
  • 网络rocky mountain;The Rockies
  1. 落基山脉位于美国西部。

    The Rocky Mountains lie in the west part of america .

  2. 落基山脉有崇山峻岭和崎岖不平的道路。

    The Rocky Mountains have rugged mountains and roads .

  3. 落基山脉中有熊和美洲狮生存。

    The Rockies are home to bears and mountain lions .

  4. 这其中包括今年夏天去加拿大落基山脉(CanadianRockies)的班夫(Banff)旅游,以及明年去新西兰。

    That includes travel to Banff in the Canadian Rockies this summer and to New Zealand next year .

  5. 类似的赛事包括莱德维尔100英里山地自行车赛(LeadvilleTrail100MTB),这场令人心跳加速的赛事是在科罗拉多州落基山脉上骑行100英里,从海拔2800米开始,最后到达海拔3800米的地方。

    One such event is the Leadville Trail 100 MTB , a 100-mile heart-pounding test in the Colorado Rockies that starts at an altitude of 2800m and climbs another 1000m to the finish .

  6. Imy说,落基山脉防止来自墨西哥湾的水气向西部运动,迫使水气在国家中部集中。

    According to Imy , the Rocky Mountain range prevents moisture from the Gulf of Mexico from spreading westward and forces it to over the midsection of the country .

  7. PIETERHOFF:“如果你仔细研究一下大自然,我可以举一个你自己国家的例子,如果你看一下萨拉内瓦达的落基山脉,你会发现漫山遍野都是树木。所以,树木实际上可以在岩石上生长。他们有着非常强壮的根系。”

    PIETER HOFF : " If you look at nature , and I give an example in your own country , if you the Rocky Mountains of the Sierra Nevada , you find trees the mountains . So trees are actually able to grow on rocks . They have very strong roots . "

  8. 落基山脉美极了。我曾驾车驶过丹佛,

    The Rocky mountains are wonderful.And I 've driven through Dener .

  9. 首先,他飞过位于科罗拉多落基山脉的波尔德峡谷。

    First he flies over Boulder Canyon in the Colorado Rockies .

  10. 在海拔高度上落基山脉低于喜马拉雅山脉。

    The Rocky Mountains are lower in altitude than the himalayas .

  11. 他想知道在落基山脉那边有什么。

    He wanted to know what lay beyond the Rocky Mountains .

  12. 我还在落基山脉上野营过许多次。

    and I 've camped in the Rocky Mountains many times .

  13. adj.势不可挡的,不可抗拒的落基山脉的壮丽景色使人赞叹不已。

    overwhelming The scenic splendors of the Rocky Mountains are overwhelming .

  14. 落基山脉的壮丽景色使人赞叹不已。

    The scenic splendors of the Rocky Mountains are overwhelming .

  15. 很快,远处便出现峰峦积雪的落基山脉。

    Soon the snow-topped Rocky Mountains appear in the distance .

  16. 我们望见了远处巍峨的落基山脉。

    In the distance we saw the majestic Rocky Maintains .

  17. 加拿大落基山脉的春天来之不易。

    Spring doesn 't come easily to the Canadian Rockies .

  18. 这些花岗岩石来自落基山脉。

    They too , are from the core of the Rocky Mountains .

  19. 这就给我们提供了另外一种关于落基山脉如何出现的线索。

    This offers another clue to how the Rockies emerged .

  20. 落基山脉一种开蓝花的长花距耧斗草。

    Columbine of Rocky Mts having long-spurred blue flowers .

  21. 美国落基山脉就此诞生。

    This was the birth of the American Rockies .

  22. 在经过落基山脉时锁死了

    It locked in the middle of the Rockies .

  23. 落基山脉成了隔开这两大水系的大陆分水岭。

    The Rocky Mountains form the continental divide separating these two river systems .

  24. 他们可以去落基山脉滑雪,也可以在港湾里扬帆行船。

    They can ski in the Rocky Mountains and sail in the harbour .

  25. 作者是“地球正义”(Earthjustice)落基山脉分部的环境事务律师。

    The writer is an environmental lawyer for Earthjustice , Rocky Mountain office .

  26. 在落基山脉徒步旅行时,由于爬得太高,我和儿子都迷了路。

    My son and I became lost while hiking high in the southern Rockies .

  27. 在加拿大的落基山脉,化石记录了动物多样性的爆炸。

    In Canada 's Rocky Mountains , fossils document an explosion in animal diversity .

  28. 落基山脉慢慢开始升起,直到最后形成了巨大的山脉。

    And the Rocky Mountains began to rise , forming a great mountain range .

  29. 迈克:落基山脉美极了。

    Mike : The Rocky Mountains are wonderful .

  30. 巍巍的落基山脉南起墨西哥一直向北延伸到北极圈。

    The majestic Rocky Mountains stretch all the way from Mexico to the Arctic .