
yǔ yì xué
  • semantics
语义学 [yǔ yì xué]
  • [semantics] 研究词语含义及演变的语言学分支学科

语义学[yǔ yì xué]
  1. 一般来说,语义学(semantics)研究的是意义。

    In general , semantics is the study of meaning .

  2. 这个问题起源于我们用可能世界语义学对dere模态的解释。

    This problem originated when we interpret de re modal with the possible worlds semantics .

  3. 英语等式句(equativesentence)与对等句(identicalsentence)是英语语义学中易混淆的一对重要概念。

    Equative Sentence and Identical Sentence are two easily confused concepts in English Semantics .

  4. 从语义学的角度观察,GIS系统为逻辑形式系统中的符号系统,而GIS语义可以理解为用GIS系统来表达的语义,即空间概念。

    Form the perspective of semantics , GIS is a symbolic system in the logistical formalism , and GIS semantics can be understood as spatial conception represented by the GIS .

  5. 本文的研究成果体现在:一、分析出LED灯具设计可传承的语义学符号,可遵循的基本语义学符号和创新性语义学符号;

    The research findings of this study reflect in : firstly , it has been analyzed the inheritable symbols of product semantics , symbols of basic semantics to follow and innovative semantics symbols ;

  6. 这样的UML元素应当仅仅用于记录文档或者澄清分类,并且应当对于所描述的解决方案的实际执行不具备重要的语义学意义。

    Such UML elements should be only for purposes of documentation or clarification and should have no semantic significance to the actual implementation of the solution being described .

  7. 进一步研究了积分语义学理论中的积分相似度、伪距离及近似推理理论,提出了改进的积分交推理规则,给出了公式集Γ的n次发散度的估计式;

    The calculus similar degree , pseudometric and approximating reasoning have been further studied and the improved calculus-meet reasoning rule and the estimation expression of n-order divergence for a set Γ of formulas have been proposed ;

  8. 作为对高程度英语学习者(advancedlearners)同义词学习情况的初探,本文会引起那些关注词汇语义学发展的教师们的兴趣。

    This paper reports on a preliminary study on advanced EFL learners ' synonym learning . It might be of special interest to teachers concerned with lexical semantics , and those who wish their students to gain lexical force .

  9. 无论从数学的角度还是从计算机程序指称语义学的角度而言,Domain理论研究的一个重要方面是尽可能地将连续格(domain)理论推广到更为一般的格序结构上去。

    From both the computer science side and the purely mathematical side , one of important aspects of domain theory is to carry as much as possible of the theory of continuous lattices ( domains ) to as general an ordered structure as possible .

  10. 首先,spock使用语义学技术、通过网络爬虫系统采集到的所有常用短语都会成为标签。

    First , all frequent phrases that Spock extracts using its semantic technology via its web crawler become tags .

  11. 尽管这一简短的总结为您提供了面向方面的程序设计(AOP)的基本语义学,但是要想全面理解这方面知识的话,我建议您参考相关的文章或者书籍。

    Although this brief summary gives you the basic semantics of AOP , for a thorough understanding I recommend you consult an article or book devoted to the subject .

  12. 本文继文献(1)之后,在合成逻辑这一数学基础上,再次探讨函数式程序设计(FP)语言的语义学。

    Following and being based on the mathematical foundation of the combinatory logic this paper discusses once more the semantics of the functional programming ( FP ) language .

  13. 论一体化医学语言系统(UMLS)知识表达的语义学特点

    Knowledge expression in the Unified Medical Language System ( UMLS ): on its semantic characteristics

  14. 通过对OCL表达式语义二种描述方法比较,可以看到OCL表达式语义学描述的关键是反映OCL表达式本质的语法描述。

    It can be concluded that the syntax description of OCL expression is the crucial factor in OCL semantics from the comparison between the two OCL semantics .

  15. 本文从Parsons的事件语义学出发对现代汉语中NP+在+处所+VP句式进行分析。

    This paper , based on Parsons ' event semantics , focuses on the analysis of the construction of " NP + zai + Locative + VP " in Chinese .

  16. 本文阐述了美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)的一体化医学语言系统语义网络的结构,重点探讨了该网络的语义学特点。

    Based on analyzing and introducing the semantic Network of UMLS Knowledge Sources , which is developed by NLM , the semantic character and structure of the Network are emphatically discussed in the paper .

  17. 传统语义学认为自然语言不适合进行形式分析,蒙太古(Montague)等人开创的形式语义学一反传统,提出英语也是形式语言。

    Traditional semantics believes that formal analysis was inapplicable to natural languages . However , Montague , the founder of Formal Semantics , insists that such analysis is possible as English is also a formal language .

  18. 结合现代语用学中的礼貌策略理论及语义学中关于语义类型及言语行为理论,从三个方面对GonewiththeWind一书中RhettButler这个人物形象的塑造进行分析,并指出其成功与不足之处。

    The successes and flaws as to the characterization of Rhett Butler in the book Gone with the Wind is analyzed and discussed form three aspects and with theories of " Politeness Policy " adapted form modem pragmatics and , theories on Semantic Types and Speech Act adapted form Semantics .

  19. 因此,情境语义学有着广阔的发展前景。

    Therefore , situation semantics has a broad prospect for development .

  20. 预设或前提是语义学与语用学中的一个很重要的概念。

    Presupposition is a very important concept in Semantics and Pragmatics .

  21. 任何争辩,只要争论的足够深,就会结束于语义学。

    Any argument carried far enough will end up in semantics .

  22. 卡尔纳普试图从语义学角度来定义因果必然性。

    Carnap tried to define causality from the angle of semantics .

  23. 语义学一般分为词汇语义学和句子语义学。

    Semantics is generally divided into lexical semantics and sentence semantics .

  24. 对该现象的讨论涉及到语义学上的问题。

    Complicating the discussion of this phenomenon are the semantics inoled .

  25. 论述知识组织的语义学基础、语法学基础和语用学基础。

    Discusses the semantics , syntax and pragmatics foundations of knowledge organization .

  26. 句义的研究是句子语义学的核心部分。

    The study of sentence meaning is the core of sentential semantics .

  27. “言语行为”是语用学和语义学的一个重要研究领域。

    Speech act theory is an important aspect of pragmatics and semantics .

  28. 因此,框架语义学对语义的理解有很大的意义。

    Therefore . Frame Semantics is of great significance in meaning understanding .

  29. 语义学与英语词汇教学方法探索

    Semantics and a Probe into Methods of Teaching English Vocabularies

  30. 语义学仅仅涉及话语的字面意思。

    Semantics deals with the literal meaning of an utterance .