
jiāo tǐ rónɡ yè
  • colloidal solution
  1. Zn(OH)2胶体溶液在微波辐照下,能够生成均匀的超细ZnO非晶粉末(直径约0.2μm);

    Zn ( OH ) 2 colloidal solution can be changed to non-crystalline ZnO superfine powder ( about 0.2 μ m ) under microwave irradiation .

  2. 研究了聚乙二醇PEG4000与聚丙烯酸铵NH4PAA(质量比为1∶1)混合表面活性剂对Fe(OH)3胶体溶液ζ电位的影响。

    The effect of mixed surfactant ( PEG4000 and NH_4PAA , mass ratio 1 ∶ 1 ) on ζ - potential of ( Fe ( OH ) _3 ) colloidal solution was studied .

  3. 目的比较丝裂霉素C磁性纳米球胶体溶液与丝裂霉素C在小鼠体内的血药浓度及相关药动学参数。

    OBJECTIVE To compare the differences of pharmacokinetics parameters of Mitomycin C injections and its magnetic nanoparticles .

  4. 氧化钨pH传感器制备及其在F~-和胶体溶液中的应用

    Preparation of Tungsten Oxide pH Sensor and Its Application to F ~ - and Sol Solutions

  5. 结果在小鼠体内,丝裂霉素C磁性纳米球胶体溶液的血药浓度明显高于丝裂霉素C;

    RESULTS In mice , the blood concentration of Mitomycin C magnetic nanoparticles was significantly higher than that of Mitomycin C injections .

  6. 目的研究丝裂霉素C-磁性纳米球胶体溶液剂和丝裂霉素C生理盐水溶液中丝裂霉素C(MMC)在小鼠体内的分布。

    Aim To study the distributive character of mitomycin ( MMC ) magnetic nanoparticles and MMC normal saline solution in mice .

  7. 与尾静脉注射非磁丝裂霉素C纳米球胶体溶液剂的结果比较,外加磁场与磁纳米球的相互作用可大大地提高磁纳米球对肝脏的靶向率。

    Compared with the results of tail vein administration mitomycin nanoparticles , interaction between the external magnetic field and magnetic nanoparticles is significantly effective to increase targeting rates of MMC to liver .

  8. 通过引入PVP分散剂,可使CdS纳米晶粒子能够在无水乙醇中形成稳定的胶体溶液。

    Both could be dispersed well in ethanol and formed stable colloid solution when using PVP as dispersant .

  9. 方法开放移植肾血流前以患者BP和CVP为标准,预充以胶体溶液为主的容量负荷。

    Methods Major standardization of priming solution volume load by observation of NIBP and CVP before blood supply to new kidney .

  10. 硅溶胶是高分子二氧化硅(SiO2)微粒分散于水中或有机溶剂中的胶体溶液。

    The silica sols are a kind of colloid solution with the polymer silica particles dispersing in water or organic solvents .

  11. 通过在煤焦油沥青中添加石油沥青获得沥青甲苯胶体溶液,然后与聚乙烯醇(PVA)的甘油溶液乳化,制备了煤沥青基炭微球。

    Coal-tar pitch-based carbon microspheres were prepared by adding petroleum pitch using emulsifying pitch-toluene colloidal solution in polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA ) glycerol solution .

  12. 结论肾移植开放肾血流前,适当的预先补充以胶体溶液为主的容量负荷,能保证围术期BP和CVP的维持与稳定。

    Conclusion Major properly priming colloidal solution volume load before blood supply to new kidney could ensure maintenance and stabilization of BP and CVP during kidney transplantation .

  13. 本文报道利用二氧化硅微粒胶体溶液在玻璃和KDP晶体基质上制备多孔二氧化硅薄膜。

    We report herein about the investigation on porous silica coatings prepared from colloidal silica solution on optical glasses and KDP crystal substrates .

  14. 利用锐钛矿晶型的纳米TiO2胶体溶液,将硅胶作为粘结剂按不同配比加入TiO2胶体,用提拉法在陶瓷表面形成均匀薄膜并在高温下烘烤成膜。

    Nanometer anatase TiO 2 solution was used with silica sol added as adhesive at different ratios to prepare TiO 2 thin film on ceramic substrate by pulling method . The prepared TiO 2 thin film was annealed at high temperature .

  15. 结果含10μgFK506的纳米胶体溶液结膜下注射和滴眼后房水有效药物浓度可分别维持96h和16h;

    Results In the solution containing nanoparticle , the effective FK506 concentration in aqueous humor could be kept up to 16 h in eye drops group .

  16. 结论术前AHH可以有效地维持术中循环功能稳定,优化血液流变状态,利于微循环灌注,提高患者对失血的耐受性,减少异体输血量,胶体溶液优于晶体溶液。

    Conclusion AHH could effectively maintain hemodynamics stable , improve hemorheological condition and perfusion of microcirculation , enhance the tolerance of blood loss , and reduce homologous blood transfusion . Colloid solution was better than crystalloid solution for AHH .

  17. 褐藻酸钠胶体溶液及其乳状液流变性质的研究

    Rheological properties of colloidal solution and emulsion added sodium alginate

  18. 硫酸阿托品眼用胶体溶液的制备及质量考察

    Preparation and quality inspect of atropine sulfate ophthalmic gel solution

  19. 加替沙星眼用胶体溶液的研制及质量控制

    Preparation and quality control of gatifloxacin ophthalmic gel-forming solution

  20. 把化学物质分解成胶体溶液。

    Disperse in a medium into a colloidal state ; of chemical substances .

  21. 目的制备硫酸阿托品眼用胶体溶液。

    OBJECTIVE To prepare atropine sulfate ophthalmic gel solution .

  22. 含水果颗粒胶体溶液通电加热速度建模与工艺优化

    Ohmic Heating Rate Model and Process Optimization for Colloidal Solution with Fruit Granules

  23. 基料是特制的双氰胺-尿素-甲醛共聚物的胶体溶液。

    The base material was tailor made colloidal solution of dicyandiamide urea formaldehyde copolymer .

  24. 淀粉可有效分散氯化银胶体溶液,增强溶液的稳定性;

    Starch can disperse argentum chloride colloid solution in effect and improve its stability ;

  25. 胶体溶液介电特性研究

    Study on dielectric property of colloidal solutions

  26. 核酸对氯化银胶体溶液共振光散射的猝灭作用及其应用

    Quenching Effect of Nucleic Acids on Resonance Light Scattering of Colloidal Sliver Chloride and Its Application

  27. 纳米粒子-胶体溶液-吸附作用&对某些金属矿床成因的探讨

    Nanometer-sized Particles , Colloidal Solution and Adsorption & Exploration on the Genesis of Some Metal Deposits

  28. 硅溶胶是二氧化硅的微粒分散于水中的胶体溶液。

    Silica sol is a kind of colloid solution well dispersing corpuscles of silicon dioxide in water .

  29. 胶体溶液的颗粒凝聚物结构

    Aggregating structure of colloidal particles

  30. 铝溶胶是带正电的氧化铝微细粒子均匀分散在水中的胶体溶液。

    Alumina sol is a colloidal solution , which is positively charged alumina imperceptible particle dispersed in water .