
fàng shè
  • radiate;radiation;radioactivity;emit;ray;blas
放射 [fàng shè]
  • [radiate;emit] 由一点向四外射出(如臭气,光,热,气体或带电粒子)

  • 伽马射线可持续放射若干年

放射[fàng shè]
  1. 卡拉汉假定化学元素放射电磁信号。

    Callahan posits that chemical elements radiate electromagnetic signals .

  2. B组(50例)行TACE结合外放射治疗。

    50 cases were treated by TACE combined with exterior radiate treatment ( group B ) .

  3. 对他的治疗是把手术、放射和药物治疗结合为一体。

    His treatment was a combination of surgery , radiation and drugs .

  4. 白色的大理石地板镶嵌在铜质的放射形图案中。

    The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass .

  5. 他接受放射治疗,副作用很大。

    He reacted very badly to the radiation therapy .

  6. 月亮透过云层放射出寒光。

    The moon is emitting cool light through clouds .

  7. 太阳放射出异常的光彩。

    The sun was shining with uncommon lustre .

  8. 这位老病人脑部有放射痛。

    The old patient has shooting pains in the head .

  9. 初升的太阳放射出万道金光。

    The rising sun radiated myriads of golden rays .

  10. 症状一般在放射治疗完成后消失。

    Symptoms usually subside after completion of radiation therapy .

  11. 当清洗光盘时,用户应由内向外,直到边缘,以放射状擦拭。

    Unlike most fruit , the pear ripens from the inside out after it is picked .

  12. 它是从远处那个发出不灭之光的天体上放射出来的。

    It is an emanation from the distant orb of immortal light .

  13. 探讨乏氧细胞放射增敏剂的蛋白酶抑制活性。

    OBJECTIVE To discuss the inhibitive activity of proteinase of hypoxic cells radiosensitizer .

  14. 清除受放射污染地区有害物质的过程

    the process of decontaminating areas exposed to radioactivity

  15. 昨天拆除核后处理工厂引起了放射物泄漏。

    The dismantling of a nuclear reprocessing plant caused a leak of radioactivity yesterday .

  16. 我真的花了一个多小时跟梅格“书呆子解释”放射毒性的不同种类。

    I really just spend over an hour nerdsplaining to Meg about different kinds of radiotoxicity .

  17. 免疫疗法是获得诺贝尔奖的科学,现在是治疗癌症的一个关键支柱,与化学疗法、放射治疗和手术并列。

    Immunotherapy is Nobel prize-winning science that is now a key pillar of cancer treatment alongside chemotherapy , radiotherapy and surgery .

  18. 该研究团队发现,他们的人工智能模型可以通过扫描检查来预测乳腺癌,而且其准确度与放射科专家相当。

    The team found that their AI model could predict breast cancer from the scans with a similar accuracy level to expert radiographers .

  19. 低剂量CT接受的放射剂量仅是传统CT剂量的1/6。

    Low-dose CT uses only 1 / 6 dose of radiation of traditional CT .

  20. 立体放射外科学X-刀与γ-刀技术的比较

    Stereotactic radiosurgery a comparison between X-Knife and γ - Knife

  21. 白三烯C4放射免疫测定

    Radioimmunoassay for Leukotriene C_4

  22. 经导管~(192)Ir近距离放射治疗局部晚期肝门部胆管癌

    Intraluminal 192 Ir Brachytherapy for Local Advanced Hilar Bile Duct Carcinoma

  23. 彗星分析法检测鼻咽癌细胞DNA放射损伤与修复

    Application of the comet assay for detection of radiation induced DNA damage and repair in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells

  24. 方法模拟临床头颈放射治疗,用~(60)Co对40只正常成年SD大鼠头颈部按剂量归一的方法进行照射。

    Methods Forty normal adult SD rats were exposed to 60Co ray .

  25. 结果模拟靶和患者CT立体定位的结果均在模拟定位机上得到验证,达到临床精确定位和精确放射治疗的要求。

    Results The results of CT localization of simulated target and patients were identical to those with simulator .

  26. SuperHR系列感绿片在放射摄影中的应用

    The Application of Series of Super-HR Green Plates in Autoradiograph

  27. MonteCarlo方法在放射治疗剂量分布计算中的应用

    Applying Monte Carlo method to dose calculation of radiation therapy

  28. 金属/气体共晶二维定向凝固放射状多孔Mg的结构特征

    Structural features of radial & type porous magnesium fabricated by bidirectional solidification of metal / gas eutectic

  29. 马骡实验性急性放射病淋巴细胞和肝细胞DNA含量变化及与病程和病变的关系

    Relationship between the Changes of DNA Content in Lymphocytes and Liver Cells and the Disease Course and Lesion in Experimentally Radiated Horses and Mules

  30. 目的观察低剂量丝裂霉素C(MMC)对胸部癌症患者放疗中的降低放射损伤作用。

    Objective To observe the radioprotective effect of low dose mitomycin C ( MMC ) on chest carcinoma .