
  • 网络ecological succession;ecology succession
  1. 城市生态演替的等级缀块动态范式理论与应用

    Theory and Application of Hierarchical Patch Dynamics Paradigm in Urban Ecological Succession

  2. 生态演替螺旋式上升理论的研究

    Study on spiral rise theory in ecological succession

  3. 生态演替原理在露天煤矿土地复垦中的应用

    The application of the ecological succession principle on the land reclaimation In the open coal mines

  4. 试论城市生态演替

    On the urban ecological succession

  5. 使生态演替顶级偏离预定态的干扰因素,称为触发因子;

    The ultimate status of eco-logical succession was determined by the interaction of dominant force and trigger factor .

  6. 在矿山植被选择过程中应遵循生态演替原理及生态位原理;

    In the process of vegetation selecting , the ecological succession principle and the niche principle should be followed ;

  7. 宁夏新垦区昆虫群落生态演替及有害种预警系统研究

    Studies on the ecological succession of insect community and predicting system for the pests in the desert reclamation area of Ningxia

  8. 产酸脱硫反应器中COD/SO4~(2-)比制约的群落生态演替规律

    The Ecological Succession of Climax Community Restricted by COD / SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) Ratio in Acidogenic Desulfate Bioreactor

  9. 依据生态演替理论基础和原则,提出了江汉平原湿地恢复和重建的具体措施。

    According to the theories and principles of ecological succession , several measures to rehabilitate the degraded wetland ecosystem should be taken .

  10. 风景林地的分维数也仅有1.411,说明其自然生态演替受到人为干扰。

    The calculated fractal dimension of scene forest is only 1.411 , showing that its ' nature zoology succession was interfered by human .

  11. 从大丰县生态演替史看淤长型滩涂的开发与利用

    A study of the exploitation and utilization of the deposit-enlargement type seabeach based on the history of ecological succession in Dafeng county , Jiangsu Province

  12. 宁夏新垦区土壤昆虫生态演替及优势种种群序列演变的研究

    Studies on the ecological succession of soil insect and the serial changes of population for the dominant pest insect in the desert reclamation area of Ningxia

  13. 分析了植物分布理论、生态演替理论、生物多样性理论、景观结构理论等城市森林建设的基础理论;

    Such theories as plant distribution theory , ecological succession theory , biodiversity theory and landscape structure theory on which urban forest building is based are discussed .

  14. 本文以依兰县先锋林场试验示范区的森林调查材料为基础,按照三种生态演替系列,即旱生、中生、湿生系列,对每一系列主要群落的树种生长进行分析。

    According to the forest survey information of test area in Xianfeng Forest Farm , Yilan County , the main trees growth of xerosere , mesosere and hydrosere were analysed .

  15. 通过产酸脱硫反应器的动态试验和配套的静态试验,考察致变因子COD/SO2-4比制约的乙酸型顶极群落的结构、优势种群的组成和生态演替的规律;

    The ecological succession of climax community restricted by COD / SO 2 - 4 ratio , the causing ecological factors , was investigated in acidogenic desulfate bioreactor with continuous flow and batch flow experiment .

  16. 本文介绍了等级缀块动态范式的基本内容,并利用等级缀块动态范式对城市生态演替动力机制、演替的模式、演替的稳定性机制、演替的途径和方向等基本理论问题进行了系统分析。

    The content of the paradigm is introduced and applied to analyze the basic theoretical problems in succession process , such as dynamics , mode , mechanism of stability , path and direction of urban ecological succession .

  17. 在总结我国大都市、资源型城市、小城镇等典型城市生态演替规律的基础上,指出了等级缀块动态范式的缺陷和不足,探讨了城市生态演替理论研究的发展方向。

    Based on the summarizing of the succession laws of metropolis , mining city , small city and town , the demerits of the paradigm is pointed out and the direction of theoretical research of urban ecological succession is put forward .

  18. 干扰与生态系统演替的空间分析

    Spatial analysis of disturbances and ecosystem succession

  19. 生态系统演替过程的数学模型

    The mathematical model of ecosystem succession

  20. 在自然状态下,水文条件的变化是导致湿地生态系统演替的主要原因,特别是水分和盐分状况,是决定湿地植物群落分布和演替进程的直接因素。

    Under the natural state , moisture and salt determine the distribution and evolution of plant community in wetland .

  21. 石河子地区泉水溢出带农业生态系统演替规律的初步研究&以石河子农学院实验农场为例

    A Preliminary Research of Agricultural Ecosystem Succession Law in Spring Water Overflowing Belt of Shihezi Area ── Taking Experimental Farm of Shihezi Agricultural College as an Example

  22. 因此,可以通过调整人类的行为,促进退化河流生态系统演替方向的改变,从而实现其生态恢复的目标。

    So , we can promote the direction change of the development of degradation in the river ecosystem , thus realize the goal of resuming in its ecology .

  23. 这从一个侧面反映了森林生态系统演替趋势,从而为木荷林的保护、群落结构与动态预测等提供科学依据。

    At a certain degree , these results showed the succession tendency of the ecosystem of the forests . The results would offer scientific theories for reserving community structure and dynamic prediction of S.superba forests .

  24. 研究分析玛纳斯河流域石河子绿洲农业生态系统演替规律结果表明,随着技术投入和市场的开放,绿洲农业生产力呈正向演替,而与之相应的生态环境部分呈逆向演替。

    The successional regulation of agroecosystem in Shihezi Oasis along Manas River was analyzed . It shows that ( oasis ) agricultural productivity is in the ( process ) of nomal succession and the relevant ecology environment becomes ( retrogressive ) succession with more technique inputing and market opening .

  25. 人类生给活动引起的森林草原生态系统的演替特征

    Successional Features of Forested Grassland Ecosystem Caused by livelihood-action of Humanity

  26. 川中丘陵区农业生态系统的演替

    Evolvement of Agro-ecosystem in the Hilly Area of the Central Sichuan Basin

  27. 江苏沿海淤泥质滩涂景观生态特征及其演替

    Landscape Ecological Character of Jiangsu Mud Flat and its Succession

  28. 海州露天煤矿非工作帮边坡稳定性分析安太堡露天煤矿生态重建植被演替规律

    Analysis of Stability of the Footwall Slope in Haizhou Open Pit Coal Mine

  29. 沿海生态系统自然演替及食品生产功能;

    Succession and food-generating functions of coastal ecosystem ;

  30. 重庆四面山风景区森林生态现状、演替趋势及可持续发展对策

    The Forest Ecological , Succession Trend and Durable Evolutional Countermeasure in Simian Mountain Scenic Spot in Chongqing