
  • 网络Oymyakon;oimyakon
  1. 具有反讽意味的是,由于附近有处温泉,奥伊米亚康这一名字的实际意思是不冻泉。

    Ironically , Oymyakon actually means ` non-freezing water ` due to a nearby hot spring .

  2. 奥伊米亚康气候概览

    Survey of the Climate of Oymyakon

  3. 具有反讽意味的是,由于附近有处温泉,奥伊米亚康这一名字的实际意思是“不冻泉”。

    Ironically , Oymyakon actually means ' non-freezing water ' due to a nearby hot spring .

  4. 奥伊米亚康的大多数村民仍然靠烧煤和木炭取暖,几乎不使用现代化设施。

    Most homes in oymyakon still burn coal and wood for heat and enjoy few modern conveniences .

  5. 到了一月份,奥伊米亚康的平均气温为零下50摄氏度。

    The average January temperature in the area is - 50 C ( - 58 F ) .

  6. 奥伊米亚康历史最低气温达到零下71.2度,被称为“寒极”。

    Known as the ' Pole of Cold ' , the coldest ever temperature recorded in Oymyakon was -71.2C .

  7. 奥伊米亚康居民因低温遭遇诸多困扰,比如墨水结冰、玻璃镜片冻裂、电池耗电等等。

    Daily problems that come with living in Oymyakon include pen ink freezing , glasses freezing to people 's faces and batteries losing power .

  8. 如果你觉得现在待的地方很冷,去俄罗斯村庄奥伊米亚康看一看,也许你就会改变想法。

    If you thought it was cold where you are at the moment then a visit to the Russian village of Oymyakon might just change your mind .

  9. 从奥伊米亚康到当地的地区首府雅库茨克开车需要两天的时间,雅库茨克是世界上气温最低的城市。

    Oymyakon lies a two day drive from the city of Yakutsk , the regional capital , which has the coldest winter temperatures for any city in the world .

  10. 当地人能经受住酷寒天气,这一点不足为奇。和其他国家遇到大雪各种活动暂停不同,奥伊米亚康唯一的一所学校只有在气温低于零下52度时才停课。

    Unsurprisingly , locals are hardened to the weather and unlike in other countries - where a flurry of snow brings things grinding to a halt , Oymyakon 's solitary school only shuts if temperatures fall below - 52C .

  11. 奥伊米亚康被广泛认为是地球上最冷的地方之一,1933年创下的零下68摄氏度的低温记录,和地球上有人居住地方的低温记录持平。

    Oymyakon is widely considered to be one of the coldest places on the planet , and its record-low temperature of - 90 F , recorded in 1933 , is tied for the coldest recorded temperature for any inhabited place on Earth .