
  • 网络Crimean peninsula;Crimean;the Crimea;Crimea peninsula
  1. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·克莱门报道,美国将推动另一项外交努力,试图避免俄罗斯吞并乌克兰的克里米亚半岛。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports US is also making another diplomatic push , trying preventing Russian possible annexation of Ukraine 's Crimean Peninsula .

  2. 上周六,俄罗斯首次在克里米亚半岛以外部署军队,进入乌克兰大陆,占领了乌克兰赫尔松(Kherson)地区的一处天然气配送站,以防止克里米亚半岛的天然气供应被切断。

    Russia landed troops outside the Crimean peninsula and onto the Ukrainian mainland for the first time on Saturday , seizing a natural gas distribution station in Ukraine 's Kherson region to prevent a cutoff of gas to the peninsula .

  3. 据NPR新闻的埃莉诺·比尔兹利报道,基辅政府决定将军队撤出混乱的克里米亚半岛。

    NPR 's Eleanor Beardsley reports the Kiev government has decided to pull all of its troops out of the chaotic peninsula .

  4. 所有这些,都适用于克里米亚半岛战争。

    All of these things apply to the Crimean War .

  5. 现在俄罗斯已经合并了克里米亚半岛。

    Now that Russia has annexed the penisular .

  6. 美国将在乌克兰的克里米亚半岛区域建立外交任务。

    The United State will set up a diplomatic mission in Ukraine 's Crimean region .

  7. 克里米亚半岛加入俄罗斯,克里米亚人燃放烟花庆祝这个消息,但是同时也有人担心。

    Russia has annexed the Crimean Peninsula , the news was met with fireworks and fears in Crimea .

  8. 俄罗斯紧接着就吞并了乌克兰的黑海克里米亚半岛,一场亲俄的反抗席卷了乌克兰东部。

    Russia then annexed Ukraine 's Black Sea Crimean Peninsula , and a pro-Russia mutiny has engulfed eastern Ukraine .

  9. 乌克兰战略要塞克里米亚半岛的居民正在进行一项投票,以此来决定半岛实行高度自治还是加入俄罗斯。

    Residents of Ukraine 's strategic Crimean Peninsula are voting whether to demand greater autonomy or seek to join Russia .

  10. 克里米亚半岛约四分之三的天然气需求靠自己解决,这要得益于兴盛的海上油气开采活动。

    The peninsula satisfies about three quarters of its natural-gas demands from its own sources , thanks to booming offshore production .

  11. 北约秘书长安诺斯·福格·拉斯穆森表示,俄罗斯控制乌克兰克里米亚半岛的行为违反了国际法。

    NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen says Russia is breaking international law with its effective takeover of Ukraine 's Crimea Peninsula .

  12. 一八五三年俄国犯土耳其,引起克里米亚半岛战争,英、法、土耳其联盟抗俄。

    Russian aggression against Turkey in1853 led to the Crimean War between Russia and an alliance of Britain , France and Turkey .

  13. 干燥、大风肆虐的克里米亚半岛资源稀少,无法提供该地区作为度假胜地和港口所必需的资源。

    The dry , windswept peninsula has few of the resources to support the fabled resorts and ports for which it is valued .

  14. 他对变化是最有抵抗性在军队上和一般使负责任对它的停滞在克里米亚半岛和布尔战争之间。

    He was most resistant to change in the Army and is generally held responsible for its stagnation between the Crimean and Boer Wars .

  15. 昨天乌克兰方面继续否认是他们发射的导弹导致飞机坠毁,与此同时他们10年来最近一次军事演习仍在克里米亚半岛进行。

    Ukraine continued to deny that a missile was responsible yesterday as its military exercises , the largest in10 years , continued in Crimea .

  16. 数百名支持乌克兰当局的抗议者聚集在克里米亚半岛,他们对脱离乌克兰并加入俄罗斯的地方议会举行的公民投票表示抗议。

    Hundreds of pro-Ukrainian demonstrators gathered in Crimea to protest against a referendum planned by the regional parliament to leave the Ukraine and join Russia .

  17. 周五,乌克兰和俄罗斯的危机继续加深,乌克兰指控俄罗斯对其战略要地克里米亚半岛进行军事入侵和占领。

    The crisis between Ukraine and Russia deepened Friday , with Ukraine accusing Russia of a military invasion and occupation in the strategic Crimea Peninsula .

  18. 美国联邦航空管理局警告美国航空公司避免飞越克里米亚半岛和及其临近空域,原因是该地区局势紧张。

    The Federal Aviation Administration had warned airlines in the US to avoid flying over the Crimean Peninsula and adjacencies because of tensions over the region .

  19. 克里米亚半岛各地都有准军事力量,包括电信通信枢纽、国家电视大楼以及当地议会。

    Across the peninsula , there are paramilitary forces in place at the telecommunication hub , at the state television building , and at the local Parliament .

  20. 现在,美国和欧盟支持统一的乌克兰而俄罗斯支持克里米亚半岛的分裂,这个国家的政治前景仍不明朗。

    Now , with the U.S. and European Union supporting a unified Ukraine and Russia supporting Crimea 's secession , the country 's political future is unclear .

  21. 俄罗斯本次的军事演习会持续几周时间,这期间俄罗斯还会庆祝兼并乌克兰克里米亚半岛纪念日。

    The military exercises are due to last for much of the week , during which Russia will celebrate the anniversary of its annexation of Ukraine 's Crimea peninsula .

  22. 克里要求俄罗斯保证国际观察员的安全,并援引联合国特使的克里米亚半岛之行被武装人员强行打断。

    Kerry called on Russia to ensure the safety of international observers , citing the U.N. special envoy 's visit to Crimea that was cut short by armed men .

  23. 此行旨在对乌克兰新领导集体在处理俄罗斯军队占领乌克兰东南部克里米亚半岛问题上的行动表示支持。

    The visit is a show of support for Ukraine 's new leadership as it deals with a Russian military takeover of Crimea in the southeastern part of the country .

  24. 按照美国的说法,我们假设俄罗斯军队上周末来到乌克兰的这一地区并控制了克里米亚半岛。

    and it 's where what we assume to be Russian troops came in the Ukraine over the weekend and took control of the Crimean peninsula , according to the U.S.

  25. 欧盟可能最快将于周一宣布准备对俄罗斯实施的制裁措施,以回应俄罗斯入侵乌克兰克里米亚半岛的事件。

    The European Union could announce as soon as Monday what sanctions might be prepared to impose against Russia in connection with the country 's incursion in Ukraine 's Crimea Peninsula .

  26. 最大的一笔交易与中国企业家王靖有关,他签署了价值30亿美元的协议,投资克里米亚半岛一个深水港建设项目的一期。

    The largest was with Wang Jing , a Chinese entrepreneur , who signed a $ 3bn agreement for the first phase of a deep water port construction project in the Crimean peninsula .

  27. 克里米亚半岛可能因其黑海海岸美丽的海滩和海军港口而被世界熟知,但这个地区的主要工业则是食品生产,包括具有悠久历史传统的的酿酒业。

    The Crimean peninsula may be best known for its Black Sea coast with beautiful beaches and naval ports , but the region 's main industry is food production , including a centuries-old tradition of wine making .

  28. 莫斯科极力游说,反对延长制裁。去年三月,俄罗斯吞并克里米亚半岛,并向乌克兰东部的分裂势力提供支持,欧盟对俄罗斯实行了经济制裁,美国也采取了类似措施。

    Moscow lobbied hard against a renewal of the sanctions , imposed last year in tandem with similar measures by the United States after Russia annexed Crimea in March and then provided support to separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine .

  29. 在格鲁吉亚最近发生的冲突当中,乌克兰总统尤先科决定禁止在格鲁吉亚海岸附近执行任务的俄罗斯黑海舰队在未经乌克兰官方允许的情况下返回位于乌克兰克里米亚半岛的港口。

    During the conflict in Georgia , Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko prohibited ships from the Russian Black Sea Fleet that are engaged off the Georgian coast from returning to port on Ukraine 's Crimean peninsula without Kyiv 's official permission .

  30. 切索尼斯城于公元前300年至公元前200年之间被发现,虽然它坐落在现代乌克兰克里米亚半岛的西南部,但切索尼斯实际上是一座古希腊的旧城池。然而,就像当前的乌克兰一样,它曾经也并不是一个太平的地方。

    Though it is located in modern-day Ukraine , southwest of the Crimean Peninsula , Chersoneos is actually an ancient Greek site , founded between 300 and 200 B.C. However , much like Ukraine currently , it was not a peaceful site .