
  • 网络the iliad;Illiad;Iliade;Homer's Iliad
  1. 荷马的《伊利亚特》和弥尔顿的《失乐园》是史诗

    Homer Iliad and Milton 's Paradise Lost are epics .

  2. 他在他的页面上将自己描述成一个打破哈佛商学院学生固有形象的人,并提到了众筹造就的一些伟大的东西——比如,亚历山大•蒲柏(AlexanderPope)从1713年开始翻译的荷马的《伊利亚特》(Iliad)。

    On his page he portrays himself as someone who breaks the HBS student stereotype and highlights that great things come from crowdfunding - such as Alexander Pope 's translation of Homer 's Iliad , which he started in 1713 .

  3. 法国电信公司伊利亚特(Iliad)自2003年起就对法国电信的固话业务形成了竞争压力。去年,伊利亚特购得了移动运营牌照,并计划自2012年起提供移动服务。

    Iliad , the French telecoms company that began putting France Telecom 's fixed-line phone business under pressure in 2003 , last year bought a mobile operating licence and plans to start services in 2012 .

  4. 与此同时,控股伊利亚特的法国大亨沙维尔尼尔(XavierNiel)预计也会在周三发现,他在不到一周前提出的要约正式遭遇挫败。

    Meanwhile , Xavier Niel , the French tycoon who controls Iliad , is expected to find himself formally thwarted on Wednesday in a bid he made less than a week ago .

  5. 公主在《伊利亚特》最后一卷里发现了这份手稿。

    In the last volume of the Iliad she found this manuscript .

  6. 可以说,正是《伊利亚特》把古希腊变成了我心目中的天堂。

    It was the Iliad that made Greece my paradise .

  7. 战争、伦理及文学&兼《伊利亚特》的英雄之一瞥

    War , Ethic and Literature :" Hero " in Iliad

  8. 《伊利亚特》里的早期希腊人是刚强的战士。

    These early Greeks of the " Iliad " are sturdy fighters .

  9. 论《伊利亚特》情节和性格中的必然律

    On necessary law between plot and character of Iliad

  10. 特洛伊战争的故事在荷马的《伊利亚特》中有记述。

    The story of the Trojan War is told in Homer 's Iliad .

  11. 荷马的《伊利亚特》属于英雄史诗类。

    Homer 's Iliad comes under the head of heroic or epic poetry .

  12. 在座的应该都读过《伊利亚特》。

    Many of you have probably read The Iliad .

  13. 在希腊则成了《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》;

    In Greece as the Iliad and the Odyssey ;

  14. 《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》都不是由一位诗人单独创作的,

    that neither The Iliad nor The Odyssey was written by a single poet ,

  15. 荷马史诗是欧洲文学的源头,它包括《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》。

    Homeric epic which includes Iliad and Odyssey is the source of European literature .

  16. 血腥却又优美,存在比《伊利亚特》更伟大的诗歌吗?

    Bloody but beautiful , is there a greater poem than the " Iliad " ?

  17. 人们一般认为《伊利亚特》为荷马所著。

    Iliad is generally fathered on homer .

  18. 在这场卑劣的争吵中,是什么给了《伊利亚特》里英雄人物那种宏伟的气魄呢?

    In this squalid quarrel , what gives the heroes of the iliad their grandeur ?

  19. 谈《伊利亚特》的两个基本冲突

    On Two Basic Conflicts of Iliad

  20. 希腊神话英雄;荷马的伊利亚特中与特洛伊交战的战士。

    A mythical Greek hero ; a warrior who fought against Troy in Homer 's Iliad .

  21. 在《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》中,荷马歌颂了英雄的勇敢与无畏。

    In The Iliad and The Odyssey , Homer extols the bravery and fearlessness of heroes .

  22. 《山海经》与《伊利亚特》&中西战争神话叙事比较

    Records of Mountain and Sea and Ilias & Narration Comparison Between Chinese and Western War Mythology

  23. 最著名的讲述了这个神话发生在荷马的伊利亚特和奥德赛。

    The most famous telling of this myth takes place in Homer 's Iliad and Odyssey .

  24. 《伊利亚特》说得很明白,特洛伊城之所以被毁,原因是特洛伊人拐走了希腊的妇女。

    The Iliad makes it clear that destruction came upon Troy because the Trojans stole Greek women .

  25. 阿里斯塔克斯希腊语法学家和鉴赏家,闻名于其校订和研究伊利亚特和奥德赛。

    Greek grammarian and critic noted for his arrangement of and commentary on the Iliad and the odyssey .

  26. 《伊利亚特》叙事中的重复&由一个阻碍叙事欣赏的问题而引发的思考

    On the narrative repetition in the Iliad ─ A reflection aroused by the difficulty in appreciation of narration

  27. 我很清楚,博学的教授们从《伊利亚特》中发掘的财富要远胜于我。

    I know my learned professors have found greater riches in the Iliad than I shall ever find ;

  28. 他们坚信《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》有可能是一位天才诗人的杰作。

    They insisted that The Iliad and The Odyssey could have been the work of a single poetic genius .

  29. 我们以《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》这两部史诗作为开端来探讨西欧的诗歌。

    We 're going to start our discussion of poetry in Western Europe with The Iliad and The Odyssey .

  30. 公元前八至七世纪,古希腊人荷马编纂两部荷马史诗《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》。

    Seven to eight century BC , the ancient greeks Homer creation two Homer epic the Iliad and the Odyssey .