
  • 网络isfahan;esfahan;ISPAHAN
  1. 我们看到,这位统治者不仅在伊斯法罕(Isfahan)建造了伟大的清真寺,他还建造了一座亚美尼亚大教堂。同时他还让基督教的组织来波斯做事。

    We have this ruler who not only builds the great mosques of Isfahan but also an Armenian cathedral , and who brings Christian foundations to work in Persia .

  2. 而伊斯兰建筑艺术在伊斯法罕和伊斯坦布尔到达了后期的顶峰。

    Islamic architecture reached a late peak in Isfahan and Istanbul .

  3. 此报告由siemens公司于1992年编制,重点介绍公司有关德黑兰-库姆-伊斯法罕铁路的车辆、信号、通信和电气化的技术方案。

    In this report which was prepared in1992by Siemens co. , technical proposal of this company regarding rolling stock , signaling and communication and electrification of tehran-qom-esfehan railway line were recommended .

  4. 这里就象我们在伊斯法罕的花园。

    It is like our garden in lsfahan .

  5. 伊斯法罕是联合国教科文组织,世界遗产地区。

    Isfahan is a UNESCO World Heritage site .

  6. 检查将在伊斯法罕省的沙赫雷扎附近和德黑兰附近进行。

    The inspections will be made near Shahreza in Isfahan Province and near Tehran .

  7. 仅在线路的任意一端考虑一个车辆段,例如德黑兰或伊斯法罕。

    Only one depot should be considered at either end of the line.i.e.tehran or isfahan .

  8. 期间还传来了国际物理奥林匹克委员会主席在伊斯法罕去世的消息。

    And there was news of the death in Isfahan of the president of the International Physics Olympiad .

  9. 当人们谈到顶级的波斯地毯时,伊斯法罕和喀桑这两个地名往往是连在一起的。

    When one speaks of top quality Persian carpets , the names of Isfahan and Kashan are often linked .

  10. 阿亚图拉塔莱加尼是伊斯法罕市星期五祈祷讲道的主要讲演者,伊斯法罕是伊朗最大的城市之一。

    Ayatollah Taleghani was a regular voice at Friday prayer sermons in Isfahan , one of Iran 's largest cities .

  11. 伊斯法罕:这是我最难忘的还是想再去的城市。

    Esfahan : this is the city I love most in Iran , and want to visit again and again .

  12. 在项目沿线的德黑兰、库姆与伊斯法罕客运站大楼内设置电气与机械控制系统。

    The electrical and mechanical control system is set in tehran , qom , Esfahan passenger station buildings along the line of this project .

  13. 阿拔斯一世在位时期(1588~1629)是萨非王朝的颠峰时期,首都伊斯法罕成为萨非建筑成就的中心。

    Abbs I ( r.1588-1629 ) brought the dynasty to its peak ; his capital , Efahn , was the centre of Safavid architectural achievement .

  14. 为期十天的奥林匹克大赛在古城伊斯法罕举行。比赛形式分笔试,实验室实验和讨论会。

    The ten-day Olympiad took place in the ancient city of Isfahan . There were written examinations and laboratory experiments as well as discussion meetings .

  15. 由沙阿·阿拔斯赠送的一套衣服就像伊斯法罕贵族的一套礼仪制服,缠在头上的头巾比头大很多。

    His outfit , a gift from Shah Abbas , was like an Isfahan grandee 's ceremonial uniform , topped by a turban bigger than his head .

  16. 我的一位英国朋友说,多年前在伊朗伊斯法罕的街上,一名留着胡须的学生走到他面前问道:你来自英国?

    A British friend of mine reports a bearded student approaching him on the street in Isfahan , Iran , years ago and asking : You are from England ?

  17. 伊斯法罕健康心脏计划在两个干预城市(伊斯法罕和纳贾夫阿巴德)和一个对照区(阿拉克)进行社区试验。

    Within the framework of the Isfahan Healthy Heart Program , a community trial was conducted in two intervention counties ( Isfahan and Najaf-Abad ) and a control area ( Arak ) .