
  • 网络odysseus;Odyssey
  1. 我们可能希望约束自己、迫使自己表现得更好,就像奥德修斯(Odysseus)让人把自己捆在桅杆上(以抵挡海妖歌声的诱惑)那样。

    We may wish to bind ourselves to better behaviour , like Odysseus to his mast .

  2. 跟仙女有了一段风流韵事之后,奥德修斯最终拒绝了这个提议,因为他思念自己的妻子佩涅洛佩(Penelope)。

    After a fling with her , Odysseus ultimately rejects the offer because he misses his wife , Penelope .

  3. 古希腊领袖奥德修斯(odysseus)为了抵御海妖歌声的诱惑,命令船员把他绑在桅杆上。

    The Greek leader Odysseus ordered sailors to tie him to the mast so he could resist the song of the sirens .

  4. 办法之一是捆住早上露丝的双手,正如奥德修斯(Odysseus)命令水手将他捆在桅杆上一样。

    One option is to tie Morning Ruth 's hands , just as Odysseus ordered his sailors to tie him to the mast .

  5. 在《奥德赛》(TheOdyssey)中,美丽的仙女卡吕普索(Calypso)向奥德修斯(Odysseus)许诺,只要留在她的岛上,他就可以长生不老。

    In " The Odyssey , " the beautiful nymph Calypso offers immortality to Odysseus if he will stay on her island .

  6. 当塞壬遭遇奥德修斯&论阿多诺的音乐美学

    When Siren Encountered Odysseus : on Adorno 's Aesthetics of Music

  7. 两类英雄的较量&阿基琉斯与奥德修斯

    The Contrast Between Two Kinds of Heroes : Achilles and Odysseus

  8. 这很明显是模仿奥德修斯降入地狱,《奥德赛》书中的故事。

    It is clearly modeled on Odysseus'descent to Hades in the Odyssey .

  9. 奥德修斯和他的水手逃离了塞壬。

    Odysseus and his sailors managed to escape the sirens .

  10. 第四章是综合考察奥德修斯自我意识的觉醒过程。

    The fourth chapter is the comprehensive investigation Odysseus self-consciousness awakening process .

  11. 在那儿,当奥德修斯前去征求他的意见时,泰瑞西斯帮助了他。

    There he helped Odysseus when the hero came to him for advice .

  12. 寻求精神的家园&论庞德诗歌的奥德修斯情节

    Seeking Spiritual Homeland & On the Odysseus 's Complex in Ezra Pound 's Poems

  13. 《奥德赛》描述了希腊英雄奥德修斯从特洛伊战争的归来。

    The Odyssey describes the return of the Greek hero Odysseus from the Trojan War .

  14. 重点研究奥德修斯自我意识何时开始形成和何时结束。

    Key research Odysseus self consciousness is when to begin to form and when to end .

  15. 苦难使奥德修斯拥有智慧,同时智慧又促使奥德修斯自我意识的形成。

    Suffering make Odysseus has the wisdom , and wisdom and prompted Odysseus self consciousness formation .

  16. 具体由奥德修斯的节制和奥德修斯的愤怒两个部分构成。

    Specifically by the restraint of Odysseus and Odysseus the anger of the two parts of composition .

  17. 在荷马的《奥德赛》中,瑟茜警告奥德修斯他将经过赛壬岛。

    In Homer 's Odyssey , Odysseus is warned by Circe that he will pass the sirens island .

  18. 我想,是一个叫奥德修斯的国王想出的木马的主意的。

    I think it was some bigwig king named Odysseus who came up with the idea of the fake horse .

  19. 于是,奥德修斯就和狄俄墨得斯伪装入城,偷偷地将神像盗了出来。

    Odysseus and Diomedes went into the city in disguise and stole it out of the temple of the city .

  20. 不久石岛就进入了他们的视线。奥德修斯听到了迷人的歌声。

    Soon they came in sight of the rocky island , and the attractive song reached the ears of Odysseus .

  21. 第二章将围绕苦难带给奥德修斯的后果&愤怒进行展开。

    The second chapter will focus on the suffering to bring the consequences of Odysseus - " rage " to expand .

  22. 奥德修斯经历二十年的艰辛才回到故乡,克利斯多夫走完一生的时间才完成他的华美乐章,然而,返回五四的人们今日却仍在途中。

    Odyssey went back up the birthplace by undergoing 20 years hardships , Christopher completed his gayer movement through all his lifetime .

  23. 斯蒂基特博士说,这个心理与身体的联系表示,也许早在奥德修斯之前,怀旧已经对我们的祖先产生进化上的意义。

    That mind-body link , Dr. Wildschut says , means that nostalgia might have had evolutionary value to our ancestors long before Odysseus .

  24. 奥德修斯已经建成并留下一大木马为“礼物”围墙外的特洛伊城。

    Odysseus had a large wooden horse built and left as a " gift " outside the walls of the city of Troy .

  25. 她唱着最甜蜜最坚持不懈的歌曲,正如塞壬试图令奥德修斯和他的手下迷惑,让航船触礁沉没。

    It sings its sweetest , most insistent song , like the Sirens trying to draw Odysseus and his crew onto the rocks .

  26. 通过对这三种苦难的解析,进一步探究苦难背后的深层意义,以及苦难对奥德修斯自我意识形成的影响。

    Parsing through the suffering of these three , further explore the deep meaning of the suffering behind , and suffering of Odysseus self-consciousness formation .

  27. 奥德修斯为了得到盲人底比斯的忠告而来到阴间;埃杰克斯的幽灵冲着他直皱眉头。

    When , in order to seek the advice of , Odysseus came to visit the lower world , the shade of Ajax frowned uponhim .

  28. 奥德修斯为了不让手下的船员被诱惑而触礁,他让手下的海员以白腊封住双耳。

    Odysseus had to stop up the ears of his men with wax so they wouldn 't be lured onto the rocks by the Sirens'bewitching song .

  29. 奥德修斯立刻跪倒在她的面前乞求怜悯。皇后答应了他们的要求,在海伦的帮助下,他们在拂晓的时候成功地带着雕像回到希腊营地。

    The queen granted their request , and with the help of Helen , they successfully brought the image back to the Greek camp at dawn .

  30. 在《奥德赛》中,伊塞卡的国王奥德修斯通过显示他熟练的标枪投掷能力向腓尼基的阿尔基努斯国王证明了他的王室地位。

    In the Odyssey , king Odysseus of Ithaca proves his royal status to king Alcinous of the Faiakes by showing his proficiency in throwing the javelin .