
fànɡ shè xìnɡ wù zhì
  • radioactive;radioactive substance
  1. 原先计划是要将少量的放射性物质封存在一个钢质防护罩中。

    The original plan was to encase a small amount of a radioactive substance in a protective steel container .

  2. 生产、储存、运输、销售、使用有毒化学物品和含有放射性物质的物品,必须遵守国家有关规定,防止污染环境。

    The production , storage , transportation , sale and use of toxic chemicals and materials containing radioactive substances must comply with the relevant state provisions so as to prevent environmental pollution .

  3. 但是,法国辐射保护及核安全研究所(FrenchInstituteforRadiologicalProtectionandNuclearSafety)称,没有放射性物质泄漏的迹象。

    However , the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety said there had been no indications of radioactive leaks .

  4. 可降解的污染物如DDT和放射性物质。

    Examples of degradable pollutants are DDT and radioactive materials .

  5. 摘要:东京方面告诉CNN,他们在福岛核电站五个不同的位置发现了少量的钚,而且是三种不同形式的钚。同时,今天的事态还有其他方面的变化。大量水含有大量放射性物质。

    Tokyo told CNN that it found traces of plutonium in five different locations at the Fukushima nuclear facility ,

  6. 总的来说,生态学家认为DDT和放射性物质(如锶-90)可以作为污染物的典型代表。

    Ecologists consider DDT and radioactive substances such as strontium 90 to be representative of contaminants as a whole .

  7. 做出了很多贡献,当他在研究alpha粒子的时候,他实际上是第一个,识别出不同放射性物质,放射出来的粒子之间差别的人。

    When he was studying these alpha particles , he was actually the first person to identify the difference between different types of particles that radioactive materials emit .

  8. 正电子发射断层(PET)是一项强大的医学影像技术,它通过检测正电子-电子湮灭所产生的光子以确定正电子放射性物质的体内分布。

    Positron emission tomography ( PET ) is a powerful medical imaging method for measuring the distribution of the positron emitter in the human body by co-incidence of the annihilation photons resulting from positron decay .

  9. 海格特建于19世纪的墓地,安葬着卡尔·马克思(KarlMarx)和亚历山大·V·利特维年科(AlexanderV.Litvinenko)等名人。后者生前是特工,遭放射性物质钋毒杀。

    Its 19th-century cemetery is the final resting place of , among others , Karl Marx and Alexander V. Litvinenko , who was poisoned with radioactive polonium .

  10. JonathanLinks:“即使在最严重的事故中,海洋也会起到非常重要的稀释作用。所以,海水中放射性物质的浓度将会非常低。”

    JONATHAN LINKS : " Even in a worst-case scenario accident , the sea provides a very high degree of . So the concentration of radioactivity in the seawater would still be quite low . "

  11. 福岛第一核电站的运营商东京电力公司(tepco)表示,他们已从该核电站附近海水的样本中检测出了5种浓度异常的放射性物质。

    Operator Tokyo Electric Power said unusual amounts of five kinds of radioactive material had been found in water samples near the Fukushima Daiichi plant .

  12. Ebinger表示,受到放射性物质污染的食品对成年人的危害被夸大了。

    Mr. Ebinger says the danger to adults from radiation-contaminated food is d.

  13. 低密度SiO2气凝胶是一种新型纳米多孔材料,它不仅可作为惯性约束聚变的低温冷冻靶,还可作为HTO蒸汽的吸附剂用于放射性物质的环境监测。

    Nano porous material SiO 2 aerogels can not only be used as a low temperature Nuclear Target in ICF but also be used as an adsorbent of HTO vapor .

  14. 对小鼠灌喂含125Ⅰ放射性物质,建立放射性内照射模型,应用原子吸收光谱法测定了低、中、高辐射源剂量组及对照组小鼠血清中Zn、Cu、Fe、Mg、Mn的含量。

    The inner irradiation model of mice fed with 125 ⅰ radiation was established . The content of Zn , Cu , Fe , Mg , Mn in mice serum of low , mid , high-dose radiation group and control group was determined by AAS .

  15. 本论文在仿真平台ASCA上对放射性物质的大气弥散过程进行仿真。

    Simulation on the process of radioactive material atmospheric dispersion is conducted in this paper by the operation environment ASCA .

  16. 只要水域直径在3m以上,水深2m,水中的放射性物质微弱,用此法可得到相当近似的自然底数。

    In this way , a close approximation to the real value can be obtained when the diameter of water area is over 3 meters , its depth is about 2 meters , and it contains little radioactive material .

  17. JonathanLinks:“但是只有在出现严重泄漏的情况下才是如此。而且,由于风向的问题,放射性物质会被吹到该地区以外,然后从空气中进入水,作物,水果和蔬菜。”

    JONATHAN LINKS : " But that would only be the case if there was a release and , because of wind direction , the radioactive material was blown over the area , and then of the air into and onto water , plants , fruits and vegetables . "

  18. 辐射照射专家shunichiyamashita表示,该核电站泄漏到海水中的放射性物质对健康的影响将是有限的,因为碘131半衰期较短,也就是说它的放射性衰减得很快。

    Shunichi Yamashita , an expert on radiation exposure , suggested that the health implications of leaks into the sea would be limited , as iodine-131 has a short half-life , meaning its radioactivity reduces quickly .

  19. 核电站辐射防护的任务主要包括:个人和集体剂量控制,放射性物质管理以防止失控和污染扩散,辐射事故预防,其中最能衡量核电站辐射防护管理和ALARA实施水平的指标是集体剂量控制。

    Radiation protection in nuclear power plant is mainly for : controlling the individual and collective doses , management of radioactive material to prevent any loss of control or contamination spreading , and prevention of radiation protection related incidents and accidents .

  20. 放射性物质A型货包的设计、检验和系列化研究

    Design , test and seriation of radioactive material type a package

  21. 由于这种辐射性现象,他们把该种物质称为放射性物质。

    Because of this radiation they said the substance was radioactive .

  22. 植物根系吸收了放射性物质后会被污染。

    Then plant roots the material and the plants become contaminated .

  23. 他们差点就暴露于致死量的放射性物质了。

    They were almost certainly exposed to fatal doses of radiation .

  24. 用于制造香烟的烟叶含有放射性物质。

    The tobacco leaves used in making cigarettes contain radioactive materials ;

  25. 理论上他们工作应该很完美,不过放射性物质会使他们受损。

    In theory they work perfectly , but radioactivity corrodes them .

  26. 非法运输核材料及其他放射性物质的探查

    Detection of illicit trafficking of nuclear materials and other radioactive materials

  27. 气载放射性物质在采样系统管路中的沉积问题

    Precipitation Issue of Airborne Radioactive Substance in Pipeline of Sampling System

  28. 但是这取决于放射性物质的厚度。

    But it depends on the depth of the radioactive material .

  29. 因镭或其它放射性物质或X光而引起的病理表现

    Pathological manifestations due to radium or other radioactive substances or X-rays

  30. 有些工人接触放射性物质得得了癌症。

    Some workers had developed cancer after exposure to radioactive substances .