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  • Austria
奥地利[ào dì lì]
  1. 瑞士位于法国、德国、奥地利和意大利之间。

    Switzerland lies between France , Germany , Austria and Italy .

  2. 1938年德国吞并了奥地利。

    Germany annexed Austria in 1938 .

  3. 在争夺伦贝格的战斗中,奥地利人战败了。

    In the fight for Lemburg , the Austrians were defeated .

  4. 这使得奥地利军队可以对法军作战。

    This freed the Austrian army to operate against the French .

  5. 他3比0直取奥地利的托马斯·蒙斯特。

    He beat Thomas Muster of Austria three sets to love .

  6. 他直落4局轻取年轻的奥地利对手。

    He hammered the young Austrian player in four straight sets .

  7. 该队伍的探险之旅远至奥地利的阿尔卑斯山。

    The group has adventured as far as the Austrian alps .

  8. 英镑对奥地利先令的比价已经下跌了10%。

    The pound had sunk 10 per cent against the Schilling .

  9. 近几年,奥地利的经济发展超过了其他多数工业国。

    In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies

  10. 我们的记者用了一夜时间,穿过奥地利边境进入斯洛文尼亚。

    Our reporter spent the night crossing the border from Austria into Slovenia

  11. 人们往往把奥地利葡萄酒的风味与德国北部葡萄酒的风味相提并论。

    Austrian wine styles are often bracketed with those of northern Germany .

  12. 她于1920年3月6日出生在奥地利。

    She was born in Austria on March 6 , 1920

  13. 这位网球明星与他的奥地利教练分道扬镳。

    The tennis star has parted company with his Austrian trainer

  14. 他取得了决赛局的胜利,帮助英格兰最终以3:2战胜奥地利。

    He won the decider which completed England 's 3-2 victory over Austria .

  15. 1882年,德国、奥地利和意大利结成了三国同盟。

    In 1882 Germany , Austria , and Italy formed the Triple Alliance .

  16. 希特勒决定将奥地利并入德国。

    Hitler was determined to annex Austria to Germany .

  17. 1918年,奥地利成为共和国。

    In 1918 , Austria became a republic .

  18. 没有预见到什么经济问题,委员会谨慎地赞同吸收奥地利为会员。

    The commission is cautiously favourable to Austrian membership , foreseeing few economic problems .

  19. 奥地利在克赖斯基任总理期间蓬勃发展。

    Austria prospered under Kreisky 's chancellorship .

  20. 奥地利选民这周末去投票中心选举下届总统。

    Austrian voters went to the polls this weekend to elect a successor to the President .

  21. 奥地利队在维也纳自家赛场以3比0领先意大利队。

    Austria , playing on home ground in Vienna , took a 3-0 lead over Italy .

  22. 奥地利已派出3个营的兵力去本国和匈牙利交界的边境地区阻止非法移民的流入。

    Austria has sent three army battalions to its border with Hungary to stem the flow of illegal immigrants

  23. 奥地利在1994年6月举行的全民公决中以2比1的多数票支持加入欧盟,但这一蜜月期明显已经结束了。

    Austrians voted for EU membership by a two-to-one majority in a June 1994 referendum , but the honeymoon is definitely over

  24. 1938年德国吞并了奥地利。

    Germany annexed Austria in1938 .

  25. 1810年,卡莱姆为拿破仑和他来自奥地利的第二任夫人玛丽·路易斯的婚礼设计了一款特别的蛋糕。

    In 1810 , Car ê me designed the extraordinary cake for the wedding of Napoleon and his second bride , Marie-Louise of Austria .

  26. 1901年,一位奥地利科学家发现,血液有四种血型。

    In 1901 , an Austrian scientist discovered that there are four types of blood .

  27. 为了娶一位奥地利公主,拿破仑和他的法国妻子离了婚

    Napoleon divorced his French wife in order to marry an Austrian princess .

  28. 奥地利位于德国东南。

    Austria lies to the southeast of Germany .

  29. 年德国吞并了奥地利。

    Germany annexed Austria in 1938 . 1938

  30. 7月24日,年轻的扎扎在预赛中以0-4输给了奥地利华裔运动员刘佳。

    On July 24 , the young Zaza lost her match to Chinese - ­ Austrian athlete Liu Jia 4-0 during the preliminaries .