
  1. 有水草和无水草的两个浅水水库生物生产量的比较

    The comparison of biological production between two shallow reservoirs with and without aquatic macrophytes

  2. 池鹭繁殖种群数量、活动规律和生物生产量的研究。

    Study on the activities and biomass production of breeding population of Chinese pond heron ARDEOLA bacchus .

  3. 建设项目大多建设在肥沃的土壤上,因此公路建筑面积的增加意味着生物生产量的明显降低,本文以生态生产性土地面积衡量当地的生态资源供给变化。

    The construction of expressway meant reduction of biological capacity in terms of the occupy of the fertile land .

  4. 滇东北不同退耕还林类型生物生产量及水土保持效益分析

    Analysis on the Biological Production and Soil and Water Conservation Benefit Under Different Types of Returning Farmland to Forests in Northeastern Yunnan Province

  5. 在生态学和农业研究中,误差逆传神经网络模型通常作为非线性函数模拟器用于预测作物产量、生物生产量、生物与环境之间的关系等。

    In agroecological research , neural networks are always employed to predict crop yield , biomass yield , relationships between organisms and environmental factors and so on .

  6. 鱼苗池浮游动物生物量和生产量的初步研究

    A preliminary study on biomass and production of Zooplankton in fry ponds

  7. 伊乐藻等几种沉水植物的生物量和生产量测定以及竞争态势试验

    Testing study of biomass , production and competitive growth of Elodea nuttallii and other submerged plants

  8. 结果表明,未割柴林分的萌条密度、平均高度、平均地径、叶面积指数、生物量和生产量,均随年龄增长而增加。

    This results in unmatched in age between suckers and root sys-tem , obviously will affect stand structure and biomass of black locust firewood forest .

  9. 阴坡土层厚(>30cm)且湿润同阳坡土层浅薄干燥的生境条件对比表明,前者比后者有较高的林分生物量和生产量。

    Higher biomass and productivity of the stands in north slope ( depth of soil layer > 30cm ) is occurred in comparison with that of the south slope .

  10. 通过对香港草地、芒萁、灌木群落植物生物量和净生产量的研究,探讨这些植物群落的C素动态。

    Carbon dynamics of the grass , fern and shrub communities in Hong Kong were studied based on the estimation of their biomass and net primary production ( NPP ) .

  11. 对广西中部丘陵区不同年龄阶段(8年生、14年生、23年生、38年生)的马尾松人工林生物量和净生产量进行了研究,探讨了该人工林生产与碳素动态。

    Carbon dynamics of Masson pine plantation in different age classes ( 8 a , 14 a , 23 a , 38 a ) in the central hilly area of Guangxi , China was studied based on the estimation of their biomass and net primary production ( NPP ) .

  12. 天然檫木混交林的生物量及营养元素分布&Ⅰ.生物生产量及生产力

    Biomass and distribution of nutrient elements in natural Sassafras mixed forests