
  • 网络Modern logic;modem logic
  1. 传统逻辑不仅面临来自现代逻辑的挑战,同时也面临来自其自身的挑战。

    Traditional logic is facing challenges of both modern logic and itself .

  2. 现代逻辑对文学的渗透

    The Penetrating Influence of Modern Logic Upon Literature

  3. 那么,现代逻辑如何看待亚式模态三段论的化归呢?

    Then , how contemporary logic looks upon the reduction of Aristotelian modal syllogism ?

  4. 现代逻辑语义学中的真之概念

    The Concept of Truth in Modern Logical Semantics

  5. 这种做法实际上仍然是拒绝现代逻辑:它肢解了现代逻辑的知识体系,歪曲了现代逻辑的基本精神。

    This tradition has dismembered the theoretical system of modern logic and distorted its spirit .

  6. 本论文的主要目的是介绍类比的一些发展动态。即在现代逻辑的发展中对类比研究的一些成果。

    The main purpose of this thesis is to recommend the analogy to develop trends .

  7. 一阶谓词逻辑是现代逻辑中最为经典的演算系统。

    Predicate logic of first order is the most classical calculation system in modern logic .

  8. 论现代逻辑的应用

    On the Application of Modern Logic

  9. 现代逻辑的发展过程中,对类比的研究也运用了许多方法。

    In the modern logic evolution , the study on analogy has used a lot of methods .

  10. 现代逻辑学科的发散性思考

    Divergent Consideration of Modern Logic

  11. 金岳霖的逻辑思想主要体现在他的传统逻辑和现代逻辑的思想之中。

    Jin Yue Lin 's logical thoughts is mainly reflected in his traditional and modern logical thoughts .

  12. 弗雷格打破了传统逻辑的体系结构,建立了现代逻辑研究体系,开创了对现代逻辑的研究。

    He has broken the traditional logic system structure , and established the modern logic research system .

  13. 现代逻辑中的哲学问题

    Philosophic Problems in Modern Logic

  14. 现代逻辑在悖论研究中得到了具体应用,悖论问题研究促进了现代逻辑的深入发展。

    Modern logic is a specific application of the paradox re - search and developed by it .

  15. 其次,分析了罗素、怀特海和卡尔纳普的定义理论,讨论了现代逻辑在定义理论方面的新贡献,据此总结出现代定义理论的四个特点。

    Then the modern theories of definition contributed mainly by Russell , White head and Carnap are discussed .

  16. 现代逻辑产生以来,名称问题上的学术论争集中在描述理论和因果理论之间。

    Disputes about names since modern logic are between Descriptivist Theory of Names and Causal theory of Names .

  17. 他的突破在于用现代逻辑的方法来解决传统的哲学问题。

    But Wittgenstein used some ways of modern logic to solve these problems and received his new opinions .

  18. 如何对待传统逻辑与现代逻辑&兼谈逻辑学教学体系的构建

    Traditional Logic and Modern Logic : A Concurrent Analysis of the Construction of Teaching System of Logic Course

  19. 名称理论是现代逻辑、逻辑哲学以及语言哲学等领域研究的核心问题之一。

    Name theory is one of the core problems of modern logic , logic philosophy and philosophy of language .

  20. 什么是“命题”?对这个问题传统逻辑和现代逻辑有不同的回答。

    What is the proposition ? With regard to this problem , Traditional Logic and Modern Logic have different answers .

  21. 并且,随着现代逻辑的发展,对“命题”的内涵有一些新的理解。

    Moreover , with the development of Modern Logic , there are some new points of views about this topic .

  22. 现代逻辑通过纯形式化和一致性、完备性的推演规则,实现了逻辑真。

    Modern logic is to achieve a ' logical truth ' by pure formalization and consistent completeness of the deduction rules .

  23. 他是现代逻辑的创始人和奠基人,同时也是公认的语言哲学和分析哲学的奠基人。

    He is the founder of modern logic and also an acknowledged founder of the language philosophy and the analytical philosophy .

  24. 十九世纪以来,随着逻辑学科的发展,现代逻辑的方法成为分析法律的新工具。

    Modern logic methods has become the new tools of analyzing laws with thedevelopment of logic science since the 19th century .

  25. 语言逻辑是一门新兴的学科,是现代逻辑与现代语言学发展结合的产物。

    The logic of language is a new branch of learning , which is an integration of modern logic and modern linguistics .

  26. 弗雷格是现代逻辑的鼻祖,也被公认为分析哲学和语言哲学的创始人。

    Gottlob Frege is the modern logic first ancestor , also is recognized for is analyzes the philosophy and the language philosophy founder .

  27. 他的许多构造既复杂又巧妙,如果没有对现代逻辑的娴熟的运用,这些构造基本上是作不出来的。

    Many of his constructions are complex and ingenious and few of them could have been achieved without high proficiency in modern logic .

  28. 亚氏模态三段论自成系统,可以尝试从现代逻辑的联合演算观[2~3]出发构筑这一系统①。

    Aristotelian Model Syllogism has a system of its own , which can be constructed by the views of joint calculus of modern logic .

  29. 离开了对现代逻辑技术的充分挖掘和利用,要实现这个出自纯粹哲学动机的方案是不可能的。

    In such a program , whose motivation is purely philosophical , techniques of modern logic would have to be exploited to the utmost .

  30. 弗雷格的《概念文字:一种模仿算术语言构造的纯思维的形式语言》可谓现代逻辑的开山之作。

    G.Frege 's Begriffsschrift , a Formalized Language of Pure Thought Modelled upon the Language of Arithmetic is well-known as a foundation stone in modern logic .