
  • 网络prevailing westerlies;prevailing westerly winds
  1. 一般来说,盛行西风带的气温比较适中。

    The belts of prevailing westerlies in general have moderate average temperature .

  2. 盛行的西风助了英国海军将领们的一臂之力。

    The prevailing westerly winds gave the battle advantage to the English admirals .

  3. 沿着赤道处会再次出现盛行的西风,和今日一样,从赤道处卷曲飘荡并返回来。

    The prevailing westerly will reinstitute themselves along the new Equator , curling away from the Equator as they do today , and returning .

  4. 沙漠不会想今天一样存留下来,因为盛行的西风会转向,从不同方向带来充满湿气的空气。

    Deserts may or may not remain as today , as the prevailing Westerlies will change direction , bringing moisture laden air from a different direction .

  5. 夏季,克里雅河以西地区盛行偏西北风和西风,以东盛行东北风。

    In summer northwesterly and westerly ( northeasterly ) winds are prevalent west ( east ) of the Keriya River ;

  6. 河西绿洲大多数台站夏季盛行偏东风,冬季盛行偏西风,各站的最大风速一般出现在春季。

    The highest wind velocity of the weather stations in the oasis usually appears in spring .