
  • 网络tbilisi;Tiflis;Georgia Tbilisi
  1. 第比利斯的房地产价格无法与西方资本主义国家或者是莫斯科的房价相比。

    Prices for real estate in Tbilisi cannot stand comparison with Western capitals or indeed Moscow .

  2. 以上是BBC新闻的瑞汉·德米雷从第比利斯带来的报道。

    The BBC 's Rayhan Demytrie in Tbilisi .

  3. 据BBC新闻的瑞汉·德米雷从第比利斯带来的报道,即将卸任的总统所在政党的候选人承认失败。

    From Tbilisi , the BBC 's Rayhan Demytrie reports the candidate for the party of the outgoing president is admitting defeat .

  4. 关注能带来不同的一个例证是,美国对巴库-第比利斯-杰伊汉(baku-tblisi-ceyhan)输油线路的支持。

    An example of the difference engagement can make is the support the US administration gave to the baku-tblisi-ceyhan pipeline .

  5. 据当地的新闻报道透露,至少有三名动物园的工作人员死亡。该报道援引第比利斯市长达维特·纳玛尼亚(DavitNarmania)报道称,至少有八人死亡,10多人失踪,而搜救工作还在继续进行中。

    At least three zoo workers were dead , according to local press reports , which quoted the mayor , Davit Narmania , as saying that at least eight people had been killed and that search and rescue operations were continuing for about 10 more missing .

  6. 美国副总统切尼预计下星期访问第比利斯。

    Vice President Dick Cheney is expected to arrive next week .

  7. 第比利斯文化间对话促进和平与容忍国际中心

    Tbilisi International Centre for Dialogue between Cultures for Peace and Tolerance

  8. 第比利斯最大的旅馆的大厅简直成了联合国的会议厅。

    The lobby of Tbilisi'smain hotel resembled a United Nations conference .

  9. 为此,莫斯科和第比利斯于2008年还发生过一场短期战争。

    Moscow and Tbilisi fought a brief war over them in2008 .

  10. 提倡和平与容忍、支持文化间对话第比利斯呼吁

    Tbilisi appeal for peace and tolerance , for a dialogue of cultures

  11. 诺盖德里补充说,只在第比利斯实行国家紧急状态。

    The state of emergency was decreed only in Tbilisi , Nogaideli added .

  12. 第比利斯苏联欧洲部分东南部一城市,位于库拉河边巴库西北偏西。

    A city of southeast European U.S.S.R.on the Kura River west-northwest of Baku .

  13. 我们可以听到现在第比利斯的街上着庆祝的声音。

    We can already hear a sense of celebration here in the streets of Tbilisi .

  14. 这个欧盟外交小组目前将到第比利斯把这个停火计划呈交给格鲁吉亚总统萨卡什维利。

    The EU diplomatic team now presents the cease-fire plan to Georgian President Saakashvili in Tbilisi .

  15. 第比利斯居民已收到警示,在出逃动物被全部抓回来之前不要出门。

    Tbilisi residents were warned to stay indoors while the zoo animals were still on the loose .

  16. 第比利斯(格鲁吉亚首都),一名格鲁吉亚小贩在街头市场贩卖传统新年晚餐需要的乳猪。

    Georgian vendor sells suckling-pigs for the traditional New Year meal at a street market in Tbilisi on Dec.29,2009 .

  17. 格鲁吉亚执意分离的南奥塞梯地区选民以压倒多数投票支持从第比利斯独立出来。

    Voters in Georgia 's breakaway region of South Ossetia have overwhelmingly voted in favor of independence from Tbilisi .

  18. 第比利斯也可以此为理由,堂而皇之地要求购买以色列和美国的最新军备。

    Tbilisi may also this be a reason , requests to purchase Israeli and US 's newest armament splendidly .

  19. 位于格鲁吉亚共和国首都第比利斯内的国会大厦在12月6日装饰着圣诞树和装饰物。

    The parliament building is decorated with a Christmas tree and decorations in Tbilisi , Georgia , on Dec.6 .

  20. 格鲁吉亚警察在第比利斯中心的议会大厦扣留南奥塞梯难民。

    Georgian policemen detain refugees from South Ossetia outside the parliament building in central Tbilisi , Georgia 's capital .

  21. 土耳其总理访问了莫斯科和第比利斯,极力维护和平。

    With the Turkish prime minister visiting Moscow and Tbilisi , Ankara is now working hard to secure peace .

  22. 他们计划从第比利斯前往莫斯科,会见俄罗斯外交部长拉夫罗夫。

    They were scheduled to travel on from Tbilisi to Moscow to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov .

  23. 第比利斯智库主任亚历山大·兰德里表示反同性恋暴力事件的后果是积极的。

    Alexander Rondeli , a Tbilisi think tank director , said the aftermath of the anti-gay violence is positive .

  24. 在格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯,8月8号战争纪念日来临之际,格鲁吉亚人再一次愤怒的讨论著。

    In Tbilisi , Georgia 's capital , debate rages again among Georgians as the August 8th war anniversary approaches .

  25. 正是由于5月在格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯营地附近的坦克营发生叛变的详情还不清楚。

    PRECIS LY what happened behind the barrack gates of a Georgian tank battalion near Tbilisi on May5th is unclear .

  26. 美国国务院发言人麦科马克拒绝直接描述俄罗斯的举动,但是强调说,美国支持第比利斯政府。

    State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack declined to directly characterize the Russian action but stressed U.S. backing for the Tbilisi government .

  27. 在格鲁吉亚的第比利斯,当地居民听着优美的歌声,观看传统的舞蹈,品尝着新鲜的珍藏美酒,庆祝建城日。

    And in Tbilisi Georgia residents celebrate City Day by drinking freshly prized wine , listening to music and watching folk dancing .

  28. 库什内是在和芬兰外长斯图贝前往第比利斯会晤格鲁吉亚总统之前发表上述讲话的。

    Kouchner was speaking just before heading to Tbilisi with his Finnish counterpart Alexander Stubb for a meeting with the Georgian president .

  29. 昨天,赖斯在格鲁吉亚首府第比利斯转达了美国对格鲁吉亚民选政府的支持。

    Yesterday , she was in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi , where she conveyed America 's support for Georgia 's democratic government .

  30. 格鲁吉亚指控俄罗斯在签署停火协议几个小时之前炸毁了格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯以西的一条主要铁路桥,诺戈维岑对此予以否认。

    He denied Georgia 's allegations that Russia bombed a key railway bridge west of the capital Tbilisi hours before Moscow signed the cease-fire agreement .