
  • 网络Augustine;Augustiner;Augustinus;Saint Augustine;Aurelius Augustinus
  1. 奥古斯丁说:通常情况下,雇主的网页、Twitter和Facebook页面能够让你了解公司的个性和他们对自己的看法。这一点很重要。

    Often an employer 's web page , their tweets , and even their Facebook page can give you a sense of their corporate personality and how they see themselves , notes Augustine .

  2. 50岁的五金店老板奥古斯丁(EtriceAugustine)称最畅销的商品是重建用的钉子。

    Etrice Augustine , a50-year-old hardware-store owner , said his most popular product is nails for rebuilding .

  3. 试论奥古斯丁著作中的意愿(voluntas)概念&以《论自由选择》和《忏悔录》为例

    On the Concept of Voluntas in Augustine 's Works

  4. 西塞罗的国家定义对奥古斯丁的影响

    On the influence of Cicero 's Definition of State to Augustine

  5. 猜疑是真诚友谊的一副毒剂。&奥古斯丁

    Suspicion is the poison of true friendship . & St. Augustine

  6. 奥古斯丁是传统神正论的主要代表。

    Augustine is one of the major representatives of traditional theodicy .

  7. 她认为奥古斯丁是个十足的异教徒。

    She regarded Augustine as a very much of a heathen .

  8. 奥古斯丁我看是你不敢尝试新鲜事物吧

    I guess you 're afraid to try new things , Augusten

  9. 由此,奥古斯丁引出了人的原罪,来说明自己对自由意志的观点。

    He pointed out original sin to illustrate free will theory .

  10. 奥古斯丁,我觉得你的话实在是太荒唐了!

    I do think , Augustine , you are so irreverent !

  11. 惩罚是对正义的伸张。&英国奥古斯丁

    Punishment is justice for the unjust . & Augustine British writer

  12. 从西塞罗到奥古斯丁:自然神学及其局限

    From Cicero to Augustine : Natural Theology and Its Limitation

  13. 理查扮演哈姆雷特王子,对吧?奥古斯丁说。

    ' Richard will play Prince Hamlet , yes ?' said Augustine .

  14. 她说你爷爷爱上了奥古斯丁。

    She says your grandfather was in love with augustine .

  15. 而直接导致的结果是,罗马君主奥古斯丁停止了扩张。

    As a direct result , Emperor Augustus halted Rome 's expansion .

  16. 早期基督教福利思想的转变&从奥古斯丁到托马斯·阿奎那

    The Shift of Early Christian Welfare Thought & From Augustine to Thomas Aquinas

  17. 奥古斯丁以上帝的至上性、普遍性消解了个性、人性。

    Augustine replaces personality and humanity with the paramountcy and universality of God .

  18. 奥古斯丁懂得我们犯错的能力,

    Augustine understood that our capacity to screw up ,

  19. 第一部分主要论述奥古斯丁美学思想的形成过程。

    The 1st part mainly describes the establishment of aesthetics thought of Augustine .

  20. 奥古斯丁表示,各个层级的员工都可以学习这种态度。

    Employees at every level can learn from this behavior , she says .

  21. 奥古斯丁经济伦理思想的延伸。

    Fouth , Augustine extension of economic ethics .

  22. 奥古斯丁对基督教释经学的重要贡献

    Augustine 's Important Contribution to Christian Biblical Interpretation

  23. 奥古斯丁:我们可以知道上帝会大便。

    Augustine we can know god 's shit .

  24. 奥古斯丁、霍布斯和洛克等分别为这些制度范式提供了理论依据。

    Augustine , Hobbes and Locke had provided theoretic foundation for these system paradigm .

  25. 奥古斯丁在西方政治思想史上具有重要地位。

    Augustine of Hippo is very important in the history of Western political thought .

  26. 从奥古斯丁的《忏悔录》起,忏悔日益成为西方自传的一个重要主题。

    Confession has become one of the important themes in western autobiography since Confessions of St.

  27. 奥古斯丁并不同意这看法。

    Augustine didn 't agree with that .

  28. 他成为奥古斯丁时期的修士,他实行苦行主义以致身体受到了伤害。

    He became an Augustinian monk and practised such asceticism that his health was impaired .

  29. 奥古斯丁挑战摩尼教,否认摩尼的使徒身份,谴责他拒绝圣经的真理。

    Augustine challenged Manichaeism by denying Mani 's apostleship and condemning his rejection of biblical truth .

  30. 第三部分主要论述奥古斯丁美学思想在文本与主体方面的呈现。

    The 3rd part mainly describes the aesthetic generalization to the extension of text and body .