
yī lǎng
  • Iran
伊朗[yī lǎng]
  1. 对于外界而言,伊朗仍是个谜。

    Iran remains an enigma for the outside world .

  2. 伊朗在伦敦重开使馆。

    Iran reopened its embassy in London

  3. 萨德尔丁是伊朗血统。

    Sadrudin was an Iranian by birth .

  4. 如果苹果公司被迫为美国执法机构破解了一部iPhone以协助案件调查的话,那俄国或者伊朗也提岀同样要求,苹果公司又该如何拒绝呢?

    If Apple is forced to open up an iPhone for an American law enforcement investigation , what is to prevent it from doing so for a request from the Chinese or the Iranians ?

  5. 土耳其和伊朗也已宣布建造基地的计划。

    Turkey and Iran have announced plans to build bases , too .

  6. 上个世纪,人们变得更高了,韩国女性的平均身高增加了20多厘米,伊朗男性的平均身高增加了16。5厘米。

    People have grown taller over the last century , with South Korean women shooting up by more than 20cm on average , and Iranian men gaining . 16.5cm .

  7. 上星期伊朗政府提高了石油价格。

    The Government of Iran advanced the price of petroleum last week .

  8. 但这个点子带点垂死挣扎的味道:伊朗早已深植于伊拉克的逊尼派,这恰恰是逊尼派又惊又怕的原因。

    That is exactly what enrages and frightens the Sunnis .

  9. 白色陶瓷制品以及绿花的碗与大口水壶已经在伊朗流行是众所周知的事

    White ceramicware asas green-splashed bowls and ewers are known to have been popular in Iran .

  10. 只有伊朗,叙利亚之中的好朋友,仍坚定yu西方世界对立。

    Only Iran , among Syria 's friends , stood fast against the West .

  11. 一名伊朗数学家成了首位荣获菲尔茨奖(FieldsMedal)的女性;该奖项被认为是数学界的诺贝尔奖(NobelPrize)。

    An Iranian mathematician is the first woman ever to receive a Fields Medal , often considered to be mathematics ' equivalent of the Nobel Prize .

  12. NMP精制伊朗润滑油馏分的初步研究

    The pilot study on NMP solvent refining of Iran lube oil distillate

  13. 伊朗国有的英语新闻电视台PressTV报导称,伊朗国家柔道青年队成员在坠机事件中遇难,其中有8名运动员、2名教练。

    Members of Iran 's Junior Judo squad , including eight athletes and two , were among those killed in the crash , the state-run , English-language news service Press TV reported .

  14. 李方伟上次接受路透(Reuters)采访是在2013年,他当时表示,很久之前就不再与伊朗做交易了。

    Mr Li was last interviewed in 2013 by Reuters , when he said he had long since ceased to engage in trade with Iran .

  15. 一份欧盟(EU)内部文件推断,尽管联合国(UN)对伊朗进行制裁,且多年来与之进行谈判,但该国将有能力开发足够装备一枚核弹的武器级原料。

    Iran will be able to develop enough weapons-grade material for a nuclear bomb , in spite of United Nations sanctions and years of negotiations , an internal European Union document has concluded .

  16. 渣打集团(standardchartered)昨日强烈回击美国监管机构称其涉嫌违反对伊朗的制裁、将其形容为“流氓机构”的做法,指出任何违反行为只是“小小的办事员差错”。

    Standard Chartered hit back hard yesterday against US regulatory attempts to cast it as a " rogue institution " for allegedly breaching sanctions on Iran , describing any transgressions as " small clerical errors " .

  17. 伊朗SAHAND电站单台75t行车穿转子方案

    Installation Scheme of Generator Rotor by Single 75t Crane in Iran Power Plant

  18. 它导致了邪恶轴心概念的产生,将萨达姆•侯赛因(SaddamHussein)的伊拉克,神权统治的伊朗以及金正日(KimJong-il)的朝鲜联系起来。

    It led to the idea of an axis of evil connecting Saddam Hussein 's Iraq to theocratic Iran and Kim Jong-il 's North Korea .

  19. 伊朗对这份报告十分恼火,称报告显示出iaea和天野之弥是华盛顿方面的同谋。

    Iran is already reacting angrily to the report , arguing that it suggests the IAEA and Mr Amano are in cahoots with Washington .

  20. 伊朗警告沙特阿拉伯及欧佩克(opec)其它成员国不要为了弥补西方制裁伊朗造成的供应缺口而提高石油产量。

    Iran has warned Saudi Arabia and other members of the OPEC cartel not to increase their oil production to make up any shortfall created by Western sanctions against Tehran .

  21. 伊朗南部Kerman省天疱疮患者存活率和风险函数测定

    Determination of survival and hazard functions for pemphigus patients in Kerman , a southern province of Iran

  22. 伊朗萨汉德电厂325MW空冷机组FCB试验

    The Fast Cut Back Test at 325 MW Air Cooled Unit in Iran Sahand Power Plant

  23. 伊朗ARAK电站4×325MW机组的小岛运行试验

    Trial Operation on House Load of ARAK ( Iran ) Power Plant 's 4 × 325MW Units

  24. 这份文件显示,与中兴有关的另两家实体——北京八星(Beijing8-Star)和中兴伊朗(ZTEParsian)——并未被撤下制裁名单。根据美国商务部的说法,这两家实体也涉及把美国技术转口给伊朗。

    Beijing 8-Star and ZTE Parsian , two other entities connected to ZTE that according to the department of commerce were implicated in the re-exporting of US technology to Iran , are not to be taken off the sanctions list , the document said .

  25. 昨日很多人穿着绿色的衣服,象征着伊朗对立派对行动及对立派领导人Mir-HosseinMousavi。

    Many people wore green yesterday , as symbolizing Iran 's opposition movement and the opposition candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi .

  26. 美国阿富汗和巴基斯坦问题特使理查德霍尔布鲁克(RichardHolbrooke)在布鲁塞尔对北约大使们表示,要解决阿、巴两国的问题,必须与伊朗和中国等邻国展开协作。

    Richard Holbrooke , US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan , told Nato ambassadors in Brussels that both countries ' problems had to be tackled by working with neighbouring nations including Iran and China .

  27. 泄露的文件显示,英美情报机构针对的目标可能是阿富汗、伊朗和也门等地区运营商使用的SIM卡,这些局势紧张地区在2010年时主要使用的仍然是2GSIM卡。

    American and British intelligence agencies are suspected of targeting SIM cards used by carriers in hot spots like Afghanistan , Iran and Yemen , which still mainly used 2G SIM cards in 2010 , according to the leaked documents .

  28. 优化模型得出了NMP精制伊朗润滑油馏分的最佳工艺操作条件:NMP中水体积分数0.34%(接近纯NMP),溶剂质量比1.62,抽提温度65.3℃。

    The optimal operations have been obtained by the model optimization : nearly pure NMP ( water content is 0.34 % ) , solvent mass ratio is 1 . 62 and the extraction temperature is 65.3 ℃ .

  29. 但G20之所以奏效,仅仅是因为它将自己局限于国际经济合作等相对无关性命的问题。如果它有一天偏离正题,触及伊朗之类的问题,那些常常令安理会陷入僵局的分歧便必然会再次出现。

    But the G20 works only because it has confined itself to relatively bloodless issues of international economic co-ordination . If it were ever to stray on to questions like Iran , then the divisions that too often cripple the Security Council would simply reappear .

  30. 伊朗ARAK(4×325MW)电厂,选用了东方汽轮机厂生产的汽轮机。

    The turbines manufactured by the Dongfang Turbine Manufacture have been used in ARAK Power Plant ( 4 × 325 MW ) in Iran .