
luò yè qiáo mù
  • Deciduous trees;deciduous arbor/tree
  1. 果桑(Morusspp.)是以生产桑果为目的的桑树,为桑科桑属多年生落叶乔木或灌木。

    Fruit mulberry ( Morus spp. ), grown as a perennial tree or shrub , is a kind of mulberry used for fruit production , belonging to Moraceae , Morus .

  2. 杜仲是落叶乔木,高达20米。

    Eucommia ulmoides Oliv . is a deciduous tree , up to twenty meters .

  3. 欧亚大陆一种落叶乔木(苹果),有互生的单叶及白色或粉色的花朵。

    Eurasian tree ( Malus pumila ) having alternate simple leaves and white or pink flowers .

  4. 南美的一种高大落叶乔木。

    Tall deciduous South American tree .

  5. 一种新西兰落叶乔木,从其内树皮可得到一种类似亚麻的强韧纤维,被称做新西兰棉。

    Deciduous New Zealand tree whose inner bark yields a strong flax-like fiber called New Zealand cotton .

  6. 枫、榆、桦及其他落叶乔木在秋天掉叶子。

    Maple , elm , birch , and other deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall .

  7. 形态特征:落叶乔木。2-3回羽状复叶,对生,小叶全缘。

    Configuration feature : Deciduous leaf arbor.2-3 answers a shape compound leaf , opposite , flocculus whole reason .

  8. 干重滞尘量:落叶乔木>灌木>常绿乔木。

    The amount of dust absorption of dry weight of vegetation : Deciduous tree > Bush > Evergreen .

  9. 构树是一种适应性极强的落叶乔木,在我国大部分地区均有种植。

    Broussonetia papyrifera is a kind of highly adaptive deciduous tree , are grown in most parts of China .

  10. 单位叶面积的滞尘量:落叶乔木>灌木;

    The amount of dust absorption of the area of unit leaf of the vegetation : Deciduous tree > Bush ;

  11. 山核桃树皮为胡桃科胡桃属落叶乔木山核桃的树皮。

    The Manchurian walnut bark is the bark of the carya known as the walnut family Juglans regia desiduous macrophanerophytes .

  12. 几种黄褐色落叶乔木的任何一种;生产硬质木材和包在带刺果壳内的可食坚果。

    Any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn ; yield a hard wood and edible nuts in a prickly bur .

  13. 美国东部和加拿大南部的粗干落叶乔木,树材中等,木材纹理紧密,叶片七深裂,秋天变为大红色。

    Medium-large thick-trunked deciduous tree of the eastern United States and southern Canada having close-grained wood and deeply 7-lobed leaves turning scarlet in autumn .

  14. 椴树属的任何一种落叶乔木,心型叶,下垂聚伞花序,花黄色,有时有香味;有些生产贵重木材。

    Any of various deciduous trees of the genus Tilia heart-shaped leaves and drooping cymose clusters of yellowish often fragrant flowers ; several yield valuable timber .

  15. 白杨树是落叶乔木,高达15~30米,树冠宽阔,树干白色,树皮白色至灰白色,基部常粗糙。

    Poplar is a deciduous tree , up to15 to30 meters , wide crown , stem white , bark white to gray , the base often rough .

  16. 美国东部的一种落叶乔木,中等至高大;其木材耐用,劈开可做篮子或椅座。

    Medium to large deciduous tree of the eastern United States ; its durable wood is used as timber or split and woven into baskets or chair seats .

  17. 美国鹅掌揪几种鹅掌楸属中快速成长的落叶乔木的一种,其花为单性穗状花花楸北美东部的一种野生花楸(装饰梨)

    Any of several fast-growing deciduous trees of the genus Populus having unisexual flowers borne in catkins . A wild mountain ash ( Pyrus decora ) of eastern North America .

  18. 种子萌发实验。在实验室控制条件下,67个物种中可以萌发的有38种,其中常绿乔木树种为10种,落叶乔木9种,常绿灌木12种,落叶灌木7种。

    In the greenhouse , 38 species of all 67 species may germinate , including 10 evergreen arbors , 9 deciduous arbors , 12 evergreen shrubs and 7 deciduous shrubs .

  19. 构树是木本饲料植物,桑科落叶乔木,适应性强,耐干旱瘠薄,也能生长在水边。

    Broussonetia papyrifera is one of forage plant belongs to Moraceae deciduous tree , which has strong adaptability and resistance to dry and barren , but also can grow in the waterside .

  20. 基调树种中有常绿乔木2种、落叶乔木7种、落叶灌木1种,属于乡土树种的7种,外来树种近占一半;

    Among the 12 ones 2 species are evergreen trees , 7 broad leave trees , 1 shrub ; 7 of them from local area and nearly a half species are introduced from outside areas .

  21. 根据树种规划原则,结合温州市气候特点,在乔、灌木规划时增加了落叶乔木和开花灌木的比例。

    According to the species planning principles , combined with the climate characteristics of Wenzhou City , the planning of Joe , shrubs , increases the proportion of deciduous tree and colored leaf trees and flowering shrubs .

  22. 其中常绿乔木2种,落叶乔木2种,灌木12种,木质藤本1种,草本花卉6种,草坪及地被植物4种,且多数为落叶植物。

    Kinds of evergreen trees , 2 defoliate trees , 12 shrubs , a woody vine , 6 herbage flowers as well as 4 lawn and ground cover plants are included and most of them are defoliated .

  23. 构树是广泛分布于我国各地的一种落叶乔木,构树叶粗蛋白含量达18-24%,是极具开发潜力的非常规饲料资源。

    Broussonetia papyrifera , a kind of deciduous tree , grown in most parts of China , and the crude protein content of the Broussonetia papyrifera leaf come to 18-24 % , has great development potential as unconventional resources .

  24. 山核桃一种山核桃属的北美洲落叶乔木,树皮光滑或粗糙,复叶,果实或坚果坚硬光滑,中间有可食用的种子,种子外包了一层可裂成四片的外皮。

    Any of several chiefly North American deciduous trees of the genus carya , having smooth or shaggy bark , compound leaves , and hard smooth stones or nuts , each containing an edible seed and surrounded by a husk that splits into four valves .

  25. 常绿与落叶乔木比例宜在3:2,常绿与落叶灌木宜在5-6:1的比例。文章还针对不符合植物配置原理的产生原因进行分析并提出了相应的建议。

    But it is suitable for 2 ~ 3 / M2.The best ratio between evergreen and deciduous trees is 3:2 , and that between shrubs and trees is 5-6:1 . This paper also puts forward some suggestions based on the analysis to the reason for the inappropriate plant design .

  26. 日本野漆树(Toxicodendronsuccedaneum)属漆树科漆树属落叶小乔木,是一种以采籽产蜡为主的特用经济树种。

    Toxicodendron succedaneum is a small deciduous tree of Toxicodendron of Anacardiaceae , a special economic species which can harvest seeds and wax .

  27. 热带非洲和印度的长绿或每年落叶的乔木。

    Evergreen or deciduous trees of tropical Africa and India .

  28. 落叶阔叶乔木与落叶阔叶灌木在群落中占很大的比例;

    Deciduous broadleaf trees and shrubs occupy prodigious proportion ;

  29. 蓝果树;在潮湿的产地特别是沼泽和池塘边的每年落叶的乔木。

    Tupelos : deciduous trees of moist habitats especially swamps and beside ponds .

  30. 欧洲的一种生命力很强的、落叶的乔木状灌木,通常沿路边生长;红色的浆果可变成黑色。

    Vigorous deciduous European treelike shrub common along waysides ; red berries turn black .