
  • 网络the first philosophy
  1. 作为第一哲学的实践哲学及其实践概念

    Philosophy of Praxis as the First Philosophy and Its Praxis Definition

  2. 它还批驳了第一哲学优于自然科学的主张。

    It also contests the claim that first philosophy is prior to natural science .

  3. 本体论曾被称为第一哲学,它饱含着浓厚的人文关怀。

    Ontology was once called " the first philosophy " . It contained deep humane concern .

  4. 医院在沟通内部关系时要注意员工第一哲学的构建。

    For internal relations , the principle of " personnel first " must be put at first place .

  5. 伦理学作为第一哲学如何可能?&试析勒维纳斯的伦理思想及其对存在暴力的批判

    How Ethics as First Philosophy Is Possible & On Levinas ' Thoughts of Ethical and Critique of Violence of Being

  6. 因此,作为第一哲学的实践哲学必须超越亚里士多德,而不是回到亚里士多德。

    Therefore , philosophy of praxis as the first philosophy can not return to Aristotle , but must goes beyond him .

  7. 这样,伦理学在勒维纳斯那里就成了第一哲学,而非奠基在存在论之上的一个哲学分支。

    Thus in Levinas 's thoughts , ethics has become the first philosophy rather than a subordinate philosophy founded on the ontology .

  8. 心灵哲学是当代西方哲学家关注的重心和热点之一,塞尔称之为第一哲学。常识人的概念图式是普通大众在描述、解释和预言人时所使用的概念框架,它代表着常识的入学观。

    Philosophy of mind is one of the focuses western philosophers concerned , John Searle calls it " the first philosophy " .

  9. 要确立实践哲学作为第一哲学的地位,首先要明确规定实践概念的哲学含义。

    In order to establish the status of philosophy of praxis as the first philosophy , we have to determine " praxis " philosophically .

  10. 与古代认识论相比较,作为第一哲学的认识论体现了哲学自身的现代性;

    Second , in contrast with theoretical reflections on human knowledge in ancient times , the modernity of epistemology as first philosophy is highlighted .

  11. 在传统西方哲学中,存在问题一直被当作是首要的和基本的问题,因此存在论也被视为是哲学中的基础部分甚至是第一哲学;

    In traditional western philosophy , the problem of Being is always regarded as being primary and fundamental , and therefore ontology is also regarded as the first philosophy .

  12. 莱维纳斯强调他者的绝对性,认为与他者关系的伦理学先于本体论,是第一哲学。

    On the contrary , Levinas stresses the absoluteness of the Other , and regards the ethics , which relates to the Other , as first philosophy prior to ontology .

  13. 第三,建构先验语用学,使之成为第一哲学的第三范式,为西方哲学走出困境而设计蓝图。

    Third , to establish transcendental pragmatics and make it the third paradigm of the first philosophy , in order to design a blueprint for western philosophy to extricate itself from a difficult position .

  14. 这个论题起码包括如下三个方面:1、17世纪的科学革命是作为第一哲学的认识论兴起的现代性背景;

    It focuses on the following three aspects . First , the scientific revolution in the 17th century constituted an immediate background for the rise of epistemology as the first philosophy in modern times .

  15. 罗蒂认为,传统西方哲学是一种以认识论为中心的镜式哲学,这一哲学的经典模式是柏拉图的理念论笛卡尔的第一哲学原理康德的先验哲学。

    According to Rorty 's point , traditional western philosophy focuses on epistemology , consider philosophy as a mirror of nature . Its classical pattern is Plato 's Theory of Idea , Rene Descartes ' Les Meditations Met physiques and Kant 's Transcendental Philosophy .

  16. 人们往往认为存在问题是第一哲学的内容、辩证法是哲学的秘密,哲学与修辞无关,对修辞应该加以排斥。

    People often regard Being as the content of the metaphysics , and dialectic as the secret of the philosophy , the philosophy has nothing to do with the rhetoric , and the relationship between the philosophy and the rhetoric should be mutually exclusive .

  17. 它是围绕着最高DSCP标记是服务第一的哲学建立的。

    It is built around the philosophy that highest DSCP marking is served first .

  18. 第一章哲学诠释学与法律诠释学。

    The first chapter is Philosophical Hermeneutics and legal Hermeneutics .

  19. 第一、哲学全书排斥只是零碎的知识的聚集,例如,文字学似属于此类的知识。

    An encyclopaedia of philosophy excludes three kinds of partial science . I.

  20. 哈维尔是个早慧的孩子,13岁就写出了自己第一本哲学书。

    He was precocious , writing his first philosophical book at 13 .

  21. 导论课程的关键就是第一节哲学课。

    The crucial point about intro is it means first class in philosophy .

  22. 马克思本人创立的第一个哲学形态是经济哲学。

    The first philosophy that was established by Marx is the economy philosophy .

  23. 高校教师授课的满意度以学生评价为第一的哲学思考

    Reflections on Students ' Satisfaction Assessment of Teaching

  24. 第一个哲学思潮是以分析哲学为代表的现代语言哲学。

    Philosophy is the first representative of modern analytic philosophy , philosophy of language for the .

  25. 所以,这第一个哲学问题便立刻引起神与人之间痛苦的、不可调和的矛盾,

    Thus this original philosophical problem poses at once an insoluble conflict between men and the gods ,

  26. 中国传统哲学是一种泛哲学。泛哲学的含义有三:第一,哲学思维是直觉感应式的,带有明显的集体无意识特征;

    The traditional Chinese philosophy is a kind of general philosophy with three connotations , firstly , philosophical thought is an intuitive response with a obvious feature of collective non-consciousness ;

  27. 第一章哲学与科学之争,首先回顾了哲学对科学反抗的历史,然后揭示了这种反抗背后的二元论根源。

    In chapter one , discrepancy between philosophy and science , we retrospect the history that philosophy fights against science firstly , and then disclose the original of dualism from this resistance .

  28. 第一,哲学上的人本主义与自然主义的对立引发了文学史上的古典主义与浪漫主义的并峙,以《诗学》为代表的亚里士多德的古典主义美学是正统的理论;

    Firstly , the contrast of humanism and naturalism in philosophy has brought forth the contrast of classicism and romanticism in literature and the classical aesthetics represented by Aristotle 's Rhetoric and Poetics is the orthodox .

  29. 基于这个经验,就生产组织与实施中,如何坚持以人为本的原则,树立安全第一的哲学观、预防为主的科学观,建立长效机制,扎扎实实地搞好基层单位的安全生产管理工作等问题进行了探

    Based on the experience , how to persist in holding man up as a root , to build up philosophic viewpoint of Safety First , and scientific viewpoint of Prevention First in production organization and implement , to carry out well safety production management of substrate unit are discussed

  30. 第一,法哲学概念的解读。

    Firstly , read and explain all kinds of the concepts of philosophy of law .