
  • 网络Kiautschou;the Jiaozhou Bay;the kiaochow bay
胶州湾 [jiāo zhōu wān]
  • [Jiaozhou Gulf] 在中国山东省山东半岛南岸。南胶河注入。湾口为青岛港。1898年,中国清政府与德国签订《中德胶澳租界条约》,胶州湾为德国强租;1914年又为日本强占。1922年,中国政府收回

  1. 胶州湾COD、N、P污染物浓度数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on concentration of pollutants COD , N and P in Jiaozhou Bay

  2. Si在胶州湾沉积物-海水界面上的交换速率和通量研究

    Benthic Exchange Rate and Flux of Dissolved Silicate at the Sediment-Water Interface in Jiaozhou Bay

  3. Q统计指数在胶州湾北部水域浮游植物群落结构研究中的应用

    Application of Q statistics on studying of phytoplankton species diversity in the northern Jiaozhou Bay

  4. 胶州湾海域COD浓度场数值计算应用研究

    Numerical computation of distribution of COD in Jiaozhou Bay

  5. 胶州湾污染物COD的三维扩散与输运研究

    Three Dimensional Simulation on Transportation and Diffusion of Pollutant COD in Jiaozhou Bay

  6. 地质雷达在胶州湾海底隧道F(4-5)含水断层超前预报中的应用

    Application of ground penetrating radar to the geological forecast for water-bearing faults in the Jiaozhou Bay subsea tunnel construction

  7. 胶州湾双壳类壳体中的Ca,Mg,Mn,Sr元素组成及影响因素

    Components of Ca , Mg , Mn and Sr in Bivalve Shells from Jiaozhou Bay and Their Influence Factors

  8. 胶州湾浮游生物群落NH4~+-N的吸收与再生通量

    Ammonium uptake and regeneration fluxes of the microplankton assemblages in the Jiaozhou Bay

  9. 再次,通过吸附实验,考察有机污染物(COD)在胶州湾近岸沉积物上的吸附行为及吸附机理;最后,通过五氯氛钠的吸附解吸实验,研究了离子性有机污染物的吸附解吸动力学。

    Moreover , adsorption behavior and mechanism of COD on the coastal sediment of Jiaozhou Bay was surveyed during the adsorption experiment ;

  10. 青岛胶州湾海底隧道F(4-4)含水断层注浆前后TSP探测分析

    Analysis on TSP prediction before and after grouting about water-burst fault F_ ( 4-4 ) of subsea tunnel in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay

  11. 分析表明:温度、有机物降解和浮游植物活动等因素在胶州湾秋冬季pC02及CO2通量的季节变化过程中起着重要的作用。

    The results show that temperature , organic degradation and phytoplankton activity play important roles in seasonal variation of pCO2 and CO2 flux from autumn to winter .

  12. 基于一个成熟的水动力模型ECOM(EstuaryCoastalOceanModel),对胶州湾潮波系统及其驱动下的标识质点运移规律进行数值模拟。

    ECOM ( Estuary Coastal Ocean Model ) is used to simulate the tidal system and the tidally driven movement of water particles in Jiaozhou Bay , China .

  13. 研究结果表明:在胶州湾水域没有受到HCH的污染。

    It is learnt from the results that no HCH pollution can be concluded .

  14. 春季南海溶存N2O的分布特征和海气交换通量胶州湾及周边海域大气和海水中N2O和CH4的分布及海气交换通量

    Distribution and Air-Sea Fluxes of N_2O in South China Sea in Spring The Distributions and Atmospheric Fluxes of Nitrous Oxide and Methane in Jiaozhou Bay and Its Adjacent Coastal Area

  15. 首先,通过静态释放实验,研究胶州湾近岸沉积物中有机污染物(COD)的静态释放量、释放速率以及释放的影响因子;

    First , the release behaviors of organic pollutants , including of amount and rate , and influence conditions of organic pollutants in coastal sediments , were investigated ;

  16. 胶州湾周围主要入海河流及污水排放输送的SiO3~(2-)入海量达到了28.67×10~4mol/d。

    The flux of silicic acid from main rivers around Jiaozhou Bay can reach 28.67 X 10 ~ ( 4 ) mol / d.

  17. 胶州湾河流入海口水中HCHs、DDTs含量水平及变化特征

    Content and changing character of HCHs and DDTs in water of estuaries in Jiaozhou Bay

  18. 利用低潮位陆地卫星TM影像对胶州湾东岸碱厂白水分布与扩散进行监测。

    By interpreting the Landsat TM image during low tide level , the distribution and diffusion of white-water from Alkaline Factory on east coast of the Jiaozhou Bay was monitored .

  19. ECOM模式在胶州湾潮流计算中的应用

    Application of eCom to simulate tidal currents in Jiaozhou Bay

  20. 在夏季,输入的胶州湾水域的HCH含量与春、秋季相比,相对较高。

    HCH carried into the Jiaozhou Bay has its higher content in summer than that in spring or autumn .

  21. 对胶州湾李村河口9个短柱状样沉积物中活性金属、AVS和有机质含量等参数进行了分析。

    The reactive metals , AVS , and organic carbon , etc , were analyzed in9 short column sediment cores from the Licun estuary in the Jiaozhou Bay .

  22. 以胶州湾太平洋牡蛎(Crassostreagigas)为研究对象,分析了生鲜牡蛎的细菌菌相及在-20℃冻藏过程中的菌相变化情况。

    The microflora of raw Pacific oyster ( Crassostrea gigas ) and the microflora changes of samples storaged at - 20 ℃ were analyzed .

  23. 为了解富营养、氮素污染严重的胶州湾海域反硝化细菌群落的结构与组成,应用PCR技术为基础的基因文库方法对胶州湾沉积物反硝化细菌nirS基因的分子多样性进行研究。

    To understand the composition and structure of denitrifying communities in the Jiaozhou Bay , the diversity of denitrifying bacterial nirS gene from the sediments of Jiaozhou Bay was investigated by using a PCR-based cloning approach .

  24. 以胶洲湾为例,采用分步杂交法,在已建潮流场的基础上,建立胶州湾海域二维变边界对流&扩散数值模型,选COD为有机污染的指标因子,并视为保守元素。

    A two dimensional varied boundary pollutant transportation numerical model of Jiaozhou Bay is established by using the split steps finite element method . Based on the computed tidal current field , it chooses COD as a pollutant factor .

  25. 相关分析及元素的OC/OP比值分析证明,近20a,陆源输入是胶州湾沉积物主要来源,并且沉积速率不断增大。

    Moreover , the analysis of OC / OP ratios suggested that the terrestrial inputs were the dominant source of Jiaozhou Bay sediments .

  26. 运用一个三维正压湍流封闭数值模式,成功模拟了胶州湾M2分潮的潮汐与潮流分布。

    A three dimension barotropic model , included the Mellor Yamada turbulent closure scheme , was applied to simulate M 2 tide , tidal and residual current in the Jiaozhou Bay . The tide simulation was verified .

  27. 将其应用于青岛胶州湾海区底质分类识别研究中,通过与标准的LVQ神经网络的分类结果进行比较表明,该方法在分类速度以及精度上都有了较大提高。

    Comparing the evolving LVQ with the standard LVQ , the experiment results indicate that the approach of GA-based LVQ has improved the seafloor classification speed and accuracy .

  28. DIN的含量较高,超过国家三类海水的水质标准。胶州湾海水中无机氮的分布与富营养化研究

    The content of dissolved inorganic nitrogen ( DIN ) was higher than the third-class seawater standard in China . Study on Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Distributions and Eutrophication in the Jiaozhou Bay

  29. 以胶州湾为例,2007年胶州湾海域14个监测点位中,劣四类海水水质的点位占监测点位数的42.8%,其主要污染物包括:活性磷酸盐、无机氮以及COD等。

    Take Jiaozhou Bay for example , worse than grade IV sea water quality monitoring points accounted for 42.8 % in 14 monitoring sites of Jiaozhou Bay in 2007 , active phosphate , inorganic nitrogen and COD is included in the main pollutants .

  30. 在胶州湾中生物硅的研究平面分布上,湾北部和东北部PBSi含量始终较高,中部则相对为低,湾内近岸海域常形成高值区。

    Higher PBSi concentrations were found at north and northeast side of the bay , while lower at the central section .