as well as produce material wealth .

  12. 美国第一次工业革命开始于18世纪末,当时美国国内总人口仅有393万,但1790-1860年美国迎来了第一次移民潮,到美国的移民达500多万人。

    The first Industrial Revolution started in the end of the 18th century in America , at the time the total population in which was only 3,930,000 , but the first immigration trend which population was over 5,000,000 entered U.S.A between the year 1790 and 1860 .

  13. 南北战争正处于美国第一次完成工业革命后,美国北方资本主义经济得到迅速发展,但南方依然保持着落后的种植经济,由于经济发展的不平衡导致了内战的爆发。

    North American capitalist economy developed rapidly . But the south still kept the backward growing economic . The American broke out the civil war due to an unbalanced economic development .

  14. 从1750年以来,世界进行了四次工业革命:第一次就是英国工业革命,中国失去了机会。

    Since 1750 , the world has seen four industrial revolutions . The first one took place in Britain ; and China missed the boat .

  15. 英国是世界上第一个城市化国家,根据城市化和早期城市化的理论,它的早期城市化进程与第一次工业革命的时间大致相同。

    As the first urbanized country , the Britain early urbanization process roughly coincided with the first industrial revolution according to the urbanization and early urbanization rules .