
fànɡ shè zì xiǎn yǐnɡ
  • autoradiography
  1. 用放射自显影法测定细胞的DNA周期外合成

    The measurement of unscheduled DNA synthesis in lymphocytes by autoradiography

  2. 用放射自显影术观察~(14)C脒基硫脲在动物体内的分布和代谢

    Observations of the distribution and metabolism of ~ ( 14 ) C-ASU in animal by autoradiography

  3. 用~(32)P光镜放射自显影示踪术对人体经脉循行路线组织结构的研究

    Study on tissue structure of transmission route of human meridian with ~ ( 32 ) P light microscopic radioautography

  4. ~(32)P整体放射自显影技术用于人体十二经脉循行路线穴位的示踪

    Trace of Body Point in Transmission Route of Twelve Meridian of Human with ~ ( 32 ) P Radioautography

  5. 用~(32)P标记花粉放射自显影技术研究转基因水稻与几个野生近缘种的可交配性

    A study on compatibilities on transgenic herbicide-resistant rice with wild relatives by using autoradiography of ~ ( 32 ) P labeled pollen

  6. 利用显微放射自显影技术研究~(14)C标记4-碘苯氧乙酸(增产灵)在水稻各器官的积聚与分布

    A study on the accumulation and distribution of ~ ( 14 ) c-labelled 4-iodo-phenoxyacetic acid in organs of rice by microautoradiography

  7. 进行~3H&TdR放射自显影术和福尔根细胞光度法分析大肠癌的细胞DNA含量。

    Analysis of cellular DNA content in colorectal carcinoma was performed by combination of 3H-TdR autoradiography and Feulgen cytophotometry .

  8. 应用电镜放射自显影技术研究病毒DNA的复制及宿主细胞内RNA的转录

    Electron Microscopic Autoradiographic Studies on the Replication of Viral DNA and RNA Transcription in Host Cells

  9. 经放射自显影分析,证明合成了全长cDNA。

    It was proved by autoradiography that full length cDNA was synthesized .

  10. 紫外线照射后哺乳动物细胞DNA的期外合成用放射自显影法测定细胞的DNA周期外合成

    UNSCHEDULED DNA SYNTHESIS INDUCED BY ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION IN MAMMALIAN CELLS The measurement of unscheduled DNA synthesis in lymphocytes by autoradiography

  11. 方法:用银染法和放射自显影法分别检测相同样本DNA的AR基因微卫星多态性,比较二者结果。

    Methods : The microsatellite polymorphism of AR gene was detected by autoradiogram and silver stain .

  12. DNA显示中银染EB染色放射自显影三方法的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Silver-staining , EB-staining , and Autoradiography in DNA Visualisation

  13. 用放射自显影术观察棉酚对肾小管重吸收及转运~(42)K功能的影响

    Autoradiographic observation of gossypol effect on reabsorption and excretion of ~ ( 42 ) KCl in the renal tubules

  14. 电镜放射自显影术研究裂片~(147)Pm在体内亚细胞水平的滞留

    Accumulation of fission fragment 147Pm in subcellular level studied by electron microscopic autoradiography

  15. 用氚&胸腺嘧啶核苷放射自显影方法,观察到RⅡ对小鼠前胃上皮细胞DNA合成有明显的抑制作用。

    Autoradiography using H ~ 3-thymidine showed marked inhibitory effect of R ⅱ on DNA synthesis in the forestomach epithelium of mice .

  16. 用放射自显影术对比~(99m)Tc两种骨扫描剂的体内定位特性

    Comparing the localizing characteristic of two bone imaging agents by autoradiography

  17. 通过SDS-PAGE和放射自显影分析恶性疟患者血清抗体的靶抗原。

    Immunoprecipitated target antigens of P.falciparum were analysed by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography .

  18. X射线衍射显微照片放射自显影术:将含有放射性同位素的一小薄片生物组织与感光层接触的一项技术。

    X-ray diffraction micrography Autoradiography A technique whereby a tin slice of tissue containing a radioactive isotope is placed in contact with a photographic plate .

  19. 淋巴细胞亚群分型免疫放射自显影法的建立及在GBS中的应用

    Immunoautoradiography for analysing lymphocyte subsets and its application in GBS

  20. 方法采用PCRRFLP及放射自显影技术对83名健康人和211例糖尿病患者的上述多态进行病例对照关联研究。

    Methods A case control study was carried out with PCR RFLP and radioautograph in83 non diabetics and211 diabetics .

  21. 应用放射自显影术观察~(99m)Tc-MIBI在大鼠甲状腺内的动态分布

    Autoradiographic Observation on distribution of ~ ( 99m ) Tc-MIBI in rat thyroid

  22. 用放射自显影术研究人参总皂甙对大鼠海马NMDA受体的影响

    Study on effect of ginsenosides on NMDA receptor of hippocampus in rat by means of autoradiography

  23. 核素~(147)Pm在细胞内滞留的电镜放射自显影研究电镜放射自显影技术在内耳病理研究中的应用


  24. B花环试验和抗BLV~(125)I-F(ab′)2放射自显影检测牛白血病病毒对T和B细胞的感染性

    Determination of bovine leukemia virus infected B lymphocytes using B-ROSETTE test and anti - BLV 125l-f ( ab ' ) 2 autoradiography technique

  25. 氯硝西泮抗惊厥作用耐受及停药后大鼠脑内NMDA受体放射自显影观察

    Autoradiography of NMDA receptors in amygdala kindled rats with tolerance to and dependence on the anticonvulsant effect of clonazepam

  26. 采用TBA萤光法,放射自显影和电镜,观察RUE与维生素E对受损细胞的影响。

    The action of RUE and vitamin E on injured SMC were assayed with TBA fluorescence technique , autoradiography and electron microscopy .

  27. 目的和方法:应用~(32)P整体放射自显影技术,对足三阴经进行30例循行路线的示踪研究。结果:阳性25例,阳性率达83.3%。

    The transmission route of Three Yin Meridian of Foot was studied in 30 cases with radioautography by ~ ( 32 ) P of pure β - nuclide and found in 25 cases ( 83 . 3 % ) .

  28. 以[3H]TCP为配基,采用放射自显影观察NMDA受体的活性变化。

    An autoradiographic study in vivo was used to observe the activity of NMDA receptor with TCP as the binding ligand .

  29. 应用X线胶片免疫放射自显影法测定鼻咽癌病人血清中的EB病毒IgA/EA抗体

    Application of X-ray film Immunoautoradiographic method for detection of EB virus iga / ea antibody in sera from patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  30. AVP(4-8)结合点在大鼠海马内的分布和AVP(4-8)对其受体发育的影响:放射自显影研究

    Autoradiographic approach to the developmental study on the binding sites of avp_ ( 4-8 ) in rat hippocampus