
  • 网络litter;junks;falling object
  1. n值与枯落物覆盖量之间呈较好的二项式关系。

    And there was a satisfied binomial relationship between n and litter coverage .

  2. 当枯落物覆盖量在10.0~25.0t.hm-2范围内增加时,n值的加大趋势逐渐变缓;

    While the litter coverage caries in the range of 10.0 to 25.0 t · hm ~ ( 2 ), the value of n increased more and more slower .

  3. 杨树、水杉林带枯落物对土壤微生物C、N的影响

    Impacts of litter of Populus and Metasequoia on soil microbial biomass

  4. 枯落物覆盖量增加使地表曼宁阻力系数n值加大,在枯落物覆盖量小于10.0t。

    The Manning resistant coefficient ( n ) increased with litter coverage .

  5. 几种林木枯落物对糙率系数n值的影响

    The Effect of the Several Kind of Litters to the Roughness Coefficient

  6. 对P的净化能力排列次序为:根系>泥炭>茎叶>枯落物。

    On P the order was : root > peat soil > stem and leaf > dead leaf and stem .

  7. ISO关于工程车辆翻车和落物保护装置的概念与要求

    Outline of Roll-Over and Falling Object Protective Structure of Engineering Vehicles

  8. 不同海拔高度的生态因子中受其它因子影响最大的是土壤pH值和枯落物厚度;

    The study also shows that : at different elevation , pH value of soil and thickness of fallen branches and leaves are deeply effected by other factors ;

  9. 混交林土壤N素养分水平提高的根本原因是林地土壤微生物活性高,加快了含N较高枯落物分解速度,增强了土壤氨化及硝化强度。

    The main reason of the soil nitrogen nutrient improvement is the high speed of litter decomposition and high ammonification and nitrification intensity because of the increased activity of soil microorganism .

  10. 森林土壤和枯枝落叶层DOM的研究广州七种园林植物枯落物的水文效应

    Dissolved Organic Matter of Soil and Forest Floor in Forest Ecosystems ; Hydrological Effects of Seven Landscape Plants Litter in Guangzhou

  11. 林木根源有机C包括根系通过根枯落物、根系(根共生菌丝)分泌物和根共生菌周转3条途径向土壤输入的有机C.它是森林生态系统中一个重要的、潜在的C汇。

    Root-derived organic carbon is composed of three compartments : root detritus , root exudates and root symbionts , which represents a large important and potential C sink in forest ecosystems .

  12. Olson枯落物分解模型存在的问题与修正

    Problems in Olson 's litter decomposition model and its revision

  13. 其枯落物容水量平均达4mm,相当于天然植物群落的35.7%。

    The water-holding capability of litter averages 4 mm , which is 35.7 % of that of natural plant communities .

  14. 在整个持水过程中,前2h内各林分枯落物层持水作用较强。

    During the process of water holding of litter layer , the water holding capacity and absorption speed of the first 2 h were superior to the rest of time .

  15. 在海南岛的土壤&植被系统中,Cu、Zn、Cr、Mo元素有95%以上贮存在土壤库中,植被库中的贮量低于5%,而残落物库中的贮量不到1%。

    In the soil-vegetation systems in Hainan Island , more than 95 % of the amounts of four elements ( Cu , Zn , Cr , Mo ) are stored in soil , less than 5 % in vegetation and less than 1 % in deciduous remain .

  16. 南京市城市森林绿地群落枯落物的现存量平均值为11.35t/ha,全氮平均含量为0.914%,磷元素平均含量为0.090%,最大持水率平均为188.86%。

    Standing pool of forest floor litter in Nanjing is 11.35t / ha , content of N and P is 0.914 % and 0.090 % , the max water holding capacity is 188.86 % .

  17. 植被枯落物成为表土层有机质以及表土层被埋藏后的有机质更新过程,均存在碳同位素分馏效应,有机质δ13C显著增大。

    The fractionation of carbon isotope was happened during both the transformation of vegetation debris into topsoil organic matter ( OM ) and its regeneration after the topsoil buried , which resulted in a significant increase of SOM δ 13 C.

  18. 0.5mm~2mm枯落物覆盖下不同含水量的土壤水分蒸发比无覆盖的土壤减少7.95%~56.79%,枯落物层减少土壤水分蒸发的效应随枯落物层厚度和土壤含水量的增大而增加。

    Under different levels of soil moisture , the soil water evaporation covered by litter with the thickness of 0.5cm ~ 2cm was less than 7.95 % ~ 56.79 % of the soil without litter covering .

  19. hm-2增加到25.0t.hm-2时,地表径流流速与无枯落物覆盖相比减小了57.50%~72.27%;

    The results showed that compared with the treatment with no litter coverage , the surface runoff velocity was reduced by 57.50 % ~ 72.27 % when the litter coverage varies from 0.0 to 25.0 t · hm ~ ( - 2 ) .

  20. 割草区活根和根系残落物在8月30日的总贮量为936.12g·m3/2,活根占52.45%,根系残落物占47.55%。

    The total storing amount of living root and the litter of root system is 936.12g . m - 2 on August 30 , for the living root , the percentage is 52.45 % , the litter of root system is for 47.55 % .

  21. 该地区从20世纪80年代初期陆续退耕还林的人工植物群落年龄虽只有10~27a,但其枯落物层厚度已达2.9cm,相当于天然植物群落(30~200a)的56.9%;

    The ages of the artificial communities of these areas is only 10 ~ 27 years , however the litter in these vegetation has been as thick as 2.9 cm , which is 56.9 % of the thickness of natural plant communities of 30 to 200 years old ;

  22. 城市森林群落枯落物层中重金属的含量与储量

    The Content and Storage of Heavy Metals in Urban Forests Litter

  23. 土壤含水量与枯落物现存量呈正相关性;

    The relationship between litter amount and soil moisture was same .

  24. 应用幂函数方程拟合了不同林分枯落物累积吸持水量与吸持时间之间的关系。

    Power function relation exists between the accumulated water-holding volume and time .

  25. 推土机翻车和落物保护结构有限元分析

    Finite Element Anaiysis and Testing of Bulldozer Roll-over and Falling-object Protective Structures

  26. 北京十三陵不同林分枯落物层和土壤层水文效应研究

    Hydrological Effects of Forest Litters and Soil in Ming Tombs Forest Farm

  27. 为捞出小落物,必须进行打捞作业。

    To recover the lost item , a fishing job is necessary .

  28. 杨树刺槐混交林枯落物分解速率的研究

    The litter decomposition rate of mixed forest of poplar and black locust

  29. 油松林枯落物层防止溅蚀的研究

    Study on prevention of Splash erosion by litter in chinese pine woodland

  30. 森林枯落物及其苔藓层阻延径流速度研究

    Study on Runoff Velocity Retardation by Forest Litter and Moss