
  • 网络Dingcun Site
  1. 丁村遗址群发现的新材料

    New Paleolithic materials from the Dingcun site

  2. 山西下川遗址和丁村遗址群7701地点均发现旧石器时代晚期的典型细石器。到旧石器时代晚期,同时存在细石器技术传统的产品。

    The typical microlithic remains were unearthed from the Xiachuan site and Loc . 7701 of the Dingcun site . The microlithic tool tradition appeared in the late paleolithic period .

  3. 丁村遗址是我国最重要的旧石器文化遗址之一,遗址位于山西襄汾县丁村附近的汾河两岸。

    Dingcun Paleolithic artifacts are one of the most important Paleolithic artifacts in China . The Dingcun site located by the Fen River in Xiangfen City , Shanxi .

  4. 丁村文化遗址发掘经过

    Process of Excavating Site of Ding Cun Village Culture

  5. 丁村旧石器遗址群的黄土地层研究

    Study on the loess-paleosol sequence of the Dingcun Paleolithic sites