
  • 网络ionian;Ionia;Ion-ia
  1. 1850年6月27日,日本作家小泉八云出生于希腊伊奥尼亚群岛中的勒夫卡斯岛。

    Japanese author Patrick Lafcadio Hearn was born on June 27 in Lefkada , one of the Greek Ionian Islands .

  2. 踯躅在伊奥尼亚颀长的柱廊下,仰望轮廓鲜明的天涯,身旁灿烂的雕塑反映着自己的美化的风姿,周围的人们在庄严地游行,或者温柔地走动,唱着和谐的清歌,踏着律动的舞步;——

    Walking under lofty Ionic colonnades , looking up toward a horizon that was cut off by pure and noble lines , finding reflections of his transfigured shape in the shining marble at his side , and all around him solemnly striding or delicately moving human beings ,